i'm not scared

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i gasp as my eyes scan over the words on the page, my mouth hung open in pure shock as the suspense tingles through my veins. the sudden sound spikes the interest of dokyeom, who looks over at me curiously. by now he should be used to all the exasperated sounds i let out while reading, but somehow he still gets surprised. i turn to the next page, not being able to take in the words fast enough. right as i'm about to find out what's happened, a sweet voice snaps me out of my fake world i've been in for the past couple of hours. 

"you know, if you keep reading so much you might end up in one of this fantasy worlds and then i'll never see you again" he says, putting his phone down next to him on the couch and turning towards me.

i pretend to ponder for a second, putting on my best 'maybe that wouldn't be so bad' face just to mess with him for interrupting me at the best part. i give up quickly upon his frustrated pout, watching as he crosses his arms and sits in a criss cross position. 

i giggle. "yes, that would be very sad baby" i say, still keeping my thumb in my spot between the pages, planning on getting back to it. 

he leans forward, leaning on his hands so that he's closer to me, clearly on a mission to stop me from reading. he puts his hand on the book, easily covering both pages making them illegible. i huff, trying to move it but he's not budging. he takes it off my lap, being careful to put the bookmark in my spot before putting it on the coffee table. now it is my turn to cross my arms. 

"baby" he whines, laying his head down on my lap where the book just was. i can read him just as easily as i could any book. his pout is plastered strongly on his face, but i know he's not really upset. he's just missing my attention.

"yes?"i reply, brushing my hand through his fluffy hair before letting it fall back down in front of his forehead again. 

"we could do anything in the world right now. what do you want to do?" he urges, perking up like a little puppy at the thought. he smiles, hoping for a fabulous answer, boredom written all over his face. 

"hmmmm" i say, bringing my finger up to my mouth, thinking really hard. i look over at my book on the coffee table, and notice the one it's sitting next to. it's a quirky fiction book meant to read around halloween, one about a haunted house. i smirk, one that's filled with a scandalous aura, as i look back down at my unsuspecting boyfriend. 

immediately, he frowns nervously at the look on my face. "oh my god what are you thinking?" he asks worriedly, sitting upright. i just glance back over at the book, conveniently titled with a simple "The Haunted House". he follows my gaze, horror splaying across his face once he realizes.

"NO! no no no and no!" he says energetically, throwing his hands up. 

i laugh at his shock, saying "but you said we could do anything in the world. and this is what i want to do". i throw him my best puppy dog face, really making sure to bat the eyelashes and jut out the bottom lip as far as it can go. 

"you are pure evil" he says after admitting defeat to himself, knowing that he will cave in and give me anything i want. 

"come on! it will be fun! we need to get into the Halloween spirit. i'll hold your hand the whole time" i say, poking fun at him and how scared he is of things like this. 

"hey" he says stubbornly, "i don't need you to hold my hand" he huffs, pretending to be brave.

i giggle at him, knowing that the second we get there he will be screaming and clinging to me like he's going to die.

"okay tough guy, we'll see" i say, getting up off the couch and forgetting all about my book. he's the only one who can ever make me do that.


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