hey baby, i think i wanna marry you

676 28 20

part 2 :))

"you're getting really burnt baby" dokyeom says suddenly, noticing how your arm is in direct sunlight and turning bright pink.

you shrug it off as he keeps his arm around you, placing his hand on your arm so that most of it is covered. it's hot to the touch.

"let's go inside for a bit, i'll get you some sunscreen. i think my grandma is inside anyways" he says, standing up from the bench.

you haven't met his grandmother yet, but that's the one you're most nervous about. the grandmas like a big deal, isn't it? maybe you're just thinking about it too much. you stand up and follow him into the house, staying behind him as he leads you into the kitchen. his grandma is in there making even more food, even though there's enough out there already to feed a small country. it reminds you of your grandma, and for a moment you are a little calmer.

"hi grandma!" he calls out happily, meeting her over by the sink. she turns around and sees it's him, and brings him in for a big hug. you melt at the sight, seeing how much she loves him and is happy he's here. you have that in common with her. you stand awkwardly at the end of the kitchen, rocking on your feet.

"and this pretty girl must be y/n! i've heard so much about you" she says as she looks over at you, smiling sweetly.

dokyeom turns towards you with a soft smile and holds his hand out, indicating for you to come over. you take his hand and step forward, smiling back at her.

"well aren't you just a vision" she beams, taking you in as you shift awkwardly under all the attention. "you weren't wrong, she is absolutely stunning" she says, nudging your boyfriend. he notices your flushed cheeks and stands next to you, placing his hand lovingly on your back.

"thank you" you say shyly, still red from the compliment. "it's so nice to meet you. i've also heard so much about you, especially your famous cooking" you say, trying to initiate the small talk. she chuckles at the compliment, and notices you extend your hand out to shake hers.

"oh i'm a hugger dear" she says, pulling you in for a hug. you smile at the gesture, looking at dokyeom as you hug her back.

"i told you" he mouths, giggling quietly, as he had warned me a couple days ago about how she was a big hugger.

she starts to talk about the food she's making, and you politely follow along. dokyeom stands back and watches as you happily obliging to taking the spoon in your mouth and testing the recipe. he puts his hand on your back again, rubbing gently as butterflies erupt in your stomach. as his grandma turns to get something from the fridge, you turn to him thinking he's trying to get your attention.

"yeah?" you ask him, noticing his dorky smile.

"nothing" he answers, continuing to rub your back.

she comes back with a new ingredient and gets back to work, letting you help when you can. dokyeom has talked about you a lot to his grandma, and she knows how happy you make him. she already loved you before she even met you. he notices your bright pink arm, remembering why he brought you in here in the first place.

"hey grandma, do you have any sunscreen?" he asks. "y/n is getting burnt pretty badly out there". he gently touches my arm, showing her.

"oh poor girl!" she frowns. "yes yes it's in the cabinet above the sink in the bathroom".

he says thank you and brings you to the bathroom. the house is quiet as everybody else is outside, their voices quietly traveling through the open windows. you peek around at the living room area as you walk by, noticing that she has quite the eye for decoration, and countless pictures of the family all in beautiful picture frames. you smile as you take it all in. once you're in the bathroom he takes out the sunscreen right away, gently applying it to your arm as to not hurt you. you lean against the sink as he does so, just admiring him. he catches your eyes, smiling at you.

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