don't freak out

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tw: mentions of weight and eating disorder

your phone rings repeatedly as you run from the kitchen to the couch where you rummage through the cushions to find the source of the sound. once you pick it up from the depths of the couch you see your boyfriends name on the screen. weird, he's supposed to be in the middle of practice right now.

"kyeom? everything alright?" you ask once you answer, hesitant to find out.

"hi baby" he replies wearily with a softness in his voice, sounding like he's holding back on saying something else. "don't freak out" he follows up with.

"freak out? what's wrong? are you okay??" you ask quickly, growing increasingly worried.

"i kind of...passed out at practice. like..more than once?" he says, finishing it in a question rather than a statement, clearly nervous for your reaction. "i'm on my way home now" he adds before you are able to say anything.

"what???" you ask, shock in your voice. "you passed out? why? are you sure you're okay? should you go see a doctor or something?" you fire off your questions, your heart beating faster. he seems to have been fine recently. no sickness or medical issue that could have lead to this, so you are concerned as to why this would randomly happen. he's overworked himself many times, against all your wishes, but he's never passed out before.

"i'm okay. they just wanted to send me home because i was out cold for a little while. told me to drink a lot of water and rest up. i'll be home in 5 minutes" he says, very calmly, clearly as to try and not freak you out. but it does freak you out, because it sounds like theres more that he's not telling you.

hopefully he was just dehydrated. some water and electrolytes mixed with a good nap should help. hopefully.

"okay" you say hesitantly, not really sure where to go from here. "please hurry". you want him to be home so you can see him for yourself. once you hang up you sit anxiously on the couch until the front door opens, revealing dokyeom in the doorway. to your relief, he looks normal. his hair is a little disheveled and his hoodie swallowing him whole. you scan him up and down to find anything else out of the ordinary. he drops his bag on the floor by the door before kicking his shoes off.

"hi" he smiles hesitantly.

"come sit down" you say gently, taking his hand and bringing him to the couch.

once he's sitting in front of you thats when you notice a little blue bruise on his forehead, sitting next to a small cut. you instinctually frown, moving your hand up to move his hair out of the way to look at it more clearly.

"oh, yeah. that's just a little scrape from when i fell" he says, as if its the most casual thing in the world. again, you know he's just trying to keep you from being scared.

"baby" you say, gently running your finger over the injury. "that's more than just a little scrape" you say sadly.

you keep your hand in his hair and lean back a little to look at him again. he looks exhausted now that you're really looking at him. images in your head play of him falling down to the ground, and your stomach starts to hurt. he tilts your chin up to look at him so that you can't avoid his eyes anymore. he notices your worry, and he wants to take it away.

"hey" he says, snapping you out of the dark daze. your eyes snap into focus as you look at him. "i'm really alright, sweetheart. okay?" he says, hoping you find the meaning in his words.

you nod nervously.

he pulls you into his lap so that you're closer to him. but you feel as though he's so fragile you might break him. his words sound reassuring on paper, but you hear that tone in his voice again. the undertone that makes it sound like he's not telling the whole truth. you're not sure what he would be hiding from you.

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