chapter 22

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*back from vacation*

We came back last night from Spain and it was such a good time . We mainly just walked about and explored the rest of the week we were there . Charlie was still always running around but I couldwnt Blair her , she has never left Scotland since her mum never had enough money .

Me and hailee were still in bed sleeping until charlie ran in and jumped on the bed
. "Wake up wake up" she said still jumping up and down . I go to grab her legs which made her fall down then hailee hugged her and I tickled her sides . "STOP STOP" charlie screamed .

It was hailee and Charlie's birthday today so no wonder why charlie is waking us up . "Hapyy birthday babe and happy birthday little one" I say giving hailee a kiss and then giving charlie a hug . "Happy birthday mama" charlie said and then gave hailee a big hug . "And happy birthday to you too , I love sharing a birthday with you" hailee says and kisses the top of Charlie's head .

"What do the birthday girls what for breakfast ?" I asked starting to get out of bed . They both whisper to each other then both say at the same time "waffles and pancakes" . "Well I better get cooking if yous want both" I say then leaving them in the bedroom .

After I'm finished making everything they both come through . I put a plate in front of both of them and they both say thank you . "What do yous want to do today then ?" I ask then while taking a bite of waffle . "We both decided that we would like to just have a chill day" hailee says looking over at a smiling charlie . "Sounds good to me" I say putting my plate away since I was done . I then go into the other room and grab both there presents .

"Close your eyes both of you" I say carrying the presents through to the living room . "Ok you can open them now" I say once I walk back into the kitchen . They both look at me confused . "You need to finish your food first then I can give yous your presents" I say giggling a little since I tricked them . They both started earing faster and then put there plates away in the sink .

We all walk through to the living room and I give them both there first present . "Babe you shouldn't have" hailee says seeing I bought her a little silver necklace with a H on it . "Anything for you" I say then I gave her a kiss . I just got charlie some clothes since she didn't have meny but that's not all , gave her a phone aswell . I know what your thinking 'she's to young' but it's just my old iphone 11 and I got rid of everything on it so she needs to ask if she can get an app or anything .

The last thing I got hailee was a promise ring . "Babe , I need you to know how much I love you and want to stay with you for the rest of my life , I even want to have more kids with you , mabey not dogs though since we have enough of them already" I say while pulling the ring out . Hailee starts to tear up while I put the ring on her finger .

"Baby , it's beautiful" she says through her tears then we give each other a long passionate kiss . We then pull away for a breath and put our foreheads together . "I love you y/n" hailee says . "I love you more" I say putting the box down on the table .

We did just chill for the rest of the day . We watched a couple of movie , hailees parents came over for a bit to , we went on a walk with the dogs and even had fun at the beach . When we got home I ordered pizza for us and we stuck on a movie . I know we always watch movies but life is about to be hectic since hailee is going back to work and charlie will be getting home schooled . Me and hailee decided that was the best since she misses out alot back home and she hasn't done any since being here .

Tomorrow hailee apparently invited some of the barten bella's to come over . She wanted me and charlie to meet them . Charlie was to exited , she has always wanted to meet Anna kendrick so she probably won't sleep tonight which will be fun for us . I'm a little exited to since I am a little bit of a fan . Pitch perfect had my heat when I was about 23 or 24 I don't really remember . I had posters of them on my door and in my closest AND NOW I GET TO MEET THEM . I mite not be able to sleep tonight .

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