chapter 6

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Y/n Pov

I woke up on top of hailee cuddling on the couch . We both must have been more tired than we thought . I tried getting of o hailee without waking her but I fail miserably . "Babe were are you going" she said as she opened her eyes . "I'm going to go make up food" I say as I reach down to give her a kiss .

I went into the kitchen and started making bacon and eggs . Hailee came in a little while later and grabbed a bottle of water then sat on the counter just watching me . "Dont look at me like that" I say turning to look at her . "Look at you like what" she says pulling me by my hoodie so I was standing in between her legs . She holds my face with her hands ether side on my cheeks and kisses me . We both fought for dominance but I just let her win . When we pull away for a breath . We both look at each other and she smirks at me .

"You mite want to remember that you are making breakfast , mite not want to burn it" she says pointing at the cooker . "Oh for fuck sake" I say running over to save the bacon and eggs . "You know , I love how Scottish you get when you panic" she says laughing at me running away .

"Oh also I forgot to tell you my sister is coming over later today" I say placing a plate of food down infront of hailee after she sat down . " thanks babe , I'll get to meet some of your family , what's she like" hailee asked eating her food .

"You'll like her but she is more hyper than I am and she mite ask alot of questions" I say laughing a little while thinking about what my sister is like . "Well she sounds fun" hailee said having another bite of her food . "Yeah she is , and definitely on a night out as well " I say still chuckling a little .

"How old is she ?" Hailee asked . "She's 27 , she's my twin sister" I say starting to eat my own food . "YOUR A TWIN , that's so cool why didn't you tell me !" She says getting a little to exited . "It dident really come up in conversation" I say taking another bite of bacon .

"That's so cool yous must be really close then ?" Hailee says putting her plate away then coming to sit back down next to me . "Yeah we are , we talk almost everyday , she just couldn't make it to my birthday well it was supposed to be our birthday bit she was held up back home" I say overthinking it since I missed her so much .

"Sounds like she is a great sister to have , me and my brother have a great relationship aswell almost like yours but yours must be much stronger since yous are twins" she says almost like she wishes she had a twin .

"But also we have had our fights and some end in us not talking for months sometimes" I say not meaning to change the mood . "Well me and griffin have fight but just make up after , I couldn't bare not speaking with him for months on end" she says .

A few hours later I leave to go and pick up kiera from the airport . Hailee decided to stay at my flat since she wasn't feeling like coming to the airport . That time of the month I guess . She said I could take her audi so she must not be in that much of a mood . I pulled out of the drive and called kiera .

*answers call*

Hey sis , are you on your way

Yeah just pulled out the drive , have you got your bags yet

Na still waiting so your timing is fine for once *she laughs*

*laughs to* hey I'm mostly on time for things

Sure you are , you keep telling yourself at

Ok I'm about 5-10 mins away now so I'll meet you after you get your bags

Alright sis see you in a few

*call ends*

I get to the airport and park the car semi close to the exit . I see kiera walk out and I run to give her a big hug . "Haven't seen you in ages , happy late birthday bitch" I say giving her a big hug . "Same to you, I'm sorry I couldn't be here back home with maw and da is stressful right now" she says as we start to walk to the car . "How come ?" I ask wondering if its somthing to do with me . "I don't know actually but they have both been fighting like mad" she says sighing at the end .

We both talked all the way home catching up each other about life . We both pull into the drive and walk up to my flat . "Hailee ?" I shout Curious as to where she is .

"Who's hailee ?" Kiera said looking around with me . I went to my room and found that she was laying down on my bed with her phone listening to music with airpods in her ears . "Hey babe" she says seeing me in the door frame and taking one airpod out . "Baby there's somone I want you to meet" I say waving to kiera who was down the hall in the kitchen . "This is my sister keira" I say bringing kiera into the room so hailee could see .

Hailee gets out the bed giving kiera a hug and saying hello then walking back over to the bed . "Babe what's wrong ?" I ask concerned to why she went back to the bed . "It's just that time of the month baby , I'll be fine" hailee says with a small smile at the end .

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