Chapter 891 - 900

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Chapter 891 It's time to begin.

  Osvid looked at his proud granddaughter and sighed slightly in his heart.

  What a great heir, why do you want to make whatever movie you like? In fact, he also knew in his heart that although the scale of Dragon Soul and Phoenix was not comparable to that of Moran Group, in terms of profitability, it was firmly ahead of him.

  Not to mention anything else, the "Lord of the Rings Trilogy" alone has grossed more than 4 billion US dollars. Take away the costs, take away the promotional expenditures, take away the theater share, etc., and at least a dozen or two billion in net profit can go into your pocket.

  And these are just Laila's own movies. There are other directors in her company who are shooting other movies. Even if one movie earns 10 million, it adds up to a considerable number.

  To this day, who would underestimate Laila's abilities just because she is a young woman? Who would associate her achievements with the surname Moran just because of her surname? Everyone knows her rise to prominence, which she worked hard on alone and has nothing to do with her family.

  Of course, it cannot be said that the influence of the Moran family has not been used at all. After all, the family still needs some help in publicity. However, this help is not in vain. While helping, our own media also received benefits.

  For example, regarding her exclusive interview, the media that can best obtain first-hand information is the Moran family media. There are also programs like NBC, as long as the trailer mentions that Lila will appear, it will definitely attract the largest audience and the most generous advertisers immediately.

  It seems that Laila took advantage of the Moran family's media, but in fact, didn't the Moran family's media rely on her to gain a lot of attention? Therefore, their cooperation is not so much help as it is cooperation, a kind of mutual benefit.

  Seeing Laila walking out of the study with easy steps as if a burden had been lifted, Osvid sighed even louder. This time was his experience with Laila. The honest child did not expect this possibility at all. Not only did he complete all the demanding requirements he set, but the degree of completion far exceeded his expectations!
  Even if those tasks were accomplished within 3 years, it would be a surprise. Unexpectedly, she could accomplish them all in just a few months. He is not in the company during this period, but he can still know everything about it. In addition to the initial complaint filed by the members of the think tank in order to let him "make the decision", there are also various tasks he arranged for the informants to report back to him for Laila.

  This spy does not mean that he does not trust Laila, but it is a sign of responsibility.

  For such a large group, with so many people relying on him for a living, he couldn't just hand it over to inexperienced people like a game. His original real idea was to let Laila take full charge of the company's affairs. In fact, secretly it was the people he arranged to continue to implement the planned plan.

  What he didn't expect was that all of his missions to test Laila's abilities would be breached one by one in a short period of time. It's as if he clearly thought he was the boss behind the scenes at the end, but in the end, the protagonist pushed him down without even needing to upgrade...

  Of course, the old man would like to see this kind of thing. If he hadn't known that Laila's real love was movies, he would have passed the position of president directly to her and retired to enjoy his life.

  But who made his granddaughter so passionate about movies? He knew very well what happened to her, and he knew even more that in order to let her rest on time, Roy even canceled many activities to stay by her side, watching her and paying attention to her body. In fact, when he heard that Laila was pushing herself too hard, he wanted to come back. However, after seeing Roy taking care of her as an assistant, she took a few more months of rest.

  The old man looked at the company's documents with sadness and pride, and Laila finally returned to Hollywood after a long absence. She first sorted out the company's affairs during this period, and then began to prepare for the upcoming awards season.

  The aroma of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

  If you have good stuff but don't publicize it, how can you expect others to vote for you?
  Take the Oscars, which are films selected by thousands of judges. There are so many films participating in the selection every year. Who can guarantee that all the judges will watch all the participating films?
  So how should those who have never seen the movie choose? Of course, choose movies that they have heard of, or that seem to have depth.

  In Laila's view, the most important thing she needs to do is to guide the media correctly and let the judges pay attention to her film without feeling that she is being led by the media.

  No one thought The Lord of the Rings would go home empty-handed this awards season. With the second-largest box office performance in film history and a huge reputation, she felt that it was almost done. The rest is just a matter of doing some small supplementary things and controlling public opinion.

  After arranging everything, Laila and Leonardo met.

  "Can we start?" Leonardo had already known the news of her return from Roy, and he was already on his way almost when her call came.

  "Yes, I think we can start planning." Laila took out the script and put it in front of him: "Here are some of my suggestions. You can ask the screenwriter to study it." Leonardo opened the script and

  read Go to the densely written annotations in the margins above, as well as some places that need to be changed.

  He knew from Roy how busy she was at work, but from the level of detail in the script, it was hard to imagine that this could be done by someone who was too busy to work.

  You must know that it is not just about writing a few words on the script, but also about researching, analyzing, understanding, supplementing, etc. That is the correct way to study the script, and now she has come up with it!

  "How did you do it? I heard Roy said that you were very busy. Originally, I was prepared to wait for you to study the script for a few months."

  Laila shrugged: "When I see a good script, I can't help but want it." Go watch it, and then it will look like the script in front of you." As for how much sleep and rest time she sacrificed in order to complete these, I am afraid only God can tell clearly.

  Fortunately, Roy went to the crew of "Pirates of the Caribbean 4", otherwise it would be really difficult to come up with the script now. The guy is so obsessed with her that he can't even find some free time to fish in troubled waters.

  Although her physical condition was maintained well thanks to him, the days when she was under his control were so painful that she didn't even want to think about it.

  It is really not easy to ask a person who goes to bed at one or two o'clock every day to abide by the principle of going to bed at 11 o'clock. God knows how long it took her to adjust her schedule!

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