traitor (part 2)

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*!! obviously this is all fiction 😭 mingyu would never ever act like this so please just pretend lol okay bye!*

as he watches you walk out of the restaurant with your hand in his supposed best friends, he goes into shock for a moment. he doesn't move, too frozen to get up and too scared to find out what's going on. he's fed up, now. he wishes mingyu didn't exist, he wants everything to go back to normal. he stands up quickly, balling his hands into a fist and clenching them as he walks away from the table.

"dokyeom, where are you going?" members call out simultaneously, but he doesn't answer any of them. he keeps his gaze forward, eyebrows sharp and lips drawn tight. he reaches the restaurant door, pushing hard on the handle as he bursts out into the street. he looks to the left and the right, scouring the people for you. he walks further down the street, stopping in his tracks when he finds you and minyu around the corner. he sees his girlfriend, someone who has been trying so hard to trust, pushed up against the wall as mingyu kisses you, hand on your waist. 

"you've got to be fucking kidding me" he growls, chuckling deeply at his own expense. the night couldn't get any fucking worse, huh? 

there's nothing left in him but to walk away. he doesn't have fight in him right now. he walks briskly down the street, his vision blurring and tears falling down his face. he ignores you as you chase after him calling out,

"dokyeom! wait! please just stop it's not what it looks like" you yell, hoping to get through to him,

yeah right, he thinks. it was pretty damn obvious what it looked like. his worst fear came true. how long has this been going on? was this the first time? his heart is racing in his chest as he moves from block to block with no sign of stopping. he saw what he saw, and he won't ever forget it. 

but what he didn't  see is how you reacted. he didn't see how you tried to get away from mingyu. he didn't see how you told him to stop when he pinned you against the wall. he didn't see how you grimaced when his lips collided with yours, as you tried to push him away. he didn't see how your image of someone who you thought was your best friend changed forever. he didn't see how you didn't want this. 

you got closer to mingyu over the last couple months, finding out that you had a ton in common with him. you viewed him as a big brother, someone you could always count on and lean on when you needed it. it was a completely different relationship than you had with dokyeom. you had never  had a romantic thought about mingyu. you saw him as a big loser, someone you confided in and had a good time with when dokyeom was busy. it was never supposed to be this. you've been having a shitty time at work, getting closer and closer to quitting everyday. you don't like to complain to dokyeom about it, because you know his job is much harder. you hate to bring the mood down when you're around him. with it being one of the only things on your mind lately, it's been hard to talk to him. none of it is his fault, in fact it's entirely yours. now the only thing you need to do is make this right. 

you run until you're out of breath, your heart pounding out of your chest. you find your boyfriend sitting against a building, crying into his hands with his knees pulled up to his chest. 

he looks up at you when he feels you gently touch his knee. his breathing speeds up and he's in flight mode, wanting to run away. he can't even look at you. the second he finds the energy he stands up, taking off again. he's not ready to talk about it, if he ever will be. he continues walking into the night, weaving in and out of strangers on the street. you are still calling out his name behind him, sounding more desperate by the minute. you catch up to him, and he feels you grab onto his arm, keeping him near you.

"i didn't want him to kiss me dokyeom! he- he pinned me against the wall and i told him to stop. he wouldn't listen" you yell, your voice stuttering near the end as tears fall from your eyes.

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