Chapter 38

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Your eyes shifted to the blood seeping into the cracks of your kitchen tile. It was always cut in the foot that bled the worst. It made your stomach churn at the sight. Blood wasn't something that would normally bother you, but for some reason looking down at the dark red liquid, your world started spinning at a disorienting pace.

The movement of a hand made you flinch, an involuntary reaction caused by the panic that had finally started to set in. Your heart rate increasing steadily making the palms of your hand's sweat.

You weren't expecting to feel so much panic when you saw Katsuki, but you hadn't thought about seeing him at all either. For the first time the realization hit you, that he wasn't a hallucination or a stranger, he was someone you saw every day. Yesterday wasn't a dream. This wasn't a one-time thing. The looking in Katsuki's eyes said that much. Your eyes shifted from his to the group of people watching you with wide eyes. The closest thing you had to a family.

"I'm sorry, I think I need to um-... lay down?" Katsuki took another step forward, glass crunching under his shoes. You flinched but stayed careful to not make the same mistake twice.

"Let me help you." His voice was low and calm. His hands outstretched towards you. Hands you wanted to take.

Everyone in the room watched quietly as you slipped your hand into his and let him lift you from the floor.

He was warm and welcoming. His scent flooded your nose. Katsuki felt safe and you felt invincible despite the obvious fact that you weren't. Nobody questioned anything when Katsuki walked past them.

"First Aid?" Katsuki asked, his eyes focused on your foot bleeding on your carpet.


A sharp right and you were there. His long strides getting you across the apartment much faster than if you had walked yourself.

The counter was cool through Katsuki's joggers. Your fingers curled around the cold marble, a small sway was evident in the way Katsuki wobbled back and forth, even when he was moving. It was a drunken feeling. The floor felt impossibly far, the longer you looked at it the further it stretched.

"Hey." Katsuki's stern voice grounded you helping your vision focus in. "What's going on?" Your lips parted to answer, you wanted to tell him everything and nothing at the same time. Pretend like you didn't need the help. Pretend like it will go away if you ignored it. In truth though, you valued his safety and the safety of your friends over everything. Navigating this Shoto situation wasn't impossible... hopefully... but you were highly aware that it was best to keep as many people uninvolved as possible...

"I accidentally um, hurt myself earlier." You confessed.

Katsuki let out a hesitant laugh. "Yeah, babe, you took a glass shard to the foot to avoid touching me." His blond hair covered his face, but you recognized the tone of insecurity. Katsuki crouched down beside your foot, inspecting the wound. He was calling you babe with your friends in the next room. That made you feel valued like he didn't care if this was a secret but kept it private... intimate.

"Katsuki... I'm sorry I avoided you..."

"So you were avoiding me?" There was a passive scoff which evidently was the sound of Katsuki's ego-bruising. "Can I ask why?"

Picking up a pair of your favorite beads from your counter, it was the pair your mom left you, the pair you rarely took off. Slipping the cold 108 Tantalum Carbide beads.

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now