super shy

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i walk through the dewey nighttime grass trying to find the one person i'm looking for, pretty much the only person who i want to spend the night with. a huge group of us came out to this place by the water to watch an outdoor movie they are offering on the hill, something i've always wanted to do. the projector is set up and everyone is finding their place, some little kids are running around giggling, filling the air with a certain nostalgia, making you just want to cozy up with the people you love.

i search in the sea of people for dokyeom, hoping to find him quickly. we have been getting close for a while now, having originally met through a group of mutual friends. it didn't take long before we started hanging out in much smaller groups, and then eventually by ourselves. we are just friends, as long as we keep lying to ourselves. i've had a crush on him since the night we met, as i watched him spill his ice cream cone all over the ground after tripping over one of our friends. he brought this goofy, energetic aura everywhere he went and i simply could not get enough of it. however, he's super shy. all his friends tell me that he's the loudest person on earth with them, but introverted with pretty much everyone else, especially strangers. i want to get to that side of him, and see him loosen up. i think its sweet how nervous he is around me. its one of the reasons i haven't tried to make a move, because i want him to let me know he wants it too. i'll take it slow forever, as long as he needs.

i see him sitting up closer to the projector with a few of the guys, his knees pulled up to his chest as he laughs at something one of them said, clapping his hands in amusement. i smile to myself, hearing his laugh echo through the hill. i approach them and move behind him, gently resting my hand on his shoulder as not to startle him.

"kyeomie" i say sweetly, a nickname that only i call him in our group, something that i've heard through the grapevine he really loves.

he turns around at the familiar nickname, smiling upon seeing me standing there.

"hi" he beams.

"come sit with me?" i ask, extending my hand out.

he takes my hand, quickly stands to his feet, nodding his head and stuttering a "of course". i giggle to myself at his eagerness, finding him adorable. i lead us a little farther back, just close enough to the screen so we can still hear but far enough away so that we are in our own world. i find a stone wall blocking off a path and sit down on the ground, resting my back against it. i look up at him as he stays standing. the only light shining on his face coming from some fairy lights they have hanging on the trees, giving him an orange glow. his doe eyes find mine, awkwardly shifting on his feet at the eye contact.

i open my legs, giving him room to sit in between them and rest his upper body on me, using me as a pillow. he blushes at the invite, finally placing himself on the ground. he leans back, resting on me only slightly, but i can feel himself holding up his weight and not getting comfortable.

"you can get comfortable, baby" i say gently, bringing a hand up to push his hair back. he tilts his head upside down to look at me, sheepishly smiling at the pet name, his cheeks bright red. i've never called him anything like that before, but tonight feels different. i love the way he reacts to my affection, making me want to smother him in it all night long.

"baby?" he asks, reiterating that that just happened and he wasn't hearing wrong.

i nod, saying gently "do you not like that?". but i know he does, seeing as his eyes sparkle and his breathing gets quicker.

"no, i-i, its good" he settles on, after struggling to get any words out. i can practically feel the heat radiating from his face now.

"good" i say, smiling at him.

"am i hurting you?" he asks, his eyes brimming with concern at the idea of him being too heavy to lean on you in this way.

i shake my head, "not at all", giving him a smile. i wrap my arms under his armpits and pull him up slightly, as best i can, giving him a more comfortable position. i keep my arms around him, finding his torso through the fabric of his oversized hoodie. he leans his head back onto my chest, the top of his hair just under my chin. he smells like heaven, a smell i've grown very fond of. 

he slowly reaches his hand up to place it on top of mine, which rest on his stomach. i smile at the  initiated contact, squeezing him a little. i watch as he closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying the moment. eventually the movie starts, but i barely watch it. my eyes are looking down at him the whole time, watching as the screen lights up his face and reveals his giggles at every funny part. the movie reflects in his eyes, twinkling as he attentively watches the plot. at the suspenseful parts his eyebrows furrow, and his nose scrunches up. he's slowly getting more and more loosened up, letting me full on cuddle him. every now and then he looks up at me to say something like,

"did you see that? that was crazy", referring to a certain scene.

i just nod, agreeing with him as i ruffle his hair, cooing over how much he's enjoying the movie. and somewhere between there, in the middle of the movie, i cross the line between like to love. 

a little while later, while a dramatic scene is unfolding, i feel him get a little restless. he sits up, turning around to face me as he sits criss cross. i look at him, raising my eyebrows inquisitively.

"y/n" he starts, fiddling with his fingers and looking down at his lap.

"yes?" i say, curious as to where this is going.

"i have to tell you something" he says shyly, still leaving you hanging on a mystery.

i give him my full attention, waiting for him to continue.

"i like you" he blurts out. his cheeks the shade of licorice, and his knee bouncing out of nerves. "i really, like you" he says, putting heavy emphasis on the really.

i smile wide, having been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever now. i take his hand and hold it tightly.

"i thought you'd never say it" i tease, making him chuckle nervously. "i really, like you too kyeomie" i say, putting the emphasis on the really just like he did.

he stares back at me, his eyes trailing down to my lips, before quickly flickering them back up to my eyes. i smile when i notice, letting him make any further moves, but feel the butterflies in my stomach start up.

"can i kiss you?" he asks. his eyes are looking nervously all over the place, everywhere but in mine. he's nervously shaking his foot, anticipating your answer.

with his words of permission, i can't hold back anymore. without even verbally answering him i lean forward, placing my hands on his shoulders. i connect my lips with his, upset that we didn't do this sooner. he doesn't kiss back for a second, clearly in shock at how this is finally happening. he snaps out of it and brings his hand up to my face, moving his lips into mine. and damn, for such a shy boy, he's a damn good kisser. we kiss until we run out of breath, making up for all the times we wanted to do this but held back. he pulls away, his chest moving up and down as he catches his breath.

"wow" he breathes out, at a loss of words.

"wow" i copy i agreement.

he stands up and holds my hand to bring me up with him. he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a hug, shielding me from the cool night air and the breeze off the water.

"you looked cold" he chuckles, feeling like giving me a reason for his spontaneous hug. but i don't need a reason, i'll never need a reason. i bury my head into the crook of his neck, smiling in excitement at how this is real life.

i feel him turn us around, feeling as his chest echos from his voice.

"aw crap, we missed the end of the movie" he states, seeing the end credits roll across the screen, still keeping his arms around me.

i pick my head up and look up at him, cooing at the visible pout on his face. i smile as he finally looks down at me, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he sees me watching him.

"wanna go back to my place and watch it?"  i ask, dying for him to say yes.

a sudden wave of newfound confidence rushes over him as he pecks my lips, smiling into the kiss.

"yes please" he answers, tugging on my hand and dragging us out of the park.

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