Chapter 17

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17 scout

"Your office would be that one." He gestured a finger towards a pretty box office connected to his. "I get exclusive discounts with costume designers so modifications are cheaper through this agency than most others." You followed him through his office and into a corner room that connected to what would be your office. This room looked... private, free from inside windows, the only lines of site from outside of the room were the glass walls into your offices. It was a small lounge, it honestly could double as a living space, he had a set up food are with a fridge and a microwave, a sofa with a couple blankets stored in the end table. 

"You could live here." You sat on the sofa, slumping back into the cushions. 

Bakugo watched you from the doorway, his shoulder firmly pressed into the doorjam. 

"I like to have the option to crash here if I want." He pressed off moving to the fridge, which looked mostly stocked of protein bars, almond milk, protein powder, and a bowl of fruit. 

"What about access to tech labs? I like to work close with the tech crews and have free tinkering range." 

"Yes." He smirked pulling out a bottle of water from the back. You nodded awkwardly, Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I'll pay you double whatever Hawks pays." 

"You sure about that? You don't even know how much I was offered." 

"It doesn't matter. Our net worth combined is worth more than what he has to offer. It's just a smart business move, hotshot." He shrugged, leaning against the small table infront of you. "Plus the thought of having to listen to everyone cry all the time about you being gone sounds like Hell." 

"Tch Awe, I think you just don't want to admit you'd miss me." You blushed, half embarrassed you were provoking him. You walked around the perimeter of the room stopping at one of the big windows looking out into the city. 

The building was high up above the city, the kind of high up where you could see the people below but they can't see you. "I'd miss everyone." You mumbled to yourself, leaning against the window.

"I'd miss you, a little." You jumped at the tickle of his breath on the back of your neck, A shiver ran down your spine at the glow of his heat. You turned right as he lifted an arm blocking you in, his giant bicep actually blocking sunlight.

"Bakugo." A blush spread across your face. "I-, We-... I'm not-" 

"Shut up Dumbass." He scoffed letting his head fall foward, a few spikes of hair brushing your cheek. "Don't freak out about last night. We can fuck and it not be a vow for marriage." His voice was low and calming, his lips just beside your ear while he looked out of the window. "It can be a one time thing, or not, regardless, you should take the job and not let last night stop you from making a smart move."

You shut your mouth, looking away as you shivered beneath him. Your face burned hot, your body buzzing from the excitement. 

"I should go." You cleared your throat, your cheeks bright pink, you bit your lip ducking to escape his trap. "I'll see you later? Yeah." 

You turned to wave goodbye, his chest knocking into you like a brick wall. 

"Oh, Okay. You're right there." 

"I'm about to go on patrol." He stated clearly, leaning over you to open the door. "Since I'm here." 

"Oh. Right. Makes sense. Would you care if I came?" You were walking backwards trusting him to steer you safely through his office. 

"I don't care, just watch where you're going, dumbass." He tsked, pulling open another door the smallest tinge of pink coating his cheeks.

Rolling your eyes you turned around, catching the glances of the office staff.

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now