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Gunshots were going on about the building.

I was not having any of it.

A child was suddenly my responsibility and my father was the cause. My brother was not innocent in the matter either.

"I didn't know!" Elite Chan yelled.

I reloaded my gun and quickly found myself turning my cyborg leg into a weapon...

Mostly because no one is going to get in the way of Haerin and her Kids.

"I didn't know he was an investor. I just heard he was a target!!" Chan yelled, as litters of bullets came our way.

Shielding from bullets seemed dumb to The SKZ Unit, but I was still human after all.

I had flesh and blood.

I was only 25% robot.

"Y/N-AHHHH!!!!" I suddenly heard someone yell.

It was familiar scream.

I shield myself amongst the massacre and found Kang Haerin openingly yelling at the only exit in the section.

"Jin-ei is dead and it's on you!" Haerin yelled.

My heart sank to my stomach.

"He's dead?" I asked myself.

Out of pure rage...,

I pulled out my heavy machinery and mercilessly pulled the trigger on the endless agents trying to recover Mr. Jung.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I yelled at Haerin, firing every bullet I could.

"My favorite student is dead and I blame you for leaving!" Agent Kang yelled, as she grabbed my spare gun from cyborg leg.

"Me?!" I asked, while firing as many rounds as I could.

Haerin suddenly fired a bullet at my leg and my safety sensors went off.

Proximity was not something my sensors liked.

"You could have saved him!! He liked you so much and you left to do this!!!" Haerin kept on yelling.

Kang Haerin POV

Y/n didn't realize that her kill programming had activated.

I could tell she was doing the best for me, but it wasn't enough.

"Don't," I lowly requested.

Y/n had tried to leave me with Jin all by myself and it didn't take long before things got bloodier than I expected.

It was clear that Y/n had a defense system for her father.

"Collect the Kid!!" We heard a cold order.

Soon enough, Agents flooded into the residence and Jin lost his life in the process.

Y/n was too focused on her dad's wellbeing to realize that Jin was gone.

"Y/n!!!" I kept on yelling.

I had a dying child in my arms...

But Y/n kept on firing bullets.

Before I knew it, everyone around me was dead and Y/n was gone.

I was bitter.

I was so bitter.

"Explain further?!" Y/n yelled, as we tried to fire off at Mr. Jung's men.

Y/n's sensors didn't seem to like me shooting bullets at it.... but Y/n was doing their best to not attack me...

"You have been this crazy person to work with and I fucking fell in love with you. The least you could have done was protect the kids I can't even have myself!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Y/n suddenly stopped.

Bullets started to fly everywhere.

The sound of guns going off was loud and clear, yet Y/n and I remind unharmed.

It was then that I noticed that Y/n had built a force field around us.

"I know that. Why do you think I try to protect you at all cost?" Y/n coldly asked.

Y/n was cold, calculated, and robotic like.

Their demeanor was not comforting.... but their words were...

"I know how to calculate risks and psychological damage. You think I didn't think things through?" Y/n angrily asked.

"I may not have control over my feelings, but I'm not an idiot to the micro gestures your body makes," She coldly kept on.

I felt attacked.

"I know how to compute the risks.... and losing you wasn't something I was not willing to do...," Y/n sternly said, before putting her force field down and firing.

I was left in a daze.

Y/n was always a character....

But today, she was just a cold yet sympathetic shield.

"Think fast," Chan suddenly yelled at me.

I had realized that Y/n was full on covering me.

"Yeah," I responded in a daze, trying to pull my gun up to fire...

But it was hard to do.

The sight of Y/n shielding me and protecting me was something I hadn't appreciated before.

"Are you just going to stand there or-"

"Shut the fuck up and let her be! She's my responsibility," Y/n suddenly yelled at Agent Chan.

Y/n had never been the type to defend me.... At least in my eyes... so, it was kind of cute.

"But seriously, are you going to just stand there?! I can confidently say that being turned into a robot is much worse than being thrown off a building. So, get over it!" Y/n yelled over their own gunshots.

"As for Jin.... maybe we could make and raise someone like him...," She added....

While reloading her bullets and protecting us with her force shield.






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