chapter 19

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*few weeks later*

It was fight day for charlie . Hailee decided that she would let charlie do the fight but of coarse if she got hurt it was on me . It wasn't a big tournament, she was up against beginners to so hopefully she won't get hurt because I don't want hailee in a mood with me for somthing i dident even do .

We get to the pleace the tournament is happening and there was 3 rings set up along this massive hall . We decided to sit at ring 3 because Jason said she was going to be fighting in ring 3 . Hailee was bouncing her leg up and down waiting for everything to start so I put my hand on it then gave her a side hug . "I should have never said yes to her , you should go down and coach her" she said with a really worried face . "It will be fine babe , she is going to be fine with Jason in her corner" I say still trying to cool her down .

I saw charlie walking towards where we both were sitting . "I'm not on until after 4 people fight" charlie said sitting on hailee knee . "That's fine do you want to go on a walk ?" I ask charlie . "Sure , mama do you want to come to" charlie says gettingbof hailee's knee . "No , I'm ok , ill wait here and try write some lyrics" she says . She always told me that writing lyrics sometimes relaxes her but I don't know this time .

"So you just need to remember to ..." I say but get interrupted by charlie saying "always keep your hands up , always kept moving and watch that right hand , I know already" .

"I know , just checking it is in your little head" I say laughing . "Hey , I don't have that much of a little head" charlie says hitting me in the arm . We keep walking and talking until I get a call from Jason .

*Answered the call*

Hey what's up

Charlie has to come back now so she can warm up

Yeah thats fine , we're on our way back now

Alright cya in a sec


*call ended*

"We got to go back now , Jason what's you to warm up" I say to charlie . "Ok , but please try keep hailee calm and don't shout" she says then turns around to go back . I just laugh and quick walk to catch up with her .

Charlie was just about to come into the ring when hailee's leg bounced again . I grab her hand and tell her it will be fine . The first round of the fight was all charlie definitely but she didn't look out for that right hand a couple times . The second round was a draw and then charlie managed to knock the girl down onto the floor in the third round .

Charlie went back into her corner to get ready for the last round after the other girl got up . I could see she was relaxing a little and getting a bit cocky . When the bell went for the last round the other girl came straight at charlie swinging hooks everywhere . One hit charlie right in the jaw and I could tell she was hurt .

She looked like she was on the verge of tears . Hailee could see it to but I dident want to go down and embarrass charlie infornt of a bunch of people . Charlie managed to keep herself together and she started throwing jabs then upercuts and even some hooks until the other girl was on the floor again . I jumped up but dident scream since I promised charlie I wouldn't . And then that was it charlie won with ko .

Hailee let out a sigh of relief as we walked down to go see her . Got got round the back to see she was crying with Jason holding ice parks on her jaw . Fuck she must have done somthing to her jaw but good for her keeping it all in . "Oh , honey what happened" hailee said and took the ice packs out of Jason's hands so she could hold them .

"I don't know what she's done but you mite want to take a look yourself" Jason said in a whisper to me . I go over to her and take the ice off . I felt all over her jaw and there was nothing I could see . "It could just be because you got hit quite hard , it will go away after a few minutes" I say giving charlie hug . I then get pulled aside by hailee .

"This is why I dident what her to do it , I knew somthing was going to happen" she said with an annoyed face . "She's fine , all that happend was she just punched in the face , she will learn to keep her hands up eventually" I say keeping calm . "Well if it doesn't go away after a few hours were taking her to the hospital" hailee said looking over at a now calm charlie .

"She can talk so it's not like it's broken or dislocated" I say trying to calm hailee down . "Well yeah that's a plus but I still don't think she should be doing this" she says grabing my hand and rubbing it with her thumb . "We can ask her later if she wants to continue or not and if not then I'll take her out of boxing" I say giving hailee a hug and a kiss on the top of the head .

We all go home and order Chinese food . After we chill and play with the dogs for a bit then take them out on a late night walk together . We get home and all of us were shattered so we showered and went straight to sleep . I really hope charlie is ok because if not , these next few days are going to be fun for me .

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