dance practice

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i'm sitting in the corner of the practice room, knees pulled up to my chest. the guys are practicing darling, and i decided to come along today. i love watching dk dance, i could do it for hours and hours. he looks so cute today, it's adorable. he's wearing a big hoodie and some sweats. with a beanie to top it off. i'm getting super tired but i don't want to leave. their practices go super late sometimes, i don't know how they manage to keep up the energy.

they are in the middle of the song right now, hitting every beat. dokyeom looks over at me when he gets in the front, and gets distracted. he literally looks like he forgot he was dancing, and smiles at me wide while giving me a quick wave. this causes him to mess up his part, which causes a chain reaction until everyone stops dancing.

"dk!! you're whipped!" mingyu jokes, pushing him a little.

"i'm sorry guys, look at her! she's just so pretty!" he says, making a puppy dog face.

i giggle at their banter, feeling a bit bad that i caused them to mess up. dk looks over at me and shoots me a finger heart and blows me a kiss before they start from the top.

after a couple more times of running through the choreo, i have managed to fall asleep. i pulled my hoodie over my head and the second i closed my eyes, i was dozing off.

i feel someone put their hands on my knees, tapping me lightly.

"hey sleepyhead" dk says, crouching down in front of me so that he's eye level.

i look up slowly and he pushes my hoodie back just enough so he can see my face. once my face is revealed he smiles at me.

"hi" i say, groggily, taking his hand in mine. when i'm tired i could just cuddle him for hours, so i'm craving attention now. i hold my arms out towards him, indicating i want a hug.

he chuckles endearingly at me before sitting down next to me on the floor. he pulls me into his lap so that i am facing him. he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. he gently places his hand on the back of my head and guides it towards his shoulder so that i can rest.

"i can have someone bring you home so you can go to sleep" he says, almost in a whisper.

i shake my head no against his shoulder. "i want to stay with you"

"okay baby" he says in a soft tone. "it won't be much longer" he says as runs his hand up and down my back.

i lift my head up to look at him and ask "do you have any water?"

he shakes his head no, "i just finished mine, c'mon lets go get you some". he pats my legs indicating for me to get up so that he can stand up.

i groan slightly, because i was so cozy. he laughs at me lightly saying "you can do it babe".

i tighten my grip around him, giving one last squeeze before getting up. once i'm up he gets off the ground and takes my hand in his. telling the others that he'll be right back so they can start up again, we walk out of the practice room to the vending machine down the hall. he presses the button for water then turns to me. i lean against the wall, being too lazy to put all my weight on my feet.

"you look so cute" he says, pinching my cheeks jokingly, making me giggle.

he's really close to me now, leaning against the wall with one arm next to my head. my gaze drops down to his lips, as he looks irresistible to kiss right now. i don't make the move though, as i'm usually too nervous.

he smirks at me, noticing where i'm looking. "what do you want baby girl?"

"i want to kiss you", i mumble, as he is only inches away from my face now.

"then kiss me" he says, speaking against my lips without closing the gap.

i lean forward, kissing him passionately. the kiss is the perfect mix of sensual and sexual that makes you never want to stop. he bends his arm that is up against the wall, making it so that his body is pressed against mine. i push into him, deepening the kiss. i feel him smile against my lips, making me smile into the kiss too.

"dokyeom hyung!! y/n!" we hear dino yelling from the practice room.

we break away from the kiss, knowing we should be heading back now.

"ughhh" i say, not really meaning to say it out loud, but feeling disappointed that we had to stop.

dk hears me, and smirks at me while grabbing the water out of the vending machine.
"don't worry, we'll finish later" he says while giving a light smack on my butt.

dokyeom imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora