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Kang Haerin POV

I woke up in someone's arms. I could see lights flashing and my whole body hurt.

It could smell the familiar scent of gunfire.

"Y-y/n," I groaned.

"Yes, baby. I'm right here. Do you need anything?" Y/n-ssi whispered.

"Where are we going?" I whispered as I realized we were in a car.

"We're going home," she softly replied.

"What happened? With Mr. Jung?" I groaned a bit.

"I took care of it. Don't worry," Y/n replied with a sad smile.

"We're here," a strange driver said.

Y/n then took me in her arms and carried me out the car.

"I'll be back Monday!" I heard the driver yell.

"Yes," Y/n lowly responded before carrying me up to my apartment unit.

I was doing my best to stay awake. I was extremely tired. I wanted to know what had happened with Mr. Jung.

But I couldn't and ended up falling asleep before even making it to my place.

When I woke up again, It was morning. I was cuddled up into Y/n's arms.

"Are you awake?" I mumbled.

"Mhm," Y/n hummed in response.

"What happened with Mr. Jung?" I tried to ask again.

"You don't have to worry about him anymore. You're safe now," Y/n softly replied.

I wasn't sure why Y/n kept saying that.

I couldn't remember anything else that happened that night. All I could remember was hearing yelling and gunshots.

"Want breakfast?" Y/n suddenly changed the subject.

"Mhm," I hummed.

Y/n then got out of bed and I tried to follow but I couldn't. I was too in pain to be able to move at all.

"It's okay. Don't move. I'll bring breakfast to you," Y/n sweetly said as she walked over to help me sit up.

"Okay," I lowly replied.

To be honest, I felt kind of embarrassed that I couldn't even move. I didn't want Y/n to see me all weak and vulnerable like this.

After about half an hour, Y/n walked back into my room with a breakfast in bed tray and some tasty looking food.

"Here you go. Let's turn on the TV and get you a bit of painkillers," Y/n cutely said as she turned on the TV.

"Okay!" I exclaimed.

Y/n was being so sweet. It was really cute.

I started to eat my food while Y/n walked around the room looking for something. Suddenly, she picked something up and I started to panic.

"Nope! You're not poking me with that!" I exclaimed as Y/n got closer with a needle.

"Oh come on, I don't want you to be in so much pain!" Y/n responded.

"Nope!" I yelled.

I tried my best to move and try to runaway from her but I couldn't. My whole body was in so much pain and it felt like dead weights.

"Haerin, please? I'll give you a kiss?" Y/n-ah started to try and bribe me.... and it worked.

"Fine!" I gave in.

Y/n then slowly walked up to me and knelt down to the side of the bed.

I took a deep breath to try and keep calm down but suddenly Y/n kissed me.... injecting me with painkillers in the process.

I really didn't mind though, I missed her lips so much.

"Okay, now try to relax. I have a few things I need to do," Y/n whispered with a kiss to my forehead.

I felt really safe and had forgotten all about the wide world hunt for our heads.

Y/n was in the living room most of the day but would check in on me every hour to see if I was okay. She'd help me to the restroom and carried me around the house when I wanted a snack or just wanted to be in the same room as her.

"How come you've been so quiet all day?" I asked Y/n as we cuddle up to go to sleep.

"I'm just a little tired," she whispered.

"Okay," I whispered back before getting more comfortable to go to sleep.

On our first day back from the mess of being on the run, I was too in pain to question anything or dig deeper into what had happened with Mr. Jung.

As the weekend went by, I kept asking Y/n about what happened but she wouldn't answer me. She was even acting a bit cold and odd. She wasn't sassy or bickering with me like we always do. She was just sort of cold and sad.

I tried to call Nakyoung-ssi or Jungkook or just any of Y/n's friends to some information about what happened that night but all their phone lines were now dead.

I tried my best to not drive myself crazy about it though. Y/n didn't seem on edge or like there was any danger at all.

She was taking care of me all weekend. Massaging my muscles and helping me recover from my all my injuries.

Everything seemed normal but not at all at the same time.

Just when I started to stop worrying about everything that happened.

Monday came around.....

And Y/n-ah wouldn't tell me where she was going.

"I'm breaking up with you," Y/n coldly said before walking out of my apartment with a luggage bag.







Author's Note: What do you think happened with Mr. Jung?

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