chapter 31

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Hailee POV
*some days after vacation*

Me and y/n have been looking at buying a new house since we also have been thinking about expanding the family . Charlie wasn't very keen on that idea but she will love having a sibling , hopefully . Right now we were finishing packing up the house . I was packing the rest of mine and y/n's cloths while y/n and charlie move some of the boxes . When I say mine and y/n's cloths it's more just mine but there was a few things of hers .

Having a child really changed my prespective on life I think . Charlie really is just like a mini me and I love her dearly . We can really just bond on things I've never done with any younger childern in my family and charlie is just the biggest goof ball . I would literally cry for years on years if she got badly hurt or worse .

Anyway , I filled the last box when y/n walked in . "Hey babe , you almost finished in here ?" She asked walking over to me . "Yup just finished , did you guys finish up ?" I ask standing up to give y/n a kiss . "Yeah all the boxes are in the van and some are in your car" she says pulling me into a hug .

"I can't believe we are moving" y/n's says planting a kiss on top of my head . "Nether can I babe , but I can't wait for charlie to see it , she will definitely freak out" I say getting a little to exited . "She's never lived in a house so big before so it will be a shock to her" y/n says letting go of the hug and pickingup some boxes . "Well let's get these last boxes in the van so we can go" y/n says walking out the room .

I really can't explain how exited I am . I couldn't sleep last night but I'm full of energy , don't really know where it's coming form . We all get in the car and drive off to the house while the moving van was driving right behind us . Y/n was going to collect her car another day so it wasn't hassle , We just wanted to get everything over to the house .

I had to grab charlie since she burst out the car and tried running up to the door . "Not so fast , you have to wait until we sort everything out here first" I say lifting her up . "Why can't we just go inside ?" Charlie said despite to get in . "As I just said your just going to have to wait" I say putting her back on the ground . She started playing with Prince in the front yard .

Prince the day we got back he had to go to the vet because he started throwing up but it was just somthing he ate . He's fine now though and is his happy self which made y/n really sad but she's not anymore aspesaly after seeing Prince play with charlie .

We got everything sorted out with the movers and it was time to show charlie . "Charlie it's time to go in now" I shout since she was all the way on the other side of the front yard . She then runs over and stands righting front of me while I put thekey in the door . Once I open the door charlie runs straight in just running all over the house , The dogs also run around chasing charlie .

We all walked roundto get the lay out of the house and then the movers started bringing gin the boxes . Some boxes from my house where coming in my parents car tomorrow since they wanted to have a tour . We also had some news for them which I'm so exited about because nobody knows this except me and y/n . We have been taking about even before we got married .

That night we ordered some pizza for us and the movers since it was quite late still . There was some boxes still to be sorted but that was a job for the morning because we were all so tried . We ate and said thanks to the movers before heading to bed .

Charlie had to sleep in our bed because her bed wasn't coming until tomorrow after noon but it was just like old times . One big happy family and the dogs all at the end of the bed , in there own beds of coarse there was really no room for all three dogs and three humans to fit into one bed . We all ended up passing out straight aswe got into bed . One of the best sleeps I had in for ever .

hailee steinfeld x y/n (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now