you, me and baby against the world

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you did not expect to be spending your friday night packed into a tour bus with 13 men, but here you were against all odds. 'lets all stay on a tour bus instead!' they said. 'like a really cool rock and roll band!' they also said. these boys stopped at nothing to make their wildest dreams come true, so they didn't stop until the tour bus idea became a reality. of course, it wasn't good enough until all 13 of them could fit on the same one. so that is what they got. you got suckered into coming too, although you did try to push the idea of staying in a hotel room like normal people.

it was to no avail, and you were crunched into one of the twin sized beds on the top bunk row. you had to share the bed with dokyeom, which you knew was going to result in an extremely uncomfortable night of sleep for the both of you. that's why for right now you were trying to get ahead of the night and fall asleep early. everyone should trust you when you say you get grumpy when you don't get your eight hours in. the boys, despite begging everybody in their company to let them have the bus, are mostly gathered outside where we are currently parked for the night. it was getting really stuffy in here and they wanted to enjoy the chilly october air. to be honest, you have been having debilitating cramps all day. no amount of advil was saving you this time, so you resorted to clutching your stomach and being a bucket of joy all day (not). you assumed your period would be coming any second and that that was the reason, but it never usually hurts this bad. dokyeom had offered a million times to stay inside with you, but you insisted that he go hang out with the rest of them. you didn't like complaining, and you hoped to just fall asleep after mindlessly scrolling on your phone for a while, but the sleep never came and the stomach pain kept up with its unwelcome visit.

your phone buzzes and you pick it up to see a text from dokyeom.

'are you awake baby?'

'yeah, i can't fall asleep' you reply.

':( do you need anything? anything at all? i feel bad you're in there all alone'

you ponder for a second, thinking about how you really would just like him to hold you, but you reply back with,

'i'm okay, really. but thank you sweet boy'

you place your phone back on the bed again. eventually, after tossing and turning and trying to convince yourself that you weren't going to puke, you had to give up. you hopped out of the top bunk with absolutely no grace, and landed on the floor clumsily before sprinting to the bathroom just in time to throw up in the toilet. great. like most people, you absolutely dreaded throwing up, and you avoided it at all costs. don't cry don't cry, you encouraged yourself.

you heard rustling in the kitchen/living room area and then footsteps coming towards the bathroom. you hadn't even closed the door in your moment of distress, and you tried to scramble up from the floor before whoever it was saw you. you stood up awkwardly right as dino met your eyes from the doorway, concern flushing his face as he saw your condition.

"y/n? are you okay?" he asked.

"yeah, yeah i'm all good" you said, trying to tug your lips into a convincing small smile.

he wasn't fooled, he's known you for too long. he arched an eyebrow and scanned you, replying with a "are you sure? i can go get dokyeom" he said, motioning his hand casually to outside.

you shook your head quickly, mumbling a no. you don't know why you feel so ashamed, but you really don't like throwing up. you should probably feel better now that you let it out anyways, and you don't want to worry your boyfriend. dino reluctantly agrees and exits the bus again, leaving you in the bathroom as you sigh and lean on the counter. you look in the mirror, noticing only now how pale and sick you look. you grab your toothbrush and quickly brush your teeth before climbing back into bed. you don't make it even twenty minutes before you are bending over the toilet again, this time accompanied by tears streaming down your face.

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