chapter 28

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*few weeks later*

We had to wake up early again because charlie had a fight early afternoon . While hailee got ready and charlie ready I layed in bed a little longer since me and hailee were .... let's say we were just up for most of the night .

Once I felt like getting up , I went into the bathroom o have a quick shower since hailee already shouted at me for sleeping in . Shouting hailee is not one to come across , very scary . I got dressed just putting on a t-shirt with some baggy shorts with some Jordan 1s .

We have also been planning the wedding now and we have a date set for in about a month or so . I am actually really nervous , I thought I was going to be more exited but I'm more nervous than anything .

"Morrning" I say walking into the kitchen . "Good moring babe" hailee says then giving me a kiss . "Ewww" Griffin and charlie say . Griffin wanted to come and watch charlie fight and he also brought us some breakfast so I really didn't mind him coming at all . I'm down for any free breakfast .

"Hey y/n , I brought you some pancakes since I know you love them so much" Griffin says pointing over to a box . "Thanks griff" I say walking over to the fridge to get a water before grabbing to the box of pancakes .

"So we need to leave in about 10 minutes so I suggest you eat quick babe" hailee says before walking into a different room . "What is up with her today ?" Griffin said looking over at where hailee walked to . "I really don't know , that time of the month ?" I say and griffin just laughs . "Yeah mabey" he says still laughing .

We all get into hailee's car and drive off to the sports center . "Are you nervous ?" I whisper to charlie . "A little but I was like that last time and I won last time" charlie whispered back . "You will be fine , just remember to keep your hands up" I say grabing her hands and putting them up .

We all walk into the sports center after the 15 minute drive there . Griffin and hailee go find a seat while I go with charlie to find Jason . Once we find him he gives me the run down on how the fights will work . I then walk back to hailee and griffin . "Is our baby still nervous ?" Hailee asked while I sit next to her . "She will be fine , she said she feels the same as last time" I say putting a comforting hand on hailee's leg . "I'm going to go find some food before the fighting starts" griffin says before walking off .

Hailee's leg starts bouncing up and down so I put my hand on it again then grab her hand . " it will be ok , she knows what she is doing" I say to her putting a hand round her shoulders then kissing the side of her head . "I know I just don't want her to get hurt" she says leaning into the hug . "I know babe , it's not nice seeing her get hurt but she is brave and will be fine I promise" I say giving her a passionate kiss before look8ng back at the several boxing rings layed out .

The fist round starts of Charlie's match and her apponent throw the first jab right at Charlie's nose . I felt hailee tence but I rubbed her hand with my thumb to calm her down . Charlie throw some combanations in then and so did her apponent , this was going to be a tricky fight for charlie . I could see she was already out of breath .

The second round started and charlie looked like she was going to collapse . Hailee couldn't watch anymore and was hiding behind my shoulder . Me and griffin where keeping a close eye on if charlie was going to go down or not . "Is it over yet ?" Hailee asked still hiding behind me . "No not yet , there's still another round to go" I say rubbing her knee to comfort her .

Charlie kept stumbling until the bell went . But there still was another round and the other girl was looking strong . I didn't know what to do , do I go down and call it off or do I just let Jason or another team member sort it out . I decided to wait and see and mabey charlie will come back strong who knows .

The third round starts and charlie was looking still tired but of coarse she was , she's fighting a much stronger fighter than she usually does . Ever I was getting nervous and that's really not like me . Charlie throw some good jabs and right hooks but this girl was not going down .

The other girl throw a massive right hand and landed on charlie . Charlie thumbed about for a second before dropping down on to the floor . The ref called the fight and thank god he did . I run down to the ring seeing if charlie was ok . She was a little dissy and tired but she was fine . I went to the back of the hall where all the fighter go before going into the ring . Charlie came walking through a few seconds later . I run over to her and she just starts crying , collapsing into my arms . "Hey its ok your fine now" I say rubbing her back .

Hailee and griffin come running over . "Oh sweetheart" hailee says , almost crying herself . We all hug each other then decide to just go home . Hailee sat in the back with charlie , hugging her all the way home . We get into the flat and charlie runs to her room . Hailee walks after her and shuts her bedroom door after walking in .

I went into the kitchen and grabs some water for me and griffin . "Is she going to be ok , that was quite the punch she took ?" griffin asked when I give him the bottle of water . "I think so , she's just sad she lost and she probably is feeling very sore" i sag sitting down on the couch next to griffin .

Hailee walks out of Charlie's bedroom a few minutes later . "How is she ?" I ask while hailee walks over and sit a next to me . "She fell asleep but she is just sore and exhausted" hailee says cuddling into my side . Us three just watch some tv until hailee falls asleep and griffin decides to go home . "Well it was nice seeing you again griffin" I say watching him leave the flat . "Nice seeing you too y/n , hope we can meet up at another time or something" he says giving me a bro hug .

I walk back over to the couch after saying goodbye to griffin . I see hailee I'm was still asleep so I pick her up bridle style and walk through to our bedroom . I puther on the bed while I go brush my teeth . "Babe ?" Hailee asked confused . "Yeah ?" I ask popping my head out the bathroom . "Oh I was just making sure you were in here" she says snuggling into the blankets . I finish up in the bathroom and climb into bed . "Night my love" I hear hailee say as she cuddles into me putting her head on my chest . "Night babe" I say and kiss her head .

- sorry I didn't post , I have a bunch of tests coming up and I need to focus on school but i will still try and write the best I can .

hailee steinfeld x y/n (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now