new beginnings

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your hands are sweating and your heart is racing, although you've never been nervous in quite this way before. you're face to face with one of the prettiest men you've ever seen, and against all odds he is yours. the latter part has not grown on you yet, and you're still jittery around him as you try to navigate the new relationship. you met dokyeom almost a year ago through the friend of a friend. typical. you didn't think too much of the encounter at first, although you did think he was the total package. you thought for sure he would have already had a girlfriend. it wasn't until a couple weeks later you found out he was single. you only saw each other here and there at social gatherings, and you talked when you found the chance. usually this involved your friend shoving you towards him against your will because you were so nervous. you still have to remember to thank her for that, because you've been dating for a couple months now.

it's all still new, and you've never been in a relationship as serious as this before. you were beyond ready, but you didn't know that relationships like this actually existed. he has been nothing short of perfect, buying you flowers and making you dinner after long days at work. he's your own romance novel boyfriend. in general you are a shy person, and everyone who knows you would say the same. you've only had one relationship before this, and it didn't last very long and was nothing in comparison to what you have now. it was toxic to its core, and you're grateful for this new beginning.

dokyeom makes you feel safe; protected. but you're still shy , and the nerves double every time he's around. he thinks its sweet, and only showers you in compliments when you get like this. he's been way too kind, and taking things as slow as you need. everything's basically brand new to you, and you're glad its all with him.

you turn your gaze towards him as he squeezes your hand, catching you in your daydreaming state. you're met with his dokey smile that you've grown to love more than anything in the world.

"what are you thinking about, baby?" he asks, knowing you too well. in fact, you think he knows you better than anyone ever has. already.

and god, still every time he calls you baby a whole chorus of butterflies soar in your stomach. no ones ever called you that before. he loves how much you love it.

"you" you smile sheepishly, answering honestly. you learned right off the bat that theres no need for keeping secrets around him. he always makes you feel comfortable.

"yeah?" he asks, smirking as he squeezes your hand again.

you nod shyly in response, earning a

"you're too cute" from him.

you two continue walking down the block, looking for your destination. you're meeting up with a small group of a friends to celebrate a birthday. of course, you both share friends, so this part has always been easy. the destination is a cute place where you get to pick out a pottery item and paint it however you'd like. you've never been but have always wanted to go, and you're super excited because you love to do artsy things like this. you finally find the location, and step foot inside as dokyeom holds the door open for you. you shiver as your body reacts to the sudden change from the cold outside air to the cozy heat. the space has been rented out just for you guys, making the atmosphere perfect for someone like you. a few of your friends are already there, greeting both of you as you walk in.

you take your coat off and place it on the back of a chair at their table.

"come pick out what you want to paint! it's taking me forever to decide" your best friend says excitedly, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the wall filled with shelves of options.

you scan up and down the shelves in awe, wondering how in the world you will decide on just one. theres anything from sculptures of cats and dogs to mugs and plates. you spot a pretty mug on the top shelf, and think its perfect for a tea lover like you. you already have a million paint ideas swirling around in your head. of course, even on your tippy toes you can't reach it.

dokyeom imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant