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dk has been very clingy lately, never wanting to leave my side. i love it though, actually. i don't mind spending every minute with him, he's the light of my life. i'm starting to wonder if there's any particular reason why this started though. i've been attempting to slyly find out. it gets worse when we are hanging around the rest of the band, which is interesting.

"good morning beautiful" dk says cheerfully as he walks into the kitchen, having just woken up.

"hey sleepyhead" i say, giving him a quick peck. he walks behind me and looks in the mirror, noticing his extreme case of bed head.

"did i fight a demon in my sleep?" he says, laughing at me through the mirror.
i chuckle, saying that it looks really cute, ruffling it as he walks by. he sits down at the counter as i slide him a cup of coffee.

"we have to be at joshua's in an hour, don't forget" i say, reminding him we can't be late. it's mingyu's birthday and we're throwing a surprise party.

"oh. yeah" he says, sounding absolutely thrilled *not*. "i just want to stay here with youuuu" he says, reaching out across the table to grab my hand.

"we're not missing this babe, come onnn! it will be so fun!" i say, trying to hype it up.

"fine" he says, huffing in defeat. "shower with me?" he says, giving me puppy eyes.

i roll my eyes playfully at him, "let's go, loser" i say as i bring him to the bathroom.


"guys! you're here!" josh says as he opens the door. the whole place is set up already, and it looks amazing. i swear there's enough food to feed a whole country, but that's just the way seventeen roles.

we greet everyone as we walk into the living room and get comfortable. dk takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine as i walk around saying hi. once we're about to get settled on the couch i tell him i'm going to go get a drink from the kitchen. he reluctantly lets go of my hand and plops down onto the couch.

"be right back baby" i say giving him a quick kiss. i grab myself a beer and hear jeonghan telling everyone that mingyu is about to arrive. we all get into hiding spots and turn off the lights. mingyu opens the door and we all wait a second before jumping up and doing the typical "surprise!!". he is genuinely shocked, saying this is awesome. we all say hi to him and get settled into the party again.

i'm talking to mingyu at the kitchen counter when i feel a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist. he pulls me into his chest and i relax into him.

"come play kart rider with me" he says in my ear, his breath tickling me.

i can't pass up kart rider, so i excuse myself from mingyu and start walking. i notice dk shoot mingyu a glare as we leave, i have no idea what that was about. i don't have time to ask about it as we get to the couch.

dk sits down first, patting his lap indicating for me to sit there. i sit down, adjusting myself till i get comfy. he wraps his arms around me and holds his controller in front of me. he rests his head on top of mine before turning to the side and kissing my temple.

"you look really cute today" he says sweetly.

i blush, "thank you" i say shyly. he smiles at me in response and starts to play the game.

he's sincerely competitive today, and very adamant on beating scoups. curse words are flying out from every direction and i can't help but notice it seems like something deeper is going on. i again, decide to let it go, thinking i must just be overreacting.

it isn't until the night progresses that i realize i have to speak to dk about it. i'm sitting on the ground in front of the coach where dk is sitting. i'm between his legs and practically falling asleep as he plays with my hair. i rest my head back to look at him upside down and say "i'm thirstyyyy" with puppy dog eyes. I'm absolutely too lazy to get up right now. before he can even open his mouth i hear mingyu from the other side of the couch say
"don't move a muscle! i'll get you something". as he stands up.

"no YOU sit down and don't move a muscle. i'll get MY girlfriend something to drink" dk says, standing up also. they are both facing each other as if it's some sort of stand off.

"okay what the hell is going on guys?? this is getting so weird" i say, finally having to break the strangeness of the last couple weeks.

"they're assholes, all of them! especially him," dk says, pushing mingyu's and making him stumble back.

i take my boyfriends hand and quickly drag him out of the room so that we are alone.

"babe, i seriously need to know what's going on" i say, begging for answers.

"i hate them" he says point blank.

"no you don't, baby" i say, reaching out to touch his arm.

"half of the fucking band has a crush on you, y/n. i don't blame them, but they are starting to really bug me. they are always trying to get to you in any way possible, acting like it's some sort of joke to them. but it's not a joke to me"
he says seriously.

i honestly didn't know about this, so i'm a little blindsided. so this is why he's been so clingy? and competitive? and just a little distant from everyone?

"i'm sorry that i haven't let you breathe in the last couple weeks but i had to keep you around 24/7 or i was scared you would... you would leave and be with one of them instead". he says, forcing the words out and looking down at his feet. a tear even tries to leave his eye, and my heart breaks that he's been dealing with all of this. i'm honestly speechless as i try to collect my thoughts.

"babe... say something please" he says, shifting uncomfortably in his position.

all i can think to do is kiss him. i put my hands on the side of his face, and kiss him. i kiss him like it's the first time all over again. i kiss him to tell him that i love him more than i could have ever imagined loving anyone or anything in this life. i pull away, letting him catch his breath. his chest is moving up and down as he looks at me, seemingly more calm. a dorky smile is plastered on his face and i can't help but smile back at him.

i sit us down on the floor and place myself in front of him. i take both of his hands in mine and say,

"baby, look at me while i tell you this". he looks into my eyes with his doe eyes, filled with anticipation and love.

i smile, bringing a hand up to brush his hair back leaving his forehead exposed. i place a gentle kiss there before saying,

"in a million different lifetimes, in a billion different multiverses where different versions of you, me and the rest of the guys exist, i would always choose you. i only have eyes for you and i have only had eyes for you since we met 4 years ago. i love you a little bit more every single day and i'm serious when i say that. you are the best boyfriend and best friend that a girl can have. i spend every day thinking about how lucky i am to experience this life with you" i pause, feeling a tear drop fall on my thigh. it's not from me, it's from dokyeom. he's smiling and crying at the same time, listening to every word. i kiss the tears on his cheeks and continue on,

"don't ever doubt for even a second that i'm not committed to you forever. baby those boys are never ever going to be competition. they are your best friends and they are mine too, and i know you love them with all your heart. please don't fight with them anymore. i love you infinitely and nothing they could ever do would ever change that" i end my monologue.

he doesn't even a say a word as he throws himself onto me, wrapping his arms around me so tightly. he places his hand on the back of my head, bringing me to his chest. he leans back and kisses me passionately.

"i love you y/n. i don't even know how else to say it but if i learned all the languages in the world i would sit here and say it to you in every single one. you mean the world to me. i'm sorry that i acted so crazy"

we stay hugging, and i rock him back and forth. this is exactly where i am meant to be. 

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