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Bae Y/N POV:

As me and Haerin-ssi were on our flight over to America, I was giving her the run down of thr mission.

"The targets are a Colombian druglord couple. They're about to get married in America to prevent any enemies from ruining their wedding. I managed to get an invite from a CI, only problem is he managed to only get me the invite by saying me and my wife wanted to do business with him," I explained.

"Ahh, this makes sense now" Haerin-ssi replied.

"So for the night, You're my wife, we've been together 7 years and we want to be their arms dealer," I continued.

"Great, more guns!" She responded rolling her eyes.

"Ms. Kang, your dress is ready" The stewardess told her and Haerin-ssi got up to get dressed.

I put on my suit and soon we finally arrived.

We loaded into my truck and I checked each compartment to make sure my guns were all there.

We loaded into my truck and I checked each compartment to make sure my guns were all there

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"Petfect!" I whispered to myself.

"You're so trigger happy," Haerin-ssi said teasingly rolling her eyes.

We eventually made it made it to the wedding and introduced ourselves to our ours.

"Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalez, pleasure to finally meet you!" I said to them in Spanish.

"Ahh The Hudsons, Pleasure to finally meet you!" Mr. Gonzalez responded.

The ceremony then took place and me and Haerin-ssi hardly exchanged any words.

We then made our way over to the reception. I held Haerin-ssi' hand as made our way in and she whispered to me.... "Why are you touching me?"

"We're supposed to act like we're married," I whispered back not wanting to hold her hand either.

We kept on bickering and eventually made our way over to the balcony to not attract attention.

"Don't touch me too much!" Haerin-ssi whispered yelled at me.

"It's not like I fucking want to!" I whispered yelled back.

"Ohhh you made it!" Mrs. Gonzalez suddenly said coming up behind us.

"Ohh yes, we're just enjoying the view!" Haerin-ssi replied seeming nervous.

I sipped on my champagne, internally laughing at her.

"How about a picture? You two make a good looking couple!" Mrs. Gonzalez said taking Haerin-ssi' phone from her hand.

We leaned in together for the picture but Mrs. Gonzalez said, "Don't be shy... you don't have to act like strangers. Give it me a spicy pose!"

Haerin-ssi suddenly held on to me and lifted her leg up for me to hold.

"She's really good at this," I thought to myself getting nervous.

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