Chapter 20

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Your back hit the subway wall behind you, Bakugo's hands tracking down your thighs, kneading your legs with hot fingers every touch leaving a faint glowing mark behind. He nipped feverishly at your neck, smudging the concealer you had over last nights marks, actively restraining to add more right there. 

"Katsuki, Bakugo." You gasped as his hand pulled the hem of your dress up, careful to hide you from view which was easy behind the concrete walls. "I didn't realize you were such the jealous type." Giggling you let him wrap a knee around his hip, giving him easier access to what he was really after. 

Bakugo held a cocky, half-lidded lustful gaze to yours as he ran his fingers through your folds feeling just how wet you were. He traced his palm over your clit heating his hand up to the point where only your clit was vibrating. 

"I didn't realize you were such a messy slut." He whispered back pushing his fingers deep inside you. Chills ran down your arms and you let out a small whimper of a moan. There was a squeak from your jacket as you slid down the wall, melting in the palm of his hand, Katsuki pressed his chest into you, pinning you to the wall. "You're practically dripping." He tsked in your ear. An erotic wave of embarrassment washed over you, painting your cheeks red. 

"You're gonna make me cum if you kee-"

"Nova? Bakugo?" 

Karsuki pulled back quickly pulling your dress down as you struggled to pull yourself from that horny daze. You haphazardly fixed yourself. Bakugo was leaning on the small wall across from you, appearing completely unphased. You on the otherhand, were a hot mess. 

"Hey guys, we're ready." Kaminari asked peeking around the corner. He gave you a sweet grin. "Man, Bakugo, I didn't realize you and Nova were so close. You acted almost like a big brother back there." He slipped his hand in yours passing a small boost of electricity. An awkward blush spread over your face when he flipped his hair back, giving you a playful wink. All while Bakugo walked on your other side in utter silence with his hands shoved deep in his jacket pockets, an annoyed tik in his jaw. 

For the rest of the walk you were sandwiched between an energetic Kaminari and a Tsundere Katsuki. Energy waves bounced off of their bodies pinging you between radical heat waves and random electrical sparks, all were microscopic to the eye yet intense as you absorbed the energy. 

Between the energy and the alcohol and weed you were faded, stuck in your own bubble. The higher you floated the more your body vibrated against itself, your clit quivering anytime you stepped too wide, exposing yourself to the naked air.

"I don't understand why we never travel by like limo or something." Kaminari wrapped his arm around you as you fell into step. He smelled like expensive cologne and weed but it was oddly comforting. 

"It'd be a lot more private," you agreed, "I definitely feel like we would be more aquainted with topless Mina if we went that route." You wrapped your arm around his waist. "Not that I mind, she has some perfect tig ol bitties." You covered your face with your hand turning into his chest, hiding your cheeky giggle, your cheeks forever red from the fluster inducing cocktail in your system. 

"You shouldn't do that, you know?" Kaminari gestured aimlessly towards your face. 

"Do what?" Your eyes grew wide, your face dropping with concern, you came to a bratty stop on the sidewalk, furrowing your brows at him. Katsuki stopped right beside you, acting as if he was disinterested in the conversation.

Kaminari chuckled, dipping his face low to yours, his blond hair causing a curtain between you and the group, who were all stopped on the sidewalk, watching. "You shouldn't ever hide your beautiful smile." He brought his hand to yours, pulling it down away from your face, sparkles crackling between your fingertips. 

His lip were so close to yours you could feel the static building in the air. Your quirk buzzed violently beneath your skin pulling you closer to the blond, bright sparks zipping between you. Your eyes almost fell shut as you inched closer and closer. You could feel Katsuki standing behind you, not saying anything, or stopping it... just watching closely. 

"Sorry! No. I can't." You pushed Kaminaro away, your eyes wide, the force of creating space knocking you into Bakugo, who let out a startled grunt. "I- um, that was my quirk. Like. Your energy levels are really high, I'm really cold." You turned away, hiding your face. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Kaminari!" You peeked through your fingers, revealing a stunned and blushing Denki. Sparks zipping along the edge of his bangs. 

"I-, it's okay, Nova." He gave you a small smile, rubbing the back of his neck. He stood their awkwardly for a second, not sure how to move. Kaminari wrapped his arm around you pulling you in for a hug. "It's no big deal," he hummed into your hair as you slowly wrapped your arms around him. Kaminari felt safe and warm. Hurting him would absolutely kill you... 

"I'm sorry, Kami." You mumbled, zips passing between you. "It's not-" 

"Come on, you two!" Katsuki growled with a heavy eyeroll. He nodded his head towards a restaurant within view.

"Right! Food." Kaminari kissed your forehead releasing the hug and running to collect his admiral bro five from Sero. 

Katsuki waited for you as everyone else moved on into the restaurant. His fingers gripped the end of your ponytail, lacing through and pulling your back against him. 

"Careful Hotshot, everyone knows I don't have a lot of patience." His low voice drilled chills into your spine. His lips tracing down your neck, the heat was a delicious warmth despite the lack of contact. "And you seem to be really good at acting up tonight."

"Does that mean you'll have to punish me?" You brushed your hips into him with a devilish smirk that only widened when he pulled your hair tighter. 

"You won't like my punishments, babe." He whispered back, pushing you forward so you would start walking. 

"Oh?" You hummed, swaying your hips back and forth as he followed behind, not making any effort to catch up. 

"You'll either be covered in cum as I fuck you until you can't feel those legs of yours,." He paused to open the door for you, "or, you'll be so desperate for me to let you cum, you'll be begging for me to forgive you for what you're going to make me fucking do." 

You paused making Katsuki run into you. His red eyes gazed down at you with intensity when you looked back. He looked... hungry. Nothing about his facial expression gave it away, but the look in his eyes... that look of absolute sexual ferocity... it made your clit quiver and your cheeks burn. 

"And what exactly is that?" 

Katsuki smirked, gripping the doorknob to your reserved private room. He leaned in slowly until his breath tickled your ear, his hand reached down tracing the soft skin just below the hem of your dress. His fingers dancing along your inner thigh. 

"For making me ask Kaminari to be the guy who eats your pretty pussy while I fuck you." 

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Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora