chapter 17

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*2 months later*

Me and hailee decided that we would officially adopt charlie since my mum dident want her and who else was going to look after her . Both my grandparents are dead , 2 from cancer and the other 2 died before I was even born .

Charlie doesn't like to call me mum , she calls me y/n or sis but she calls hailee mum . I was on a call with my manager about my next fight which was going to be in the next year or so . Hailee and charlie were on a walk with the dogs so I was alone for a bit and charlie got her cast of about a week ago so she has been more happy since then .

A few minutes later they came through the door . "We are back" hailee said while letting the dogs go free . "Awww , I missed you to ma wee man" I say ruffing up Prince . "What do yous want to do today ?" I ask stroking martini and brando after saying hello to Prince .

"Well me and charlie wanted to go swimming again since we haven't been in forever" hailee said then charlie and hailee both put puppy eyes on . How can I say no to them both doing it . "Sure , when do yous want to go ?" I say then charlie ran towards me and hugged me . "How about now , well we get ready now" hailee said also giving me a hug . "Ok , and we can also tell your parents about charlie" I say knowing we haven't told cheri and Peter .

"Yeah , we do need to do that and I'll see if griffen can come over" hailee said walking towards our room . "Yeah , let's hope he doesn't hurt charlie again though" I say laughing a little . "He dident mean it , and he said about a million sorrys after" hailee said getting changed in the closet/wardrobe . "I know , but I'm just going to be extra safe when she's outside with anyone or even just her self not just griffin" I say pulling hailee into a hug and kissing her forehead .

"I know , she's our baby now so of coarse you can be extra carful with her but you need to let her have fun to , she's a child of course she's going to get hurt" she said giving me a passionate kiss on the lips .

We get to cheri and Pete's house and cheri answers the door . "Hey mom" hailee says hugging her mum before walking into the house . "Hey cheri" I say and give her a hug to . "Hi" charile said while holding onto my hand . "Hello charlie , I have a gift for you actually , just go through and wait in the living room and ill be back with it" cheri says walking of into another room while us 3 walk through the house .

"Here it is" cheri says walking back in with a medium sized box . Charlie takes the lid of and see a little stuffed dog . "Aww mom you didn't have to" hailee said while charlie showed her the dog . "Nonsense , she deserves it and much more" cheri says looking at charlie with a smile . "Thank you" charlie says and hugged cheri . We all go shocked when she did this since she never hugs anyone apart from me and hailee . "Your very welcome sweetheart" cheri says letting go of charlie .

We all talk for a bit while charlie plays with the toy dog . "Charlie if you want you can go in the pool now" hailee says looking over at charlie in the corner of the room . "Ok" she says taking off her jumper and shorts then passing them to hailee .

"Mom , we have news for you" hailee says after charlie is in the pool . "Are one of yous pregnant ?" Cheri asked . "No , but me and hailee both adopted charlie" I say laughing a little at what cheri said .

"That's amazing , so she's your daughter now instead of sister ?" Cheri asked confused . "Well , kind of but she doesn't like calling me mum , she only calls hailee that" I say looking over at a smiling hailee .

"Does that mean she's my granddaughter then ?" Cheri asked still a little confused . "Yes mom , she's your granddaughter" hailee said laughing at how confused her mum was . I also let out a little giggle .

After that we all went into the pool and had fun . After a few hours we got out and sat on the sun loungers . Charlie was on hailee's knee wrapped in a towel while I was laying down looking at them both . "I can't believe my life right now" I say smiling at them both . "Well you deserve every second of it , I can't can't believe my life either" hailee says looking at me in awe .

Cheri made dinner that night , which was spaghetti and meatballs . Griffin and Pete never showed up because there was a problem with one of griffin's cars which he needed the next day or something along the lines of that . I don't really understand car stuff so hailee sometimes needs to fill me in but she doesn't understand alot either .

We got home and watched a movie for a bit for charlie to wind down before going to bed . Once charlie was In bed in the spare room , because she dident really want to sleep with us anymore , me and hailee we t to our bedroom and took a shower which was long over due . It was one of the best showers I have had with her . After that we both went straight to sleep .

I heard hailee talking to someone in the middle of the night so I opened my eyes to charlie crying at the side of the bed . "Honey it was just a dream , it wasn't real , look come here" hailee said then patted the bed infront of her then charlie climbed in . I then stretched my arm out over both of then and kissed hailee's head before all of us fell back to sleep .

hailee steinfeld x y/n (gxg)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant