Chapter 3: Cold Shoulder

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Bakugo woke up the next morning to no noise, not a single sound, your apartment was as quiet as before you moved in. Shrugging it off, the blond climbed out of bed, brushed his teeth, washed his face, put in his earbuds. He didn't even hear your shower turn on like it usually did at 7 AM. Nothing. Not a sound.

The longer he got ready, the more it weighed on him that you were being quiet because of him. Or at least that's what he had thought.  The sting of guilt bloomed just a little as he remembered the conversation that transpired yesterday. You were one of his friends, maybe not a close friend but he had known you for years and you had never once crossed or even really annoyed him. You were one of the calmer people in the group and he appreciated that.

It wasn't that he didn't mean what he said, not you being a coward, but how you let Shoto rule you and determine everything for you. He had always hated that. You and he were highly competitive in the Academy, and he thought you'd be competitive in the hero society but as soon as you left the academy and signed on under Endeavor you lost that competitive nature and slumped into the third and never made an effort to even surpass Shoto Todoroki. It was gross. At one point Bakugo had even considered asking if you wanted to join his agency, back when you were both still in school. He thought about saying something now, but your lack of "Give a fuck" made him hesitant. That's why he was always watching your numbers, not because he was worried about his own ranking but because it pissed him off to see you sitting in third while Icy Hot sat in second.

Bakugo stepped out into the Hallways, Mina and Jirou talking quietly outside your front door, heaps of blankets piled beside the door.

"Oi! What's going on?" He barked sharply, Jirou ignored him as she slid her key into your door. She knew what happened and he just knew she knew. Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Morning!" Mina beamed, "Don't mind us, we're just dropping some things off for Nova."

Bakugo stopped just short of the duo, looking down at the collection of not just blankets but heaters, heating pads, and extension cords lined against the wall. He knew there was a cold front rolling through but this seemed... excessive.

"What's all this for?" He asked.

"Why don't you help." Mina huffed, picking up a large pile of blankets, "Grab the heater." She ordered making Bakugo grumble.

"Get her to help." He scoffed, piecing together the information, "Wait, she isn't home, it's early."

"Obviously not, she went to Endeavors agency to put in her resignation." Jirou scoffed back. She was mad. "She's been waiting for the breakup to circulate through the media to leave. Didn't want to call an uproar too early. Japan's sweethearts and all that."

"Resignation?" Bakugo felt that guilt again.

"Don't worry, it isn't because you're a total asshat or anything." Mina chirped, leading him down the hall into your bedroom. "Heard about all of that by the way. You're totally an asshat." She gave a passive-aggressive smile and dropped the blankets down on your bed, next to a bottle of lube and a long veiny vibrator set neatly onto a towel. He involuntarily clicked his tongue and looked away, looking at the rest of your clean, organized room. He ignored the way his cock twitched in his pants and tried to push the image of masturbating out of his head, the memory of your lew noises ringing in his head.

"Jeez, for an asshole that tried telling Nova off yesterday, your sure are acting like a pervert Mr. Hard-On," Jirou grumbled, pushing past him and setting the rest of the heating inventory down on the bed next to the blankets.

"I am no-"

"Don't bother denying anything, I heard everything and we have eyes now." She challenged, raising an eyebrow.

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora