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unfortunately, i've messed up big time again. i watched a scary show, and now i can't sleep no matter what i do. when i was younger my dad was always watching these ghost hunting shows. i was so intrigued by them and would sneak around to watch them even though they terrified me. now that i'm older, i watch them whenever i want to...and still get scared. its like a train wreck that i can't look away from. i don't mess with ghosts.

my boyfriend, dokyeom, doesn't really believe in all that supernatural stuff. he's so sweet though, and still listens to my rants about what i've learned and all the latest episodes. i promised myself i would stop watching them so frequently since they would make it hard to do anything at night. i failed tonight though. dokyeom was still at dance practice and i got really bored, and it just happened.

now its almost 3 am, and i'm restless. he's sleeping next to me, soft little snores escaping his lips. i won't dare wake him up, no matter how scared i am. he looks so cute, and i know he needs every hour of rest he can get. i keep tossing and turning, unable to stay in one position for long. his arms around me, holding me no matter which way i turn. i flip around once more, facing away from him.

"baby girl" i hear groggily from behind me. "are you alright?"

damnit, i woke him up.

"i'm okay, go back to sleep" i say softly, hoping he just falls right back asleep.

i turn around to look at him as he turns my face towards his. he's inches away from me, looking at me worriedly. i think i see something behind him, and it's written all over my face. i shut my eyes closed quickly.

"hey hey, you're okay. i've got you." he says as he rubs my back, pulling me a bit closer.

i bury my head in his chest, feeling safe for a moment.

"i'm sorry, i'm just seeing things. i didn't mean to wake you up" i say, frowning.

he doesn't say anything, as he just kisses my forehead and gets up from the bed.

"where are you going?" i ask. i watch him carefully as he walks towards the door. he's not wearing anything but boxers, and his toned torso catches my attention.

"i'll be right back baby" he says simply. he's about to walk out of the room when i stop him.

"wait! don't leave me" i say scared. i know i'm acting like a baby, but you win some you lose some.

he comes back over to me and holds out his hand. i take his softly as he pulls me up from the bed. he gives me a soft, sleepy smile before saying "hop on", indicating for me to get on his back. i appreciate him being so sweet even when i'm being so annoying. i drape my arms around his neck as he tightens his grip on my thighs. we walk out and into the bathroom, where he grabs something from the outlet. i have my head buried in his neck, as to not see anything in the dark.

we get back to the bedroom where he drops me off softly on the bed. i watch him as he goes to the corner and plugs something in. i notice that it's the nightlight we usually have in the bathroom. it makes the room just bright enough so that i can no longer make things up in my head. it feels safer.

he turns around to look at me and asks genuinely "is this better, love?"

"yes, much better. thank you babe. i'm really sorry i woke you up" i apologize.

he shuts the door all the way, knowing that's how i like to sleep, and crawls back in bed.

"you're welcome sweetheart. you don't have to apologize for waking me up. please always do that when you're scared, i don't want you to lose sleep."

i nod sheepishly in response.

"c'mere, let's switch sides so your back isn't facing the whole room " he says as he pulls me into him. his chest feels so warm and i melt into him. his back is facing the room, while mine is only facing the window. it feels protective, and i know he won't let anything hurt me.

"you're safe honey. there's no ghosts, i promise" he says, pecking my lips.

i look into his eyes, just admiring him. he looks back into mine, running his fingers through my hair.

"i love you" i blurt out, wanting to scream it to the world, because he's the most perfect person ever.

he chuckles at my urgency, and replies "you're cute. i love you more".

"try and go back to sleep beautiful. i'll be here" he says.

"okay" i reply sleepily, yawning. he smiles at me, giving me one last kiss. he tightens his grip around me as if he's saying 'i won't let anything hurt you'. he traces shapes on my back as i fall asleep, completely forgetting about the ghosts. he stays awake for a while until he's sure i'm asleep, even though he's tired. he watches my eyelids flutter as i drift further away into sleep, knowing
that he would do anything for me.

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