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"you don't even have to talk to me, just pretend i'm not here. i know you have a lot of work to do" dokyeom says, flashing you a smile through the screen.

your phone is resting on your desk, behind a sprawled out pile of textbooks and notebooks. your boyfriends voice rings out from the FaceTime call, encouraging you to keep studying. finals week is coming up and university has been nonstop. you haven't seen him in 3 whole weeks, and you barely have the willpower to read another line in a textbook. dokyeom withdrawals are real, you think. he FaceTimed you on a whim, and despite being in the middle of studying you answered, because you would never give up the opportunity to talk to him. he has a busy schedule too, making it near impossible for the both of you to be free at the same time. everything in you wants to throw the books away and give up for the night, but you know thats not wise.

"i feel bad. this is the only time we have to talk and you're just gonna be watching me be a nerd" i sigh, huffing as i put my pen down and look at his face.

he chuckles at me lovingly, "you're a cute nerd. i don't mind at all baby, i'm here for moral support". after a little bit longer of convincing, he gets you to study.

its hard to focus, because you can feel his gaze on you. you thought maybe he would do something of his own, maybe even get a little distracted too. but he stays, watching you in awe, as if its one of his favorite movies. you don't look up, but feel your cheeks turn red and fill with heat as his eyes remain on you. you hear him giggle to himself quietly, obviously noticing the new cheek tint. you get back to work, hearing him shuffle around a bit, making you curious at times. you try to ignore it, attempting to finish fast so you can spend time with him.

"hey honey?" he asks, breaking you away from your notes.

"mmm?" you hum, finishing writing down a fact before it disappears from your head. as you meet his eyes, you hear a knock at your door. it startles you a bit, especially because you couldn't even begin to think about who it would be at this hour.

"i think i heard a knock at your door" he says. his phone is really close to his face now, but you think nothing of it. you bring your phone with you, keeping him for moral support in case you, i don't know, die or something by some serial killer on the loose.

"what if i die?" you mutter, walking towards the door.

he chuckles, "i wouldn't worry about that, baby. just open the door", he prods.

you put your hand on the doorknob, turning it. if you're going to die you might as well get it over with. once its open, you're met with a familiar face standing there looking back at you. dokyeom stands in the hallway, the biggest smile plastered across his face.

"see? not a serial killer" he laughs, breaking the shocked silence. you're speechless, unable to think of a single thing to say. so instead, you don't say anything. you leap forward, lunging yourself at him and embracing him in a hug. he catches you, stumbling only momentarily before tightening his grip on you and waddling you both into the apartment. he's so warm, a warmth you have missed tremendously. and he smells so amazing, you missed that too. you missed it all. he rubs his hand up and down your back, letting you nuzzle your head into his neck, taking it all in. you finally pull away, looking at his face. you have to check if he's even real, or you just might not believe it.

"hi", you say, as its all you manage to get out. you take his hand in yours, holding it tightly.

"hi, sweet girl" he beams at you, having missed you just as much.

"am i dreaming?" you mumble, still convincing yourself this is real and you are not just sleep deprived.

he smiles, amused at how excited you are to see him. he shakes his head, leaning in and kissing your lips gently, wrapping his arm around your waist.

"i'm real baby" he says.

you smile at him, bringing your hands up to cup his face. you kiss his nose, making him crinkle it and mirror your smile.

"you have no idea how happy i am you're here" you say, thinking about the exhausting 3 weeks you've had without him. but he does have an idea, he knows how it feels because he's feeling the exact same happiness. he barely made it through the past few weeks without you. shit, he almost dropped everything and came to you the first week. but he's here now, and has you in his arms, and everything makes sense again.

"i couldn't go another second without you baby" he says honestly.

"i love you" you say, feeling the full weight of those 3 words. you bring him closer to you again, squeezing him tightly. he sways you both back and forth, happy his girl is back where she's supposed to be.

"i love you more" he says quietly. the two of you stay there, engulfed in each others arms as the moonlight beams at you through the window, perfectly content to stay like this until the whole world ends.

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