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Y/N's birthday is in 2 weeks and i've been trying hard to pull everything together. me and the rest of the guys really want to make it an awesome surprise party. she moved here to seoul with me full time a couple months ago and hasn't seen a lot of her family and friends since then, so we want to invite them all to come celebrate. i've been texting a lot of people, making a lot of calls, and also trying to keep it all a secret. i've been texting with someone from a beautiful venue, trying to make sure we make it look exactly as Y/N would want it. we've been meeting up to discuss all the details. it's been a lot of work but i really hope she isn't suspecting anything, i want it to be perfect.


things have been a little odd lately. dokyeom seems like he's hiding something and it's making me unnerved. he keeps talking secretly on his phone, excusing himself from the room every time. when we are hanging out he always leaves his phone in his pocket, or on the table; face down. he's been dodging questions and acting suspicious. if i didn't know any better i would think he's seeing someone else.

one night while we were watching a movie, he got up to go to the bathroom. he must have made a mistake, because he left his phone face up. a text came through, lighting up the dark room. i didn't want to snoop, but come on, it was right there in my face. i glanced down, seeing the name "Nabi", followed by a text that says,

'of course! i'll see you tomorrow then :)"

as i think mostly any girl would do in this situation, i automatically assume the worst. my stomach is in knots and i feel like throwing up. my vision starts to go a little blurry and i don't even know what to do. i don't have time to think before dk comes back into the room. he sits down on the couch, kissing my cheek.

"did i miss anything good?" he asks me, referring to the movie. i can't even open my mouth to form words. do i bring this up? or will i look crazy? i have to bring it up right? i settle on shaking my head no, and pretend to go back to the movie.

after a little while of me panicking internally, his phone lights up again, and it's the same bitch.

oh and don't forget the champagne!

this time i can't ignore it, what the hell is going on? he glances at his phone and i see a bit of panic cross his face. he doesn't move to get it, in fact he doesn't move at all. he just keeps looking forward, at the movie.

"who is Nabi?" i ask, stone cold, demanding answers. i pause the movie and face him, sitting in the uncomfortable silence. he waits a second before answering,

"hmm? oh Nabi is one of our new choreographers that we're working with" he says, letting it slide off his tongue. it sounds like a lie.

"a choreographer? why is she asking you to bring champagne?" i ask the obvious.

"we are celebrating the new dance being done tomorrow. we all played a game and i lost, so guess who gets to bring the alcohol" he says lightly, pointing his thumbs at himself. he's laughing, seemingly lighthearted. maybe he isn't lying, maybe i'm being too dramatic. i accept his answer for now, but still feel a little uncomfortable the rest of the night.

i wake up the next morning, having not slept great at all. i couldn't stop thinking about Nabi.

"good morning baby" dokyeom says as he walks back into the room. he is fresh out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still wet. i almost forget everything, but i compose myself. he kisses me sweetly, and i almost melt. no. i have to stand my ground until i get to the bottom of this.

he returns to the bathroom to finish getting ready. i hear his phone buzz, and notice it's on the nightstand. i sit up to see it's face down again today. odd timing, right? i know i shouldn't be doing this. it's wrong to look at his phone. but he used to let me use it all the time, he never had anything to hide. now all of a sudden its rarely out of his sight? i look towards the bathroom, noticing theres no sign of him coming out soon. i let out a sigh before picking up his phone. no surprise, it's Nabi.

still good for 2, right? i hope y/n still doesn't know anything.

this is when i feel the knots in my stomach return. tears start rolling down my cheeks, the saltiness staining my lips. how could he do this? he's going to sleep in bed with me, call me baby, and then go see another girl? how long has this been going on? i genuinely feel like i'm going to throw up now. i let out a noise, and dokyeom opens the bathroom door. fuck, i don't even want to look at him.

"baby..." he says slowly, looking at his phone in my hand, then back at me crying. he takes a slow step forward. i throw the phone across the room at him, watching it land at his feet.

"you lied to me! who the fuck is this girl dokyeom? how long have you been seeing her? i scream. i'm letting everything out at this point.

he sighs, shaking his head. "y/n, calm down please" he says, coming towards the bed.

"no! i won't calm down! tell me what's going on!" i yell, tears still pouring down my face.

he frowns at me, genuine sadness spread across his face. funny, he shouldn't be the one who gets to be sad here.

"baby, can you please just let me explain?" he begs. he sits down on the bed, leaving a good amount of space between us.

"i'm not seeing someone else, y/n. that's crazy" he frowns. "Nabi is a venue owner and party planner" he says, pausing to look at me before proceeding. i stay listening, confused how this changes anything. he continues, "i've been working with her to plan your birthday party. we are trying to make it absolutely perfect because you deserve it, so we've been in contact a lot. i didn't want you to know so that i could keep it a surprise".

i feel like a piece of shit all of a sudden. i'm speechless, and the tears of anger turn into sadness and regret, as well as embarrassment.

"here, look" he says, getting up to pick his phone up off the ground. he opens it up and hands it to me. it's on the texts between him and Nabi. as i read them i can see that he's absolutely telling the truth, and i feel like an idiot.

"i'm sorry" he says quietly, almost a scared whisper. "i didn't mean for it to go like this".

i melt into myself, wanting to run away from this. i put the phone down on the bed and run my fingers through my hair, tugging a little out of frustration at myself.

"i'm such a fucking idiot. i'm so so sorry. i just- you've been acting weird lately and kept hiding your phone from me. then i saw these weird texts and her saying stuff about hoping i don't find out and i just went crazy. you should cancel the party, i don't deserve it. i don't deserve you." i say, defeated. i wouldn't be surprised if he breaks up with me.

"baby" he says, taking my hand in his. "don't say that please. your reaction is valid. i understand it completely. i just wish you wouldn't think i would cheat on you. i love you more than anything in this world. i thought you knew that" he says. he's quiet now, looking down at his lap. this time, a tear escapes his eyes. now i am sure i can't hate myself anymore.

"dokey" i frown, wanting to beat myself up. i scoot closer to him and brush my hand through his hair. i place my finger under his chin and make him look at me. his eyes are red and drained.

"i know you love me. god you show me everyday with every little thing you do. i'm so stupid for ever thinking you would do something like that. all this time you were trying to do something super sweet for me and here i am being an asshole to you. i'm so sorry. i love you so much. you can be mad at me for the rest of your life and i'd understand." i say to him.

i bring him in for a hug, feeling like it's all i can do now. i feel him fall into me as i rub his back.

"i'm not mad at you. i know you love me too. we're still throwing this damn party if it's the last thing i do. we worked damn hard on it" he says, giving a puppy dog pout and crossing his arms.

i smile at him fondly, ruffling his hair. "you got it, sweetheart"

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