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"fuck, wow" dokyeom breaths out, collapsing onto the bed with all his energy now gone.

"shit, wow" you mimic, also mind blown by the sex you two just had.

you fall down on the bed next to him. you both stay there laying next to each other while trying to catch your breath. he throws the sheet over you both, gently pulling you closer to him. you lay your head on his chest and wrap your arm around his waist, sighing in content once you're comfy. he lays his arm on top of yours, intertwining your hands. he leans down to kiss your forehead softly, making you smile in return.

"i love you" he says, meaning the words more than he could ever express.

"i love you more" you reply, snuggling deeper into him.

"i'm gonna go get us some water" he speaks softly, squeezing your hand before sliding out from under the sheet and standing up. he grabs some boxers from his drawer and slides them on before walking towards the door.

"wait!" you call out, reaching for his hand from the bed. he turns around swiftly, giving you his attention as he takes your hand and stands next to the bed.

"get me a snack too please?" you ask, jutting out your bottom lip. he chuckles at you and says, "you got it baby".

he doesn't have to ask you what you want, because he knows you well enough to pick it out. he's going right for the salty snacks, settling on cheez its. as he goes downstairs to grab the water and the snacks, you get up and rummage through the closet, looking for one of his big t-shirts to wear. he comes back into the room with his hands full, placing everything on the nightstand.

"can i wear this?" you ask, knowing that the answer will already be yes.

his eyes flicker over to you, holding his shirt in your hands.

"course, baby" he smiles at you, sitting back down in the bed, putting his hands behind his head.

you throw the shirt on and find some underwear to put on. you run back into bed and jump onto your side, making him laugh fondly at you. he pats the spot next to him and opens his arm, indicating for you to slide in next to him. you sit next to him, curling up into him as you fit perfectly into his side hug. you reach over him and grab the cheez its from the table, smiling to yourself at how well he nailed your craving.

"thank you" you say as you open the box, realizing you never thanked him for getting them.

"welcome" he smiles, rubbing his hand up and down your arm.

its almost 1 am, and this midnight snack is really hitting the spot right now. you are very hungry for some reason, stuffing handfuls and handfuls of them into your mouth. dokyeom just giggles at you sweetly, finding anything and everything you do cute. after a little bit you get insecure about how many you are eating and yet you are still hungry.

"you want any?" you ask, knowing you'd feel better if he was eating too.

"no thank you love" he shakes his head, turning on the tv and turning on a background movie.

"ughh" you moan quietly, making him turn to you and raise an eyebrow at the outburst. "i feel so fat, please eat some too" you groan. you lift up your t-shirt, grabbing some stomach chub and frowning at it.

"hey! you're not fat. please keep eating" he urges, pulling your shirt back down. he takes a few cheez its out of the box and eats them, just to make you happy.

"will you still love me if i eat the whole box right now?" you ask, half joking and half serious.

he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and says, "i would still love you even if you turned into a literal cheez it" he said, serious as can be.

you giggle at the stupid phrase coming out of such a serious mouth. "thats oddly sweet" you say, kissing his cheek. yet you still lean over him to put the box back on the nightstand. he looks at you suspiciously, knowing you are still hungry.

"if you're still hungry i can go make you some real food, sweetheart" he says, hoping you take him up on the offer.

"its okay" you say, laying your head down on his shoulder, "i'm not hungry anymore". right as you get comfy your damn stomach growls, breaking the silence. really? you curse it for giving you away like that. he lets out a laugh, finding it hilarious, but thankful that it did in fact give you away. he takes your hand and stands up,

"come on, lets go to the kitchen" he says. you cross your arms, trying to pretend to be mad but you really are hungry, and real food sounds great right now. you walk downstairs and settle into the kitchen. he opens the fridge to see what he could make as you stand behind him and peer in like a little kid.

"hmmm, okay i can make pasta, salad, grilled cheese," he trails on.

you cut him off, "grilled cheese!" you say, craving it immensely now.

"grilled cheese it is" he chuckles, grabbing all the ingredients.

you sit on the counter watching him as he makes himself and you grilled cheese. he still isn't hungry, but he makes one for himself too just to make you feel better. he turns around every now and then to come over and leave kisses on your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, anywhere that makes you smile. you move off the counter and sit down at a chair, pulling your phone out to find something to watch on youtube while you wait. you are getting really tired, and know you are only going to be able to keep your eyes open long enough to eat your food.

"here you go, honey" dokyeom says, sliding the plate in front of you and sitting next to you with his own plate.

he laughs as you pick it up immediately, smiling as the melted cheese hits your tastebuds. it's one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches you've ever had, but that doesn't surprise you, he's good at everything.

"babe" you state, your mouth open in shock as you turn to him. "this is the best thing i've ever eaten, thank you" you claim.

"i appreciate it baby, but i think you're just really hungry" he says honestly, smiling at your enthusiasm.

you shrug, continuing to devour the sandwich. after you finish the last bite, you let out a big yawn that you didn't even see coming. 

"lets get you to bed" he says, rubbing your back gently as he stands up and puts both of your plates in the sink. he walks back over to you and spins you around in the chair, picking you up so that you don't have to walk up the stairs. you smile contently as you drape your arms around his neck, leaving kisses all over. he giggles at you, squeezing your butt playfully in response. when he reaches the bedroom he lays you down, pulling the covers over you. he lays down next to you, facing you as you stare into his eyes.

"kyeom" you state, although his attention is already on you so it wasn't really necessary. yet you still stay looking at his face in the moonlight, waiting for his response.

"whats up pretty girl?" he asks, playing along. he brings his hand up to your head, cupping your cheek.

"i love you" you say, as if its some secret you've been keeping in, as if its the first time you've said it even though its probably the billionth time. you are fighting back the sleep now, your eyelids getting heavy as you try to keep them open to look at him.

"and i love you" he answers, pressing his lips against your nose gently. the second you hear the words, your eyes give up on you and close. you are automatically asleep, feeling cozy and safe like you always do.

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