chapter 18

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The other week ago charlie came to me and asked if she could start boxing so of course I said yeah . So the next moring we all woke up and took charlie to a boxing lesson at my local gym where I also train at . Hailee was coming to because she dident trust that charlie wouldn't get hurt even though I was there but I was going to train to for a little since I have a fight in the next year , I know it's a year but who knows it could be in the next 6 months I don't even know .

I put charlie with my coach Jason so I had a little trust that she wouldn't get hurt but everyone knows that In this sport your going to get hurt no matter what , but still hailee worried .

Anyway back to now , charlie has been doing it for about 2-3 weeks and has been loving it and hailee hasn't been worrying as much but that's probably because she has to go to the studio a little more now to work on music . Jason , as I expected , was just teaching her the basics of boxing then today she was going to spare with someone . Hailee said she was coming aswell since charlie was actually fighting someone now .

Charlie just finnished of some training before her spare . Me and hailee sitting at the side of the ring watched charlie get strapped up with head gear . "Charlie , come here" I say just about to give her some pointers . "You need to keep your hands up at all time and you need to keep moving , throw a few jabs to begin and then you can throw a couple of hooks and uppercuts" I continue putting on her gloves as we talk .

"Baby , please be careful and try not to injury yourself" hailee says standing next to me . "I'll try , but it's the sport I can't help it" chalie says then walks to her corner . "If she gets hurt , I'm blaming you" hailee said looking right into my eyes . "Babe , chill it will be fine and if it gets to much I'll stop it" I say putting a hand around her then kissing the top of her head .

The first round begins and as I told her she kept her hands up , throw some jabs and kept moving . "Watch that right hand" I shout standing up to walk over to the ring . "Just keep moving" I contine watching charlie throw another jab .

The first round was done so I walk over to the corner and talk to charlie . "That was good but you need to watch her right hand , try keep a good stance all the time and try get a right hook in there" I say while poring water into her mouth . She just nods and walks back to start another round .

At the end charlie was perfectly fine and I think she won the fight ni doubt about it . "See I'm fine mum" charlie says looking at hailee . "I know , I still worry though" hailee says hugging charlie . "Right let's go home , and we can watch a movie or somthing" I say walking towards the exit of the gym .

"Did you have today" I ask charlie as she comes back into the living room after taking a shower . "Yeah , I wish I started sooner though so I could get into tournaments luke you" she says laying down on the couch . "Well mabey just a little more training and then I'll try get you into one" I say than hug an exited charlie .

"I did hear that you know" hailee said walking down the hall from changing in our room . "Well if she wants to do a proper fight then I don't mind" I say as hailee sits down beside me . "Mabey you don't but I do , she actually get really hurt and do you think she has had enough training yet ?" Hailee says cuddling into my side .

"Please mama , I'll train harder so I am ready , I just really want to do a proper fight" charlie says while looking at hailee . "Mabey , I'll think about it" she says then I kiss her head . I know she doesn't like charlie doing boxing but if that's what she want to do then that's what she wants to do . I don't mind taking to classes and I can teach her private lessons aswell since we have our own gym in the apartment .

"Now what are we going to watch tonight ?" I ask looking at them both . "Can we watch Ted" charlie says looking over at me and hailee . "Ted , that's not an appropriate movie for you to watch" hailee says looking up at me . "She's heard me , my mum , kiera and Emily all swear before it's not new to her" I say looking down at hailee then gave her a kiss . "Yeah but ..... fine if she doesn't like it your dealing with it" she says then cuddles back into my side .

I grabbed a blanket and put it over both of us then charlie came over and curled up next to hailee . The dogs were just roaming the flat so they didn't need attention at the moment . That was until tini came onto the couch and sat onto of my lap then brando joined her on my lap as Prince lay next to me on the couch . It was a moment I never want to forget really .

hailee steinfeld x y/n (gxg)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora