Chapter 36

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You door clicked shut like any other night. You set your keys down like any other night. Your heaters whirring in sync with your thermostat presets.

"Fun night?" A voice scoffed from your dining room table, a bottle of whiskey barely reflecting the light from the door way light. "I know because I've been sitting here the whole time and these walls are ridiculously thin." The chair scraped against your floor. "My Angel, I can assure you these living conditions aren't safe, you don't even have any privacy." Shoto crossed the space between you in a few long strides. "You were supposed to come home last night. If we call this place your home. My father died. Your friend killed him."

"Shoto.." you took a step back, recognizing the look in his eyes.

"And still you didn't come home. Not even my dear old father being murdered, could get you to jump off of Bakugo's cock, could it?" The pro scoffed, his words laced with venom, his face overshadowed by his long hair. He towered high above you, taking after his father in height and build.

"Shoto I am so sorry about Enji..." you stood there awkwardly, considering running out into the hall. How far would you get before he iced you? To the thunder twins's apartment? Kirishima.. Bakugo, his door locked, his devices safe and sound in their case...

"I don't care." Approaching you, you struggled to see his face, the rare sound of vulnerability in Shoto's voice making you flinch. "I don't care if you're sorry. I just wanted to be with you. I want to be with you." He stepped closer, his large hands pulling you towards him. "Be with me." He pleaded quietly. "I know I've fucked up, but please... I need you right now..."

"Shoto I-"

"Don't say no, please." He whispered, pressing an awkward kiss to your temple. "You owe me that much." There it was. Your mouth clamped shut. His lips dragging along your jawline. "I really missed you, Angel."

He pulled you close to him, his fingers lifting Katsuki's shirt, revealing the burns beneath. Shoto didn't say anything, he didn't react, as if by luck his fingertips blindly dancing around the edges of the handprint.

"You're still as beautiful as ever. My father hand picked you, you know?" Shoto hummed, his lips tracking down your neck as you stood there, frozen. "I never understood the big deal honestly."

Tipping your chin back with his thumb he licked down your neck. "But now, I get it." He backed you up against a wall, his hands tracing your body through the t-shirt. "Your appeal. Your quirk. You walked out of my life and left a perfect little hole... One I'm going to need refilled."

"Shoto, I think you should leave." You whispered, your voice unsteady, your eyes heavy with sleep.

"We could go lay down, I'll sleep with my cock inside of you, I'll be really gentle since you like abusive men with gushy tender insides. I'll play that part for you if that'swhat you need from me, Angel." He backed you against the door.

"How much did you listen?" You asked, pressing as far away as possible, the scent of whiskey and cologne, overwhelming.

"All night. I've been waiting for you since I identified his body. I needed to be with someone I care about." He paid no attention to your hand on the door, instead, he sat at the end of your sofa, in a spot that he had obiousbly been working on for awhile, a collection of whiskey bottles building on the adjacent dresser stand. "Broke my heart listening to you talk about me like I'm the only monster in this room." His heterochromatic eyes met yours.

"You could have stopped my father's murder using your arsen fiend bond but you couldn't even be contacted, even if he didn't listen to you, we would have been able to take him."

"I think you should leave, Shoto." Clearing your throat you opened the door. The hall light shining in. The giant pro stood up, taking the two strides it took to reach you.

"Why Angel? I figured since you're the local call girl now, I might as well redeem my hour." You closed your eyes gritting your teeth, heat waves started to ripple away from you. "Did I strike a nerve?" He smirked, his hand gripping your throat. "We've been fucking for years, what's the difference now?" The wall behind your head cracked as he pushed you into it. His icy hot breath grazing your skin, he pressed his knee into your legs, pushing them apart. "I heard you were sore." He tsked, giving you fake sympathy as he dug his knee in harder, you winced as you lifted off the ground.

Heat surged into your neck, Shoto's hand beginning to smoke, creating a small haze between you both.

"Shoto please don't." His grip on your throat tightened, increasing your temp higher and higher, waiting for your skin to start glowing. He dropped you to your feet, the impact making the balls of your feet ache.

"Relax. I'm not doing anything, believe it or not I'd like to give you a chance to come back willingly and this is not how I'd like to start that." Shoto walked around infront of you, the small light shining on his face every few paces, showing just how strung out he look. Stress, lack of sleep, childhood trauma finally making him crack, all of it was rushing in on the pro, all etched in the worry lines of his gorgeous skin.

"Give me a chance?" You asked quietly, the pro pausing and stepping back up to you.

"Yes, my dear. A chance. For you to renew your contract with the Todoroki's and renew our engagement." He looked down at you, solemnly studying your face. "You look as if you think this is a choice when in reality it isn't."

His fingers trailed down to the hem of your shirt.

"I will give you some time, space, as you had initially asked for, then you will come home and we will resume our lives as I had intended... "

His hand trailed up, pushing your shirt up with it, his hand heating rapidly in the process..

"If I find another mark on you from another person again,..." you cried out, Shoto's hand clamping over your mouth as he burned through your aching flesh, the smell of burnt skin filling the air. "I will end you, right after I make you watch whoever touched you, die. You may have your freedom but, you are still mine and I don'twant any of your little friends touching you."

There was the uncomforting sound of skin sizzling accompanied with the white hot pain of layers of skin and tissue being burned away, your quirk going haywire, your skin glowing in erradic pulses trying to take in as much energy as possible.

"Do you think I spent the past decade putting up with you and taking care of you so you could be inseminated by Katsuki fucking Bakugo?" He dug his hand in further.

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. You have 2 weeks to live this stupid fantasy of yours. Two weeks of space, not two weeks of PornHubPros."

He dropped you again, this time you crumpled to the floor, carefully holding your shirt away from your ribs. Your hands shaking from shock and pain.

Shoto quietly crouched beside you, "and if you tell anyone, my love. I promise you, you nor some of your friends will make it out of the situation alive." He reached out, gripping your chin forcing you to face him. The skin on your face illuminating his as you began to glow. "I will make you die the same way your mother did, and I will make everyone who cares about you watch."

He scoffed leaning in close. "That's your worst fear right? Leaving those who love you the same way your mom left you? The idea of being the source of someone's pain... for well, probably years. I know Mina alone would have a very hard time, Bakugo might even take a step back from hero work considering your sudden relationship. Oh and those puppy dogs of boys, yeah, you know watching your grey matter splatter across the pavement would scar them."

He let go.

"Remember Angel, you will always be mine."

Next Chapter: Pain, Available on Patreon ($1 tier) 

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