traitor (part 1)

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dokyeom loves you more than anything in this life, and he showers you with it every chance he gets and then some. but lately he feels like its not enough, and it will never be enough. he feels like you're drifting away from him. he's at a total loss of control, feeling the situation spiraling away from him. he has had such a busy schedule that it leaves little time for you guys to hang out, only furthering the issue. when he does have downtime, he notices you are distant, mentally somewhere else. but what has been really bothering him is that sometimes you are physically somewhere else. 

it started out slow, right after he introduced you to the other members. he adored how you all clicked instantly, merging with his best friends effortlessly. this only became a problem when one particular member, mingyu, started to cross the line, one that dokyeom never thought he would have even had to draw. he thought it was one sided at first, seeing your loyalty to him be proven everyday. but he hasn't been so sure of that lately, and he's sick to his stomach at the thought. he's been too scared to have a conversation about it, as he's naturally bad at confrontation. it's been pissing him off, making him slightly unenjoyable to be around. he can't help it, his best friend is trying to get with his girlfriend. 

he walks down the street to the restaurant he's supposed to be meeting you guys at, crossing his arms against his chest as he shields himself from the breeze. he's on edge today, his anxiety spiking to a higher rate at the possibilities of what could happen tonight. he's showing up alone, something that would have never happened in the past because you would have always went together. but today you had texted him,

i'm just going to meet you at the restaurant! work is running late :(

he thought this to be a little odd considering that on Friday's you have gotten out early every time for the last couple months. he shook it off, trying to think nothing of it. he takes a deep breath as he walks in, spotting some of the members at a table near the back. he sits down, greeting everyone as he looks around and notices you aren't there yet. he also takes note that mingyu isn't there yet, great. try not to jump to conclusions, he thinks. after a little while, and almost half a beer gone, you arrive at the restaurant. he just wants to talk to you, feeling happier once your bright smile lights up the room. he hasn't seen you all week, and he's craving time with you. he watches as you say hi to everyone, brightening up the atmosphere immediately, as you always do. 

"baby!" you say, turning your attention towards him. "i missed you".

your comment is genuine, and he doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to know that. his heart calms down a little at the sweet affection. 

"i missed you too" he replies, just as heartfelt. he holds out his hand to you, bringing you down to the seat next to him. he smiles at you as he brings you in for a hug. he squeezes you as you hug him back, but something feels different. he feels you backing away a little, lifting his head up as he hears everyone greet mingyu who just walked in. not even a minute in between the two of you arriving. thats not enough of a time difference. he notices the look that the two of you exchange, one that is unsettling and leaves his stomach in a knot. you don't greet him verbally, which he thinks is even more suspicious. he wants your attention on him, and him only.

"so how was work?" he asks, shifting towards you. you look away from mingyu, your eyes fluttering over to dokyeom. you hum a hmmm, before looking at him fully.

"what? oh yeah, uh work was fine, just a bit much today" you answer. the reply leaves dokyeom unsatisfied, sensing the lie on your lips. he's known you for 5 years, nothing can get past him anymore. 

you smile at him softly, but it doesn't convince him. he doesn't know exactly what is going on in your head, but to him it's not good. the table erupts in laughter, stealing away your attention before he can say anything else. they are shifting over to the bar, wanting another round of drinks. dokyeom stays seated at the table, hunched over in his chair, defeated. he watches as you make your way over to the bar, standing next to mingyu as you order. you turn around and meet his eyes, and for a moment, just a moment, dokyeom perks up.

"do you want anything, babe?" you call out to him. 

he shakes his head, not really in the mood to drink. "no thank you" he calls back, watching as you shrug your shoulders in response and turn back around. he looks down, playing with his fingers in his lap. he notices his shirt, remembering that he chose to wear it because you said once that its your favorite on him. he even did his hair the way you like, leaving it fluffy and loose, falling over his forehead. you didn't say anything though, he doesn't think you even noticed. 

you laugh at something mingyu said, making dokyeom look up. mingyu puts his hands on your shoulders, laughing as he shakes you a little. dokyeom knows he shouldn't just be sitting here and watching. he can't continue to be so passive, he needs to stand up for himself. it goes against everything in his nature to be assertive and dominant, but he has to try. he shakes his head a little to snap himself out of it before standing up and walking over to the bar. 

he reaches deep within himself to find the confidence that he needs so desperately right now, and snakes his arm around your waist. he barely gives you the chance to turn around to look at him before he leans down and kisses your lips. if theres one thing he knows he's good at, it's this. he kisses you for a hot minute, backing away once he feels you smile against his lips.

"well hello to you, too" you say, running your hand through his hair.

mingyu shoots dokyeom a glare, which dokyeom finds funny. she's his girlfriend, not mingyu's. and he can kiss her whenever he likes. 

"come back over there with me" he says, his voice low and possessive. he places his hand lower, basically on your ass, pulling you close to him. he catches a change in your eyes, and he knows he must be doing something right. the sudden personality change is getting your attention. he wins a small victory as he guides you back to the table, you not even glancing back at the angry man you left in the dust. 

despite being in a restaurant, dokyeom sits back down in his chair and pulls you onto his lap. you giggle, surprised by the sudden act. he keeps a hand on your thigh, dangerously high. 

"you're wearing the shirt" you say, reaching up and holding the collar of his shirt. he smirks at your noticing, and squeezes your thigh when he feels you pulling his face closer to yours. he's about to kiss you again when you both hear your name being called from the bar. he sighs internally as you back away and get off his lap. 

"get over here ASAP!"  mingyu calls. dokyeom takes your hand, trying to stop you from leaving. you pout at him slightly, hearing the others continue to call you over.

"come with me" you say whining, tugging his hand. 

he mumbles a low "in a minute" and watches as you walk away, leaving him alone at the table once more. he takes a sip of his water, as he doesn't even want to go over there and hang out with them. when he looks up, he wishes he didn't. he sees mingyu leading you out of the restaurant, your hand in his. you are both giggling drunkenly as you disappear out the door. 

well, fuck. 

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