chapter 21

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we got off the plane and into a suv to go to the hotel . When we got there charlie tried running into the hotel but hailee caught her just in time . "Woahhh , hold on sweetheart we still have to get the bags" hailee says while holding onto charlie . "Na its fine I've got them , yous go in" I say looking over at hailee and charlie who where standing at the door of the hotel .

"Are you sure ?" Hailee says while still holding onto a run away charlie . "Yeah , someone is eger" I say pointing to charlie . Hailee let's go of charlie and she sprints of into the hotel . Hailee then runs inside after her while I was getting all the bags out the back of the suv then taking them inside .

I meet up with them inside , hailee has charlie in her arms so she doesn't run away . She really must want to explore . "Babe , she's been everywhere" hailee says out of breath . I just laugh then say "Well she was in a running team at school" .

"If I need to work out on this trip I'll just let this one run about for a bit" hailee says then we both laugh . We get checked in and walk over to the elevator , me and hailee walked , charlie ran ..... again .

We get to the room which was BIGGG , bigger than I thought it was but who's complaining . Charlie started jumping on both the beds while me and hailee were sorting out our luggage . "Charlie stop jumping" I say putting some stuff in the bathroom .

"Can we go down to the pool ?" Charlie asked walking over to me . "Sure , get your bathing suit on then we can leave" I say going to sit on the bed where hailee was laying . "Do you want to come with us ?" I ask her while she put her phone down to look at me . "Sure , let me get ready First" she says getting up to go get a bathing suit .

I already had shorts and a sports bra on so I was ready to go . Charlie was ready and sitting on her bed while hailee was in the bathroom getting ready . All leave to go down to the pool a few minutes later . Me and hailee lay on a sunlouger , her cuddling into my side . "She's going to be hectic for the rest of the trip" I say looking over at charlie playing with some kids . "Yup , but it will be worth it" hailee say giving me a kiss on the cheek .

We stay like this for a little longer until charlie comes over and want hailee to come play with her . After about another hour or so we head but up to the room to get ready for dinner . "Ohhh can we get pizza" charlie asked me while hailee was putting on shoes . "We will see" I say before heading towards the door .

We do actually end up getting pizza at a little restaurant down the road from our hotel . Hailee ended up having a few drinks while we were there so the way back to the hotel was fun and having charlie running about wasn't helping . "You know I love you so much right" hailee said while trying to walk in a straight line and holding onto me so she dident fall . "I love you too babe" I say watching where we were going since she clearly wasn't .

We get up to the room and I help hailee get changed out of her cloths and into somthing more comfortable . Charlie was just watching the tv while me and hailee were in the bathroom . Hailee walked out a few seconds later with just underwear and a t-shirt . She then walked over to charlie and laid down next to and gave her a hug . "Jesus you are going to be torcher in the morning" I say to myself .

Charlie didn't mind hailee hugging her but she knew hailee wasn't herself . I just left her there and went into the other bed . Once my head hit the pillow I was asleep until at 2am I heard somone in the bathroom . I look around the room and saw it was hailee . She then walked out a few seconds later .

"You ok baby" I ask while she walked back over to Charlie's bed . "Oh I didn't mean to wake you , yeah I'm fine" she says jumping a little when she heard my voice . "You can sleep in our bed if you want" I say while looking up at hailee . "Sure , I just didn't want to wake you" she says then slides in beside me . I then kiss her cheek and she kisses my hand that was draped over her hip . We both then drifted back to sleep .

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