chapter 24

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I woke up next to my beautiful fiancé cuddling into my side . I tried to roll out of bed but failed . "My love , where are you going" hailee said in her morning voice . "I was just going to make breakfast for us" I say going over and giving her a kiss on the head . I walk out of our room and go though to the kitchen .

Today I decided to make some waffles . We aren't picking charlie up until later so we have the next 4-5 hours to ourselfs . I was standing at the fridge, Trying to figure out what to drink when a pair of hands went around my waist . "Good moring my love" hailee said into my shoulder . "Good moring fiancé" I say then turning round in her arms . "I can't believe it's real" hailee says hugging me titley . "I know right we are going to get married" I say getting way to exited .

We both eat breakfast and then we go on a walk with the dogs . "You know , I didn't expect my life to turn out like this , with me having a boxing career and having an amazingly beautiful fiancé" i say while we walk round a corner . Hailee started blushing the said "I didn't expect my life to be what it is now , having opportunity like have have now" then squeezing my hand a little .

We walk back to the house and I change into something a little more nice because hailee doesn't know this but her parents have set up a party for us since we got engaged . They know since I asked Pete for hailee hand in marriage . "You look nice , what's the fit for ?" Hailee asked while grabing a jumper from the closet . "Just felt like wearing something nice I guess" I say giving her a passionate kiss on the lips .

We get in the car and drive to 'go pick up charlie' . We got round the corner to go onto pete and cheri's Street and saw alot of cars outside there house "what the fuck is going on in there house ?" Hailee asked looking around and trying to find a place to park the car . "Huumm I don't know" I say shrugging my shoulders . She stopped the car and looked over at me . "You clearly know so tell me" hailee says with a serious face . "I can't and won't , you will find out if you walk into the house" I say opening my door .

We walk up the drive way and open the front door of the house . "SUPRISE" everyone shouted at hailee . I knew it was happening because me and hailee's parents set it up . Charlie came running out from some people and jumped onto hailee . "Well hello to you too" she says still shocked at what's happening . "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on" she says looking at all the people . "Babe , it's a engagement party" I say hugging her from yhe side since she still had charlie in her arms .

I invited some of hailee best freinds and some of her work friends to like the dickinson cast and some of the bella's . "I need to go get changed" hailee said running up the stairs . I follow her up the stairs as she runs towards her room . "Babe , why didn't you tell me , I could of got something nicer on" she says as I walk though her bedroom door . "Well because it was a suprise party so that would ruin the surprise part of it " I say while hailee was putting on a dressed from her closet .

"Can you zip me up please" she says pointing towards her back . I zip her up and then we both walk back down to everyone . I saw some of my boxing friends and some friends from Scotland . "MEGGG !" I say running towards her then hugging her . "How long has it been like 7-8 months" I say still exited to see her . "I know it's been to long" meg says . "And who's this ?" I say tilting my head towards the boy next to meg .

"This is my boyfriend Brandon" she says then gets Brandon's attention . "Brandon this is y/n , y/n this is Brandon" meg says while I shake his hand . I've always been protective of my friends , especially if they are dating someone . If they break my friends heart it won't be good for them .

Anyway , I went to see my other friends and some of my boxing freinds even Jason came . Jason was just talking to charlie when I went over to him . "What's up Jason" I say giving him a fist Bump . "I'm alright, how's it going with yous" Jason asked looking at charlie walking away . "Better then ever" I say . We chat she a little longer then I go and see where hailee is . I look around and see she was sitting with the dickinson cast .

I walk over and sit next to hailee . "Hey babe , I was just explaining how you proposed to me" hailee says then kisses me on the cheek . "I was just wondering if you want another drink ?" I ask before standing up again . "Erm sure , thanks my love" she says as I walk away to get her another drink . I came back and sat next to hailee again after passing her the drink . "Thanks babe" hailee says as I put my arm around her shoulder and she leans into me .

Somthing was off when I sat next to hailee . Ella kept looking over at me then would roll her eyes at me and hailee . Like does this bitch have a problem with me or what . I just ignore it for a while .

It was about 1am when some more people started leaving . Hailee was a little tipsy but who could blame her we both just got engaged so I let her do her thing . She was just dancing with some of her best freinds while I was talking with just the some people who hadent left yet , which was only like 2 people who where waiting for hailee's best freinds to leave .

By the time me , hailee and charlie got home it was 2am so charlie just went to bed but at this point hailee was drunk so I wanted to put some food into her before we went to bed . "Eat this" I say passing her a sandwich and a glass of water . I was just waiting for her to finish so I could take her to our bedroom , just in case she went into a different room and slept on the floor or something . She stumbled along the hall till we got to our room . I help her change into something comfortable then she climbed intoo bed . I also get changed and get into bed . We both say goodnight and we both wipe out .

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