rough week

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it was finally friday, and the work week absolutely drained me. so many things went wrong and i didn't sleep through the night once this week. all i wanted to do was go rot in my bed for the whole weekend. i couldn't do that though, because i promised dokyeom that i would go to their seventeen "bro night" hangout.

"baby please come, the guys never stop talking about you. they want to hang out" dokyeom pleaded as he took my hand.

"i don't want to intrude on your night, i feel like i change the vibe when i'm there." i said hesitantly.

"thats not true. pleaseee. i don't want to spend my friday night without you" he said, giving his best puppy dog face.


i caved and told him i would come, but that was a few days ago before the week of hell. i should be heading over to jeonghan's place in 10 minutes, but i'm stuck glued to the couch. i want to see my boyfriend, more than anything. but hanging out with 13 chaotic guys when you're dead tired is... a lot.

i sigh and get off of the couch before i change my mind. i pull out my phone and text dk.

me: you promise we aren't leaving the house, right? i'm wearing the bummiest outfit and no makeup.

dk: promise! though i'm sure you look beautiful as usual. can't wait to see you baby, missed you today !!

i smile softly as i read his text, getting more excited to go see him and the others. i know he is what i need right now to make me feel better. without even taking a second look at my awful appearance, i walk out the door and head over.

everyone is there when i arrive... i may or may not have been late. i slip my shoes off at the door and make my way to the living room area. all 13 of them are sprawled out on the floor and the couches, glued to some video game on the tv.

joshua sees me first and says "Y/N!! my favorite "bro" for bro night." as he gets up to hug me.

i chuckle at him and hug him back as i make my way around saying hi to the others. i look around for dokyeom, unable to find him.

"your lover boy is in the kitchen" jeonghan smiles at me.

i make my way downstairs and head into the kitchen where i see dokyeom's back to me, gathering up some soju for everyone. i take the opportunity to sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. he isn't startled, however, and turns around with the sweetest smile.

"baby! hi" he says sweetly, genuinely happy to see me. he gives me a quick kiss.

"hi" i smile back. "you look so cute" i say honestly, pecking his nose. he's wearing an oversized sweatsuit that is almost swallowing him whole. i just want to hug him forever.

he blushes, squinting his eyes with a smile as he always does when i compliment him.

"i missed you so much today. i'm so happy you're here" he smiles at me, giving me a big hug. i just about melt at his loving statement, and i missed him just as much. i rub my hands up and down his back.

"do you want something to drink? there's apple juice. i made jeonghan but it" he exclaims, knowing that i don't prefer to drink alcohol. apple juice is my guilty pleasure.

"i'm okay for right now, thank you though, cutie" i smile at him, adoring how thoughtful he is.

i help him carry up the drinks for the boys, and we all settle in.

the night progresses way past my bed time, and they are only just getting started. intense rounds of karaoke has begun, and i don't think a single person is sober. hoshi and seungkwan are singing a duet, so you can imagine the chaos. i truly am having fun, but my eyes want to close so bad. i scooch back a little so that i can lean against the couch.

dk is in a very enthusiastic conversation with vernon, talking about some movie they saw the other day. he looks so cute being so into it, and i don't want to bother him. the conversation seems to fizzle out a bit, and i could really use a cuddle.

"dokyeom?" i ask softly, too tired to speak louder.

he turns his head to me, smiling at my tired appearance. "hey, pretty girl. you okay?"

i nod, "can i have a hug?" i simply ask.

he chuckles softly at me before pulling me onto his lap on the couch. he wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tightly. i relax into him, never wanting to leave.

"you don't even have to ask, baby" he speaks sweetly. "you're sleepy, huh?"

i pick my head up from his shoulder to look at him, and just shrug, not answering verbally.

he rubs his hands up and down my arms. "rough week at work? do you want to talk about it?"

"it's okay, i think it's your turn for karaoke now" i acknowledge as his designated karaoke partner seungcheol grabs a mic.

"i think he's gonna have to fly solo this time around, i'm not moving". he says. i can tell he's getting a bit worried about me being so quiet, and i do feel bad for worrying him. things have just been piling up lately, and i don't know where to even begin.

"you can talk to me sweetie, it doesn't have to make sense, just let it out" he says, almost reading my mind.

i glance around at the noisy scene unfolding in the room. dk notices and says softly, "come on, let's go somewhere quiet".

we sit down on the bed in the guest room. he sits criss cross in front of me, giving me his full attention. he smiles lovingly at me, and i feel so safe. i spill everything. from my terrible boss, to my nosey coworkers, to how i'm so tired some days that i don't want to get out of bed. i don't cry, even though it feels like i might.

"oh y/n, i'm so sorry. i know this new job has been tough on you. i wish i could make it easier. i'd do it for you if i could." he frowns.
"i'm sorry i made you come here, you should be at home getting some sleep" he says, clearly feeling guilty.

"i wanted to see you" i say, almost a whisper.

"baby" he sighs, frowning. "all you had to do was call me. i would have come over in a heartbeat and ditched this whole thing. you are my number one priority, always. okay?" he pulls me into his lap again.

i rest my head on his shoulder, knowing that this is one of my toxic traits i've developed from my last relationship. i always think that i'm not worth someone's time, and that i'll annoy them. but he loves me, he loves me so much.

"okay...i'm sorry" i whisper, starting to let the tears fall now. "i promise i'll get better at this" i say, referring to sharing my feelings and letting him love me.

"please don't apologize, love. i just want to be here for you. i love you. so much" he rocks me back and forth in his arms while i cry a little bit more, being so exhausted from everything.

"i love you more, dokyeom. seriously i don't know what i would do without you".

"you'll never find out, i'm here forever".

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