Chapter 48: Triggers

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48 - Triggers (Vibe: Mirror maze by Yutaka Yamada)

"It's great to see you Shoto, but if you don't mind we are in the middle of a business meeting." Hawks spoke, his eyes were relaxed, his face showing only apathy towards the Pro.

"Oh? Then, as per Nova's contract, I should be present, as her boss and her partner." Shoto's gaze met Hawks' with a silent ferocity. "Legally, I have a right to be here."

"I don't care." Hawks scoffed. "You didn't sign an agreement with me."

The heroes watched each other for a few moments before Hawks' sighed in defeat, his wings drooping slightly as he did so.

"My contract is up in a few days, if you would rather wait until we talk then, I don't mind flying to Kyushu." Hawks raised his hand to stop you.

"No, that's not necessary. You can have the job if you want it-"

Shoto scoffed, "Seems irresponsible considering you don't know anything." He glowered at the winged hero. "Then again, I can see how you would empathize with someone like her. A murderer with connections to the LOV. It fits." Shoto waved down a waitress to order.

Hawks' golden eyes narrowed, his gaze switching from Shoto to Nova.

"I can explain-"

"It's not needed." He cut you off again, this time his hand moving up to signal you to stop talking. "I'd like to hear what he has to say."

Shoto smirked, the corner of his mouth turning upward with his smug victory. "For the sake of discretion I would prefer we talked in a more private setting, I'm sure everyone would agree." He peered at you from the corner of his eyes as he waved to the waitress again. "Do you mind if we can be moved to a move,... private room?" The sweet waitress nodded with an absent-minded smile.

Everyone was so happy and calm, content... Safe from the anxieties you were facing. You on the other hand,.. your heart was pounding in your chest, while an unknown source squeezed your lungs tight, making it harder and harder to breathe.

You followed, your legs were half numb as you made your way through the maze of halls that was this restaurant, until finally, you came to a secluded room, far from normal chitter-chatter.

"Here you are, your food will be served shortly." Your waitress nodded, her smile never faltering, her perfectly blushed cheekbones were dusted in the most innocent shade of pink. She had no idea what was going on.

Shoto's hand brushed your back, pushing you further into the room. Your heels clicked against the floor as you sped up, trying to escape the physical contact. The door to the room shut, leaving you along and on what felt like a trial.

Hawks sat away from the door, Shoto beside you, again.

"I'm not a murderer." You clarified, "Nor am I affiliated with the LOV." Your skin burned incredibly hot, lines of energy flickered just beneath your skin. "That's bullshit and you know it." You bit back, glaring at Shoto.

"You were with Dabi earlier today, were you not."

Your eyes widened. How could he know that? Shoto's smirk widened.

"That's right, Angel, I'm fully aware of ALL of your transgressions." He leaned in close, his breath brushing the side of your face. Hawks' wings ruffled, the mention of Dabi no doubt bringing a hoard of unwanted memories. "I wasn't with him. He broke into my house."

You were ready to fight Shoto. Your hair began to vibrate. The veins in your arms began glowing brighter and brighter.

"It's hardly breaking in if he can walk in whenever." He scoffed.

You wanted to hurt him, make him stop talking.

"That's rich, coming from you." He wasn't going to keep doing this to you. Shoto's eyes darkened, Hawks watching everything quietly. "You broke into my house the other day." Heatwaves rippled off of you melting the ice in your cup.

"Don't exaggerate, it's unbecoming." Shoto's eyes fell flat, his patience was wearing thin. You rose to your feet. "Sit back down."

You scoffed, bent down slowly, your face right in front of his so that he could see exactly how serious you were.

"Do you want to have issues, Shoto Todoroki? Give me a reason to end your career, I'm getting tired of this shit. You assaulted me, you abused me, and you want to pretend and act like I am the reason for everything that's happened." Shoto rose. "I don't want to be a part of your fucked up little family, and that includes your psycho-stalky brother." Shoto's nostrils flared with anger, his flames burning close at the edges of his hair. "It's funny, for someone who hates him so much... You're actually far FAR worse." You scoffed, not only pushing his button but holding it down and squishing it in place.

You were done.

"I apologize for this evening, sir." You turned towards Hawks. "I didn't mean to waste your time." His red wings fluffed out as he rose to his feet, his height almost even with yours. His mouth was closed shut, his focus mostly remaining on Shoto and the elements forming around his hands.

Shoto didn't move as you pushed past him, opening the door and dismissing yourself.

You barely made it outside before your arm was grabbed roughly, Ice covering from your shoulder to your fingertips, sapping energy instantly. You winced, your arm drooping to your side. Shoto grabbed your throat and slammed you against the nearest wall.

"You think you're safe now that you have a fucking twat of a boyfriend?" His grip tightened, he pulled you back and slammed you against the wall again, brick dust falling to the ground around you. Your head hurt. Your vision faltered.

"Get the fuck off!" Heat shattered the ice that covered your body, Shoto's icy hand lost grip. "I'm fucking tired of this! I didn't do anything to you to deserve this!" Your voice cracked, your chest swelling from the anxiety and panic. "I don't DESERVE THIS!" Electricity and Fire crackled around your abuser, his feet pulling him back in an attempt to retreat.


Your heart stopped.

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