chapter 34

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A/n - just wanted to say thank you for all the support for this story. I really didn't expect it to get 4k reads but again thanks for the support .

*5 months later*

Hailee was coming to the end of the pregnancy . We both found out it was a baby boy and decided on the name would be kasper , we thought it was a cute name . So his full name would be kasper steinfeld like the rest of the family . We didn't decide on a middle name but who really needs a middle name , well actually hailee and I couldn't think of one .

I was just chilling in bed while hailee was in the bathroom . Charlie was in her room playing on her playstation we got her . It was so she could play with me and we didn't have to take it in turns anymore .

"BABE" I hear hailee scream from the bathroom . I run over and see the puddle of water under her . "My water broke" hailee said still in a panic . " ok ok don't panic , we have got think" I say taking hailee and starting to walk her out of our bedroom . "We just need to get you in the car , WAIT where is charlie going to go" I contine as we walk down the hall towards the steps to go downstairs . "We can drop her off at my parents and then pick up my mom" hailee said while trying to keep the pain to a minimum , which she was just squeezing my hand really tight .

"CHARLIE WE NEED TO GO , NOW" I shout from where I was standing next to hailee . " Why?" She said walking towards me . "Hailee is in labor , that's why" I say pushing her towards the front door . We walk out of the house and I get hailee in the car . I run round to the drivers side I quickly get in . I drive at a not so fast speed but quite fast all the way to hailee's parents house . I run up to the door with charlie behind me . I knock on the door and once someone answered I just said "HAILEE'S IN LABOUR" . Cheri came running out as charlie walked into the house .

We both got into the car and I drove off . Once we made it to the hospital I walked hailee up to the door then her mum took her . I ran in and booked her in . She got wheeled away by a nurse as me and cheri walked behind .

*after the birth*

Hailee was just laying in the hospital bed while I was holding kasper in my hands . He was so small , only 6lb and 7 ounces . "Babe , can I see him" hailee said in a whisper since she didn't want to wake kasper up . I stand up from the chair I was sitting in and walk over to the side of the bed . Hailee then takes kasper and holds him close to her chest . I sit on the edge of the bed with one arm around hailee .

"He's just perfect" hailee says leaning into my side . I kiss the top of her head and say "yes he is , just like his mum". Hailee then turns her head towards me and leans in to kiss me . We pull away a few seconds later and look back down to kasper .

We had to stay in the hospital for a few more hour to make sure that kalub was ok and that hailee was ok too . I then dressed kasper while hailee got dressed back into her clothes she brought . "We ready to go" hailee asked after I put kasper in his car seat . "Yup , I think we are" I say looking down at a sleeping kasper .

Once we get to the car , I put kasper in the car before going round to the drivers seat . Cheri was still with us so she got in the front while hailee got in the back with kasper , just in case he decided to wake up . Hailee is already a great mum to charlie so she will be even better with kasper . I'm just so proud of her , I've never been more proud than I am now .

It was about 6.30pm when we got home after dropping cheri off . Cheri said charlie can just stay at there's until tomorrow since we still needed to get kasper settled in . Tonight is going to be on hell of a night .

Hailee and I decided to grab a snack and going straight to bed because we both new it was going to be a long night . I get kasper out of the car seat and into his crib which was on hailee's side of the bed . We both got a few lessons on how to breastfeed and other things at the hospital before we left so we were both prepared . It was still a learing curve for the both of us though .

hailee steinfeld x y/n (gxg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang