chapter 1

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It was my 27th birthday today and my friends decided to take me out to the club tonight . At this moment in time though I was just chilling with my dog Prince , he is a white doberman with the cutest blue eyes uou have ever seen , he is truly my best friend .

Since me coming out to my family they dident really take it well except my freinds and twin sister keira (you can choose a different one if you want) . She really has been so supportive and also tried to get me with people but her type isent mine .

It was starting to get boring watching movies and chilling with Prince so I decided to go and get ready for tonight . I was going to put on a red dress and gold heels with gold hoop earing but I just went without the hoop earing and went with little diamond ones instead .

It was around 5.45pm when I got out of the bathroom after getting a shower and doing skin care . I then realised I only have 45 mins to get my hair ready , get dressed and leave to get to the club by 6.30pm because we were all meeting up around 6.30pm so I needed to hurry .

When I got in the uber after locking up my flat it was 6.34pm when I checked my phone , I was late and right when the car was pulling away from my house my best human friend called me .

*y/n answers*


I'm on my way don't panic

I thought we agreed that we would meet at 6.30 not after that

Yeah I know I was a little longer in the shower than I expected

Well just text me when you get here

Ok I will bye bitch

Bye hoe

*call ends*

As I promised Meg I texted I was outside right when I got to the front door . "Happy birthday hoe" Meg said running to me and hugged me . "So how meny people did you invite out with us ?" I asked . "Just a few" she said with a deveus look on her face stating that she was lying about that .

"How meny are here now ?" I asked . "Well your late by 10 mins so everyone I invited is here which is only 10 people by the way so don't get your hopes up please" she exclaimed.

We both walked toward the group of people she invited , which I knew that we were going to the club but Meg to full controll over everything else so I had no clue who she invited . "Yo look who finaly showed up to her own birthday " tegan shouted over the music . " shut up you dwarf , we are literally your only pals bitch " I shouted back making the hole group laugh .

It was about 2 hrs later and I was in the bathroom washing my hands and waiting for meg to finish when somone walked in and she looked at me for a few seconds then walked past and went to do her business . I was still waiting for Meg to be finished when the girl walked over to wash her hands and we made eye contact again .

"Hey" she said after a few seconds . "Hi" I said shyly after . "I swear I have seen you before somewhere near here ?" She said . "Mabey , I don't really recognise you , I'm sorry ". "Na its ok , mabey it was somone else " she reassured me .

After we both said bye she left the bathroom and meg came out of one of the cubicles . "Bitch you left me talking to a stranger " I quietly shouted at her . "Well actually I did that on purpose I saw both of yous look at each other and then I went back in the stall to see what you would do when she came out" she said .

We both walked out the bathroom and walked back over to the dance floor and gess who was there staring right at me , yup you guessed right the gal who was in the bathroom with us . "Meg that's the girl that was talking to me" I pointed out for meg . "Bitch she's hot af , I would go try get with her " she said .

We both walked back to the group and danced for a bite after downing a few shots and moktails . I was just siting with the group when the gal I was talking to walked over to me .

"Hey , would you like to dance with me for a little ?" She said shyly . Miss confident isn't very confident now is she "Yeah sure" I said before walking over to the dance floor with her hand in hand . We both started dancing a little shy at first but both started getting into it . Then all of a sudden she turns round and starts grinding on me . I was just dancing still amazed how confident she got and little shy me still dancing normal .

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