chapter 32

501 16 8

I lied! One more update as a thank you for helping Heat rank #82 in the Katsuki tag!!! Love you dears.

"I should go home and shower and change and take a nap maybe. I need to mentally prepare to do my hair and makeup and sit through a business meeting with the worlds sorest pussy lips." You chuckled, moving past Katsuki. He blocked your bath spinning you into his hallway wall, his arms locking you in. 

"You can do all of that here," he smirked down at your blushing figure, his lips hovering just centimenters away from yours. "Plus we could do other things." He hummed. 

"Katsuki Bakugo." Humming you slipped your index fingers into his waist band pulling him closer to you, his grin widening as he openly rubbed his hard cock against your pelvis.

"Oh you know I love it when you say my name, baby girl." Oof. Your clit twitched. 

"Katsuki~" your lips pressed against his ear, you voice breathey and seductive "Bakugo~" 

"Hmmm." He groaned down your neck, his tongue slipping over your clavicle, his hands roaming your sides, moving towards your breasts. 

"I really really should get home." You whispered, pulling back, your bodies still pressed together. "You can come with me if you want. I'll even lock the door." You chuckled, not like locking the door helps when everyone you know has a key to your apartment and no sense of privacy. 

"Yeah because that would do anything." He scoffed. "Come on, I promise, in a few hours I'll let you free but for not... stay with me." His hand slipped into yours. It was weird. Something was off, you could tell this is what he wanted but it didn't seem like something he'd openly say... or maybe this was just how he was behind closed doors... you weren't sure. "Please?" 

In truth you didn't want to do anything, you felt like.. going home, cleaning up and going back to your normal life, was the grown up thing to do. It wasn't what you wanted to do. 

Your eyes met his, those red eyes set on you, watching everything you did. 

"Do you want to lay down with me?" You asked quietly. 

A smirk spread across Katsuki's face as he guided you to his bedroom. Spinning you around he pulled you into the bed, pulling you under the covers and into his arms in one fluid movement. His warmth immediately surrounding you in comfort. 

"You're such a cuddly Tsundere." You giggled, wiggling into his chest. "I love it."

"Shut the fuck up, Sparks." Katsuki scoffed, rubbing his nose along the side of your neck. "What else do you love?" 

"About you?" You rolled over, Katsuki's thigh spreading your legs and settling against your core. "I love...your hair." 

Katsuki deadpanned, annoyed by your answer despite the way he loved your fingers threading through the blond locks. 


Giggling you pressed a kiss to Katsuki's lips, moaning in his mouth softly as his thigh rubbed between yours. Reminding you he was there.

You didn't want to stop kissing him. His warmth was amazing, and you fit so well together, lips, body... everything. You loved him, his heart,... his personality, his strength... how he cares deeply yet refuses to admit it... 

"I love... your brutal honesty... I never have to worry about you hiding shit from me..." you kissed him again. "You make me feel like I can be myself around you. I trust that you're not constantly lying to me or saving face.."

Katsuki's smile faded for a split second before he placed a kiss to your lips. 

"...would.. you trust me enough to trust me if I lie for your well being?" 

You paused, pushing him away for a split second. "I would hope that you'd trust me enough to not feel the need to hide things from me... " Katsuki slumped against your chest, his ear pressed against you, the vibrations of your heartbeat strong against his chest. Your heat was beating fast... you were nervous or scared, the cinversation probably bringing up red flags. "I'd like for you not to lie to me...  I want to be able to make my own choices... and in order to do that properly, I need all of the information... right? What if I make a decision and I'm missing a piece of the information, a piece you kept from me... what if the witholding of that information causes me to make a choice that I wouldn't have made otherwise." You sighed, clearing your throat. "I trust your judgement no doubt, but... just don't lie to me okay? Even if you think it's the thing to do..." 

You laid your head back into his pillows, the mix of his body wash and nitro permanently embedded in the satin sheets. You wish you had given a simple yes or no.. not gone on an incidental tangent.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled quietly, wrapping his arms around your waist. 

"I shouldn't have asked. Of course you're not okay with being lied too." 

Katsuki lifted his head pressing a kiss to your sternum. 

"So I guess the real question is... do you want me to ruin the day?" 

Your eyes met his. Your face dropping. 

"What does that mean?" 

Katsuki sat up, his thighs under yours while worked your muscles with his fingers. "It means, I have information that you're going to need to know eventually, I don't have all the information but I've been given enough information to know that while you will have to face this eventually... it will still be a problem tomorrow... it won't change anything right now."

You stared up at him. His red eyes staring back at you. There was a glint of guilt in his eyes... it made sense now, why he was acting weird towards his phone... why he didn't want you to leave... 

"What if I say yes, tell me?" 

Katsuki sucked in a sharp breath, his hands running through his hair before dropping back to your legs. 

"I mean I'd tell you. You're not going to be happy. You might leave." 

"Is it something you did?" 


"So I wouldn't be mad at you?" 

Katsuki shook his head.

"Okay, then don't tell me yet." Sitting up you pulled yourself into his lap. "That's my choice. You are free from consequence of not telling me this thing." 

Despite your words, the sweet smile you gave him still made him feel guilty. He didn't want to keep this from you but he wasn't going to pretend like this might not change things.. you might be devestated.. Todoroki would likely seek you out to lean on you... Katsuki didn't know what he would do if you went back to him... 

You pressed a kiss to his lips, then another, each time pressing harder, encouraging him to lighten up... you both knew you were shifting focus. You wanted to stay present. Like this. And so did he. 

Today is day one of

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now