Chapter 49 : NERVE

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49 - Nerve

Your heart stopped.

Shoto scoffed. "Must be my lucky day." He grinned, "I never see you twice in one day, Bakugo."

"Wh-what?" Your eyes widened, the distraction had extinguished your heat, the electricity crackling as it left your fingertips.

"Nova, are you okay?" Kirishima came up beside you, your hands were shaking.

Twice. In. One. Day. Shotos words echoed in your ears. What the fuck does that mean?

"What's he talking about?" You turned to Katsuki, his eyes were locked on you, his eyes wide as if he was trying to compute the same thing you were. "Katsu..." it was too late. You already assumed the worst and saying his name... your heart broke in two. "Twice in one-"

"Babe, I can explain, please." You pulled away, rejecting his attempt to grab your hand. "Babe-"

"Oh, was earlier a secret? Was she not supposed to know about our little Q and A session?" Shoto scoffed, his tone was familiar, you knew him better than anyone... he wasn't lying. He was amused, but he wasn't lying.

"Q and A." You searched Katsuki's for answers, his red gaze searching yours for something... anything that could help him navigate this situation. "What does he mean?"

"Oh, I'll tell you, Princess." Shoto took a brazen step forward, his chest touching yours, his finger gripping your chin gently as he turned your face away from Katsuki and back towards him. "It means you little boyfriend, doesn't trust you." His breath was hot against your lips, he was so close it made you nauseous. "Which, given that you've held onto a lot of information, I don't blame him." He scoffed, gripping your chin harder when you tried to turn away.

"Todoroki, get your hands off of her." Kirishima stepped in, his arm already body blocking Katsuki, his quirk activated against the blond.

Shoto scoffed with amusement. "Fine." His heterochromatic eyes bore into yours, his smile spreading, "You and I both know how stuff like this ends for you." He leaned closer, "You want to be seen for who you are Nova? By the end of the night he will see you." Shoto let out a loud grunt, Katsuki's body shoving him into the adjacent wall. Shoto's eyes never left yours, his cocky smirk only spread wider with every passing heartbeat.

Badum Badum

Kirishima moved to grab Bakugou, giving you the perfect time to leave. You turned quickly to leave the dark space. Attempting to flee the situation entirely.

"Nova!" Katsuki called, dropping Shoto and shoving Kirishima off. You could hear the sound of his footsteps as he approached behind you.

Please don't. Please don't touch me.

Your chest felt incredibly tight. You could feel his heat as he ran up behind you, the atoms around him surging with kinetic energy. The energy around your hand was spinning so fast you jerked away, his hand missing yours as you spun around, amplifying the energy between you, pushing him back. Katsuki staggered back, his eyes wide with worry, his chest heaving up and down.

"Nova!" There was a soft woosh, wind pushed your hair around and Hawks landed next to you, using his wings to project himself over the sidewalk. "We need to finish our talk." His voice was stern. "Now."

"Nova," Katsuki's voice was quiet. "We need to talk." You could hear the pain in his voice but, you didn't care, it was nothing compared to the aching and anxiety in your own chest. Aching that he caused.

You didn't give Katsuki a second look before turning towards Hawks. His hands were shoved in his pockets, his wings were perked up to attention. He had his game face on, that happy go lucky pro hero was nowhere to be seen. This was Hawks... the same Hawks that received so much criticism years ago.

"Let's go."

Katsuki's hands were tingling, was he breathing right? No. He felt like he had ran a marathon. He felt defeated. He stood there, watching you leave with Hawks, the winged hero sparring him a glance before unfurling his wings, grabbing you and taking off. It made him feel sick.

This was Todoroki's fault.

With a shake of his head he turned back, his fist balled up tightly. He turned back, storming into the alleyway, two plumes of smoke billowing behind him.

"I will END you." He bit through his teeth. His vision blurred, adrenaline coursed through his body along with a surge of Nitroglycerin. His nose opened up, his chest opened up, everything he felt he felt it at 100x. "DO YOU HEAR ME!"

"Bakugo!" Kirishima grabbed Katsuki only to be tossed aside, his body impacting the brick building forming a Kiri-sized crater.

Shoto laughed. "Don't test me, Bakugo." He scoffed. Ice frost sparkling around one hand, smoke forming from the other.

"I'm not going to fucking test you! WEREN'T YOU LISTENING!" Bakugo growled. Explosions filled the small space lighting up any paper, trash, anything that was in that ally was engulfed in flames. "I SAID I'M GOING TO FUCKING END YOU!"

Katsuki launched towards the half and half man he hated the most but, Shoto dodged. Every kick, punch, jab, every attack, he dodged. Katsuki couldn't get a hand on him, everytime he tried to land a punch he felt his mind go back to you, back to wanting to chase you.. back to wanting to beg for forgiveness. Your face... Your eyes... His chest hurt just thinking about it. He hated himself, far more than he had ever hated himself in the past. He was livid.

"You're distracted." Shoto scoffed, mocking his opponent. "Does she affect you that much?" He smirked, continuing to dodge each attack. "She's hardly wo-" Blood sprayed across Katsuki's face, his knee guard spliced across Shoto's face drawing a line of blood down his face, similar to Endeavors trademark scar, blood stretched down his neck, seeping into his white dress shirt.

Todoroki's eyes darkened, zeroing in on Katsuki "You'll do well to remember that you don't know anything, Bakugo. You can be infatuated with Nova all you like, but at the end of the day, She's mine, and you will never have her." He spit a mouthful of blood at Katsuki's face.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Shoto stopped Katsuki's fist, frost zipping along his arm freezing him in place only to shatter from inside out. He grabbed again, this time freezing Bakugo in place with one hand and grabbing Bakugo's throat with the other. Heat seered into Katsuki's neck, creating a large handprint shaped burn. Katsuki grimaced from the smell of his own flesh burning. Shoto leaned in close to Katsuki, his eyes dropping with apathy as he gazed down at the blond.

"I hope she fucking kills you." He whispered, his lips pressing close to Katsuki's ear. "Just like she killed her mother. You deserve a tragic death."

Kirishima ripped Shoto away slamming him into the wall he had been previously embedded in. "Todoroki, leave." He warned. "Leave, or I will start treating you like the piece of fucking shit you are."

Shoto tipped his face towards Kirishima, Red Riot pushing himself between the heroes. "We have fucking PEOPLE watching us and you two are so fucking blind you aren't even aware. Bakugo, you almost torched two buildings, Todoroki, you're a piece of shit instigator. You both need to leave." Kirishima grit his teeth. "Don't make me call for help to separate you."

Katsuki had never seen Kirishima so mad and yet stayed so calm. He didn't waver, he didn't falter. His voice was clear. He wasn't playing and Katsuki could tell that Kirishima was being honest with his threat to call for Backup. People were starting to cluster on both sides of the alley.

"Get your shits together before you both cause another Hero Society Scandal." He growled. Shoto released Bakugo's arm, the ice exploding as Katsuki broke it free from the icy grip. "Go fucking home. I'm supposed to be Patrolling for villains."

Katsuki huffed through his nose, pushing Kirishima away. "What the fuck ever." He scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets and storming into the streets. "I don't fucking care anymore." He lied.

Kirishima turned back to Shoto "If I find out you touched Nova again. I will personally see that your career is ended and you end up in Tartarus." 

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum