Chapter 50: Some

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50 - Some

Hawks set you down, it was unnecessary for him to pick you up the way he had but, you didn't stop it. You wanted to get away and, this way you didn't have to worry about lighting your clothes on fire. He didn't take you far, you were only a block away from your apartment

Your feet hit cold concrete, your heels tightly secured in your arms after taking them off 30 seconds into the flight. It was getting dark now, the sun was setting and the wind was cold, a chill lingered in the air but you didn't feel it. Your body was too hot and feeding off of itself... a dangerous habit you try not to encourage...

"Explain." Hawks still had his stern voice but, you didn't react. You were tired. Exhausted. You wanted the day to end, but you dreaded going home... Taking a deep breath you turned to the pro hero, feathers floated around you in calm patterns. It was the calmest threat you had faced in awhile. His feathers were gorgeous... but they weren't all that pretty when they were slicing you to pieces...

"I met Dabi before he was Dabi when he was Touya. I grew up with the Todoroki's. With Shoto. after my mother passed, Endeavor had agreed to take me in. He and my mother were both very interested in ensuring their kids got the best training, had the best path to become successful. While Endeavor was hell-bent on ensuring Shoto's career path, my mother was worried about me finding a space where I'd fit...

When you have a dangerous quirk, society gives us two options. Hero or Villain. The day I got my quirk, that choice had been taken away from me... I had to reclaim it and Touya helped me... Touya took care of me and helped me, he was obsessed with the idea that I would end up like Rei... honestly, I might as well have, life probably would be a lot less painful if he had locked me up in a padded room and threw away the key..." You took another deep breath.

"Not long after I had accessed my quirk, I was playing on a playground with a few other kids nearby. At first, everything was fine, but then I saw these men heckling a woman on the sidewalk. I hated it. I don't remember what they were saying exactly, but I remember her crying and I remember the fear in her eyes as she was walking down the sidewalk, holding her keys in between her fingers. She was doing her best to ignore them and keep walking. I followed them..., not far, the first chance they got, they pulled her into a dumpster area. Looking back on it now I realize they were going to rape this woman but, back then I didn't even know what rape was, but I knew I wanted to help her."

"You acted."

"I acted, I didn't think anything of it, I threw up a wall of energy, and radiated the men. Reduced them to ash in seconds. I didn't even understand what had happened until after it was over. I just wanted to get them away, push them away with heat, not eviscerate them... I was terrified."

"Where was your mom?"

"I wasn't supposed to be out. She was on patrol but, I was home alone and the playground was nearby, her patrol route started 45 minutes away from our house, and the part was 5 minutes away on foot, I regularly left the house without permission... Touya saved me from that, but by then he was a young Dabi. My criminal act was his first mark against society... He took the blame, he didn't even let me argue, he lit the area in blue flames and told the woman to run and forget, took me home, and kept me there... He told me that he was destined to be a villain but, I wasn't. I still had a choice to make and according to him, I wasn't ready to make it yet." Heat surged through your arms. "That was my first time meeting Touya as Dabi, and at that point, he still looked a lot like himself which was the only reason I knew who he was... He didn't look like Dabi yet or at least not all the way." You turned towards Hawks.

"After that, I didn't see him again until after my mom died a few months later and I was put under Endeavor's guardianship." You ran your fingers through your hair. "After that, he changed. He wanted to take me with him and keep me away from his family... Of course, Endeavor kept me and Shoto under a really close eye, and that's when Dabi disappeared, he didn't make himself known until later when he had already grown his alliances, he was untouchable, especially after he joined the LOV. At that point, I was in school, that's when everything went down between you and the LOV and the Endeavor scandal. Even now, I don't contact him, he shows up out of nowhere, and always at the worst times. I was with him today because he broke into my apartment, and I couldn't do anything about it because I'm trying to recover from an injury Shoto gave me, yesterday."

Hawks' feathers moved away, returning to his wings.

"Shoto made it seem-"

"Like I'm a traitor."

"Mhm. Back at the restaurant, I noticed how you were reacting to him, I couldn't tell if it was because you were nervous about HIM or about being outed. It would've been irresponsible for me to not have acted as I did." Hawks shrugged, his posture relaxing back to his normal self. "That being said, it's irresponsible for me to not ask about you and Shoto and ask whether that's an issue I need to address or not."

"I don't know what I'm doing about Shoto, I thought I had a plan and then Bakugo went and popped off and now I have to wait and see how Shoto is going to react to THAT situation, he's too smart to just go AT him without a plan." Your heart rate increased at the thought of having to talk to Katsuki. "And I don't have one yet... I was focused on other things..."

"I don't understand, you have a flurry of heroes willing to help you, why don't you ask them."

"Shoto is stronger than I am. He's close to being the same level as Bakugou... and he assured me that if I had taken any action he was going to kill me and people I care about, and I wasn't in the position to take that risk. I'm not in the position to take that risk. For me to be #3 and be injured while provoking the #2 hero, it would cause not only division in the Hero Society...again... but it would put a lot of people in danger, people that I can't protect right now in the state I'm in, and I can't send people at him if I can't back them up. I won't put my loved ones in danger like that...."

Hawks nodded. "I mean that makes sense but-"

"I just want to get away from him. I still love him Hawks. He was my best friend, he was my partner for so long and I know that he only turned out this way because of the stuff that happened to him. I still want to save him from this..." 

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now