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everyone who knows dokyeom knows that he's an abundant ray of sunshine, lighting up every room that he walks into to. he's seldom quiet, and when he is something is usually wrong. he's always been really great at expressing his emotions, something that aids our relationship tremendously.

i watch him as he turns on the television and relaxes into the couch. only a few words have been spoken since he got home from his busy schedule today. every time he's had a bad day he typically tells me all about it and gets it off his chest, ranting cutely about who said this and who did that. the silence is uncomfortable for me, but this isn't about me, its about him. i know that i have to try and make him feel more comfortable.

he fiddles with the remote before landing on netflix and turning on the current show he's been watching in his spare time. his hair is fluffy and disheveled, falling in front of his eyes, causing him to mess with it every now and then. he brings his legs up and sits criss cross on the couch, appearing small and childlike. he leans his head back as he gets more comfortable. i decide to approach him, hoping to help him relax.

"tired, baby?" i ask gently. i move behind him and stand behind the couch, resting my hands on his shoulders. i start kneading them gently, upon noticing how tense he is.

all he does in response is hum, indicating a yes. i guess thats all i'm going to get from him today.

"wanna talk about it?" i ask softly. i'm not going to force him to talk, but i want the weight lifted off his chest. i reach my hand forward and place it on his chest, rubbing gently in a circle.

he nods his head no, humming in response again. he leans back into my touch, laying his head softly on my stomach. i keep rubbing circles on his chest, feeling his heartbeat as i go. i can tell no words are going to be exchanged, but he needs this affection right now, so thats what i'm going to give him. i get a little anxious at the thought of him being so non responsive, because its so unusual. i remind myself to focus on making him feel better.

"did you know that scotland's national animal is a unicorn? i think that's pretty stupid considering it's a fake creature" i state matter of factly.

dk lets out a snort, being caught off guard by my random statement.

"maybe unicorns are real after all" he mutters quietly, a slight tang of entertainment hidden in his voice.

i play with the hair on top of his head as i trace patterns on his chest. "hey, they could be. my friend told me that people post these stupid videos on youtube of sightings, they are the craziest edits you'll ever see but people swear up and down they are real" i ramble on. as i continue talking about whatever comes out of my mouth i can feel his shoulders relax a little. the corners of his mouth twitch up into a mere smile, shaking his head against my stomach at my nonsensical talk. i'm just happy i'm able to make him smile.

i say another ridiculous fact before i even know its coming out of my mouth. its something stupid about platypus's, but it doesn't even matter anymore because dk lets out a laugh. a real laugh. i can't help but laugh with him, seeing a little bit of the sunshine reappear. i can almost swear the room has gotten brighter.

"wanna know another fact?" i ask inquisitively. he nods against me, intrigued.

i walk out from behind the couch and stand in front of him, positioning myself in between his legs. i pull his head gently towards me, cradling it against my stomach. he buries his face into me, wrapping his arms around me

"i love you" i say quietly, bending down to kiss his hair. "i'll be here for you no matter what, whether you ever want to talk about it or not, okay?" i finish.

he nods against me, whispering "i love you too". i didn't get any further in figuring out why he was so quiet that night, but he knew i was there for him, and that's all i needed.

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