doctor's orders

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i feel like absolute crap today. i made it about 30 minutes into dance practice before having to call it quits. i woke up today with a super sore throat, it hurt even to swallow. my nose is running and i'm achey all over my body. i tried to push myself and show up anyways, and now i'm paying for it. i excuse myself and leave the room, sitting down on the hallway floor unable to walk any farther. i groan and put my head in my hands, trying to snap myself out of it. i'm freezing all of a sudden and have goosebumps all over my body. my body starts shaking uncontrollably and i start to panic a little. 

i just want y/n. 


i'm sitting at my desk at work dreading the 2 hours i have left. they couldn't possibly go any slower. as i'm staring at my computer screen zoning out i feel my phone buzz. i pick it up and see that joshua texted me. i thought that was kind of weird since i know they are super busy today.

hi y/n, i'm sorry to bother you, i know you're at work. don't freak out, but dk is like really sick. we had to stop practice. he's being checked out by some people here at hype right now. 

i immediately start to worry as a million questions run through my head. i hadn't even gotten the chance to reach out to him today and had no idea he wasn't feeling good. all i want to do now is rush over them and be with him. i look around and see that my big boss isn't at her desk, and make my way into the hallway. i call dk, hoping that he's well enough to pick up. i just want to talk to him and see his face.

the line connects after a couple rings and i hear a raspy "y/n?" from the other side. 

"baby" i say, with a frown in my voice. "what's wrong? are you holding in there?" i ask gently. 

"not really. i- i just really don't feel good" he says, and i hear him start to cry. my heart completely breaks in two. he doesn't cry that often, so i can only imagine how much he must be hurting to react like this. in the middle of his crying he starts to cough and it sounds really painful. 

"oh my sweet boy. i'm coming to hybe right this second, okay? i love you and hang in there. can you put one of the guys on the phone please baby?" i ask.

he hums a slow 'mhmm' and i hear josh answer. 

"is he going to be okay? does he need to go to the hospital?" i ask, suddenly seeing how real the situation is. 

joshua replies, "they are going to give him some hydration iv's here and see if that helps. they think he's super dehydrated and it's making him weaker". 

"keep him calm. i'll be right there" i say. 

"hurry, please. he really wants you"

i hang up my phone and run back inside to grab my things. my boss is just going to have to understand. he comes before everything else.

once i arrive i hurry up to the practice room and rush in. i look around and see some people in the corner. there are iv's set up, and attached at the bottom of them is my poor boyfriend. one of the paramedics steps aside and dk finally sees me. 

"you came" he says groggily, with red puffy eyes. 

"of course, baby. i'm here now" i say as i step closer. he starts to cry again the second i wrap my arms around him, as he finally feels safe enough to let go.

"shhhh i'm here baby. you're okay" i say gently. i brush my hand slightly on the back of his head, cradling him into my chest. he sniffles as he melts into me. i pull back to look at him and he looks up at me. he looks pale, and he feels like he's burning up. 

"my poor baby" i frown at him, kissing his forehead. i want to talk to someone to see what the game plan is here. i go to get up but i feel dk tugging at my hand, not wanting me to leave.

"please don't go" he sniffles. 

"i'll be right back baby. i'm just going to go talk to one of the paramedics". he reluctantly lets go of my hand and i make my way over. mingyu and scoups join me, giving me side hugs as i see them.

"this doesn't seem good. we all know he never, ever cries like this. i'm really worried" i say genuinely. 

"i know, it is a little scary" mingyu admits, fiddling with his hands. 

the paramedics tell me that after about 20 minutes of the hydration he should be feeling a lot better. they gave him some tylenol as well to bring this fever down. they say that they think he just pushed himself too hard today on top of the sickness, and it is common to become emotional like this when that happens. 

i feel a bit better after hearing them explain everything, but i just want to see him getting better. and soon.

i make my way back to him and hold him in my arms until he starts to feel a little more like himself again. we sit in silence for a while, and he falls in and out of sleep a couple times. they take the iv's out and he sits up straight for the first time since they put them in. it seems the tylenol has his fever under control for now, and he appears a little better than before. 

"hi" he says, looking up at me.

"hi baby" i say, sweeping his bangs back so i can see his eyes. "feeling any better?"

"a little. i just want to go home with you" he says, rubbing his eyes.

the paramedics tell me that we can go home, and to keep an eye on him if anything gets worse, though they don't think it should. 

"alright baby, lets get you home. then you're going straight to bed and getting lots of cuddles, okay? doctor's orders" i smile at him, kissing the top of his head. 

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