Chapter 8 : Nest

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"I don't understand what the issue is. If Bakugo likes you I think you should go for it. He might be a jerk but we both know that's just a front. A really good one." Mina propped her feet up on the arm of your sofa. 

"It's not that I think he's a bad guy..." you sighed. "I'm sure he isn't..." 

"...but... you're worried he'd end up like Todoroki." Mina finished the sentence you didn't wanna say. You sank deeper onto the other end of the sofa, covering up in a blanket. 

The door clicked open, Bakugo striding in, ignoring you and Mina sprawled across your living room couch, smoke billowing around as Mina waved her hands frantically, trying to suppress a cough. 

You were half asleep, struggling to maintain some level of awakeness, from where you laid you could see Bakugo setting a box on the kitchen penisula. 

"What the fuck." You whispered, pulling your blanket off and tiptoeing across the house. You had to stand on your toes to see in the box, your arm brushing his as he turned towards you letting you have a better look. 

Inside the box were several smaller boxes with tall black nickel plated heater towers. One look at it and you knew you couldn't afford this. 

"No." You looked up at the blond, blushing at how close you were standing. "You can't buy me this." 

"Shut up. It's for me remember, I don't want to deal with your bitchiness all the time." 

"Guess she'll just have to move in with Me!" Mina beamed running and jumping on the counter peering around the box and swinging her legs back and forth. "Don't worry Bakugo, I'll take her off your hands."

"Tch. I wouldn't with that on anyone." Bakugo huffed, reaching his arm into the box, his pecks pressing against your shoulder. He pulled out a small box stepping aside and immediately started opening it. He pulled out a shiny circular thermostat with a glass touch screen. 

"Oh Hell no." You bit. "How much did this whole thing cost?" 

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "I'm installing it whether you like it or not." 

"You're killing me dude, I am not comfortable with this at all." You turned to face the blond, his red eyes soft as he looked at you. The smallest smile graced his features as he turned back to the instructions for the device. 

"You'll be more comfortable at 2AM when you don't have to get up because it's too cold." He smirked. "I almost got 5 heaters but, I think 4 will be fine, I use 3 and my apartment is warm. This will help on your electric bill too, show the landlord you had this installed and he will discount you the money back by the end of your lease, if he gives you issues, tell him to call me." 

Mina watched quietly as Bakugo rattled off all of this information nonchalantly, as if this was normal for you. Like he had been taking care of you his whole life, ignoring every prideful protest. You were both focused on the tiny circle in his hands walking together down the hall as he continued to tell you the benefits of this thermostat.

"I need a screwdrive-." A smirk flashed on his face when you pulled a small screwdriver out from behind your back. "Tch. You don't want this my ass." 


Mina squealed, sending a photo to Jirou. Bakugo grinning down at you while you turned away with embarrassment. 

"Whatever, shut up." You bit back. "It was your stupid idea and I know better than to argue with you." 

"That's fucking right, short fuse." He squinted at the tiny screws, his focus split between holding the conversation and installing the thermostat. "I'm always right." 

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now