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Bae Y/N POV:

We ended up realizing that Haerin's room had a better view of my target.

Haerin dragged me to her room by my wrist. When we arrived everything looked spotless and well placed.

"You killed someone in here, didn't you?" I asked her.

"Yes," She replied.

"Look there's your target," Haerin then said.

I stared at her no even paying attention to what she was saying....

"Woah, my girlfriend is so pretty!" I thought to myself.

Haerin then flicked my nose and said, "Pay attention!"

"Did you just bring me to a room where you killed someone?" I asked trying to tease her.

I then noticed my target packing his bags.

"Shit, he's trying to leave!" I exclaimed grabbing my my gun and running out the room.

Haerin ran after me.

"You can't be pulling out guns in plain sight like that!" She whispered yelled trying to scold me.

"Haerin... just... just shushhhh!" I told her trying to be as discreet as possible while I tried to spot my target out the front door of the hotel.

"He's leaving," Haerin informed me as we saw him getting into a speed boat.

I got the hotel and ran down the stairs to a near by speed boat with Haerin falling right behind me.

"Do you even know how to turn it on?!" Haerin asked all frustrated.

"Yes!" I yelled back turning on the boat.

I started to shoot bullets at my suspect trying to break down his boat.

Haerin suddenly pushed me and said, "Let me drive! Focus on not hitting any civilians!"

I leaned down and took out my scope add-on for my gun.

"I can't get him! Get closer!" I yelled trying to get a better shot at my target.

"Just throw this!" Haerin yelled tossing me a grenade.

"Oh so I'm trigger happy if I have a gun but you carrying grenades is perfectly normal" I yelled back.

"Just shut up and follow instructions!!" Haein yelled back as the wind hit both our faces.

"Yes, Sosaengnim!" I teased back.

I then pulled the grenades end and tossed it.

The grenade went off immediately once it hit my targets boat but he immediately went flying off the boat.

I quickly jumped into the water to get him.

I don't get paid if there's no body.

"Y/N!!!" Haerin yelled as I dived in.

I quickly grabbed a hold of my target and he spoked me. I thought he was dead or something but je wasn't.... he tried to kick me and tried to pull my hand of him but he didn't succeed.

I dragged him all the way to the surface.

Haerin help me get him up on the boat.

When I finally got myself up on the boat too, Haerin was pointing a gun at my target.

"Be happy it's me and not her holding a gun to your head," She threatened my suspect.

"That's my girl," I thought to myself as I watch her cool demeanor.

"What the hell is she gonna do?" My suspect asked Haerin while laughing.

I grabbed the gun from her and stare into her eyes. I pointed the gun at my suspect's skull, no even bothering to take my eyes off Haerin's.

I mercilessly pulled the trigger not pulling away from Haerin's gaze.

"That," Haerin whispered to herself.

I chuckled a bit and teased her, "Did you just answer a dead body's question?"

"Well he asked what you were going to do!" Haerin exclaimed while laughing.

"Okay fine, I'll give you that" I responded pecking her lips.

Suddenly we heard sirens going off.

The Venice police was approaching.

Me and Haerin both dove into the water and swam as far as we cool.

Once it felt safe, we swam up to the surface.

We both sat on the edge of the water for a second when someone suddenly came and cuffed me.

"You're so dead, Bae Y/n!" My boss whispered in my ear.

I bit my tongue once I realized it was him.

"Really? A grenade? In the middle of Venice?" Mr. Jung asked with a condescending tone.


Haerin was about to speak when I interrupted her....

"Yes, explosions make things more fun!" I exclaimed trying to get her to shut up.

"You're suspended. For 6 whole months!" Mr. Jung exclaimed.

"Dammit," I thought to myself.

"Actually, Mr. Jung-"

Haerin kept trying to rat herself out when I interrupted her again.

"Is that all you got?" I taunted my boss.

"Don't make me want to fire you. We both know it's either you're suspended or we kill you," Mr. Jung replied.

I gave Haerin a look to shut up and she sighed in frustration.

I then got put into an unmarked police car while Haerin just watched.

"You know the deal. I let you off the hook before but you've been too reckless..... you know putting civilians in danger is cause for a trial" Mr. Jung told me as he got in the driver's side of the police car.

"I knew you were keeping an eye on me," I scoffed to myself.

"What's that?" Mr. Jung asked.

"I said I can wait to have a break!" I exclaimed.








Author's Note:  Will Y/n get fired or will Haerin try to defend you? :3

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