Chapter 781 - 790

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Chapter 781: Crying because of her own stupidity.

  She really didn't expect that he would react so much. In her previous life, she downloaded it on her computer and watched it, and she didn't ask the male compatriots around her if they had seen this movie.

  Shouldn't she have brought him?

  Think about it if she saw two women kissing and caressing on the big screen...well, she wouldn't be able to accept it.

  "Sorry, I won't bring you with me next time. It's because I didn't think well." She only thought about it being a classic film, but forgot about the acceptance of this film by straight men.

  However, when she said it in such a gentle tone, the hairs on Roy's body suddenly fell down obediently: "It doesn't matter, it's not ugly."

  He was glad that there was only light from the big screen in the cinema at this time, otherwise he would have been very embarrassed. I wonder if my expression will make my words unconvincing at all.

  Taking this opportunity, he glanced at Nolan on the other side and found that he was watching with great interest, and his men would record something in a small notebook from time to time.

  Well, now he knows why they are directors and he can only be an actor. If you can't even sit still and watch other people's movies, how can you analyze and comprehend them properly?
  Thinking of this, his impetuous heart calmed down.

  As he watched the movie carefully, he found that the movie was unexpectedly rich in content.

  Except for some intimate scenes between the two male leads that he couldn't stand, Roy felt that the other scenes were well shot. Not only is the scenery very attractive, but also the emotional entanglement and inner release, the director tells an amazing love story through the lens.

  Especially in the second half, he could clearly hear the suppressed sobs from the nearby audience. And Laila, who was sitting next to him, kept taking out tissues and gently wiping her cheeks.

  This made Roy think deeply, how did the movie do it? Is it just a simple misfortune?
  No, it is the pain that I have always felt. Through the movie, the audience seems to be in the movie, feeling the protagonist's struggle, love and hate. Why can this be done? Obviously, in addition to the director's own directing ability, the actors' acting skills are also very outstanding. The audience doesn't feel like they are playing characters, but rather that they are real characters.

  Roy knew that everyone thought he had talent for acting, but he also knew that relying solely on talent would always stop him in one place and never make progress. His previous progress only made his talents more complete, but left no room for sublimation. So he has recently been studying micro-expressions and how to control them.

  That day when he was trying to figure out the role, Laila happened to go home. He didn't make too exaggerated an expression at that time, but he still shocked her. That time he used micro-expressions, using some micro-expressions that people don't often notice but are really useful to achieve the expression he wants to show.

  Now it seems that the expressions of the protagonists in "Brokeback Mountain" are very good. Only then can the audience be successfully brought into the movie and feel the grief they feel.

  After coming out of the theater, Roy still had a thoughtful look on his face. It wasn't until he saw Laila's red eyes that he took out another pack of tissues and handed it to her angrily and amusedly: "Fortunately, no one can recognize it now." I have to show you, otherwise your current image will definitely be used in media reports, and it will be paired with a line of headlines - Laila with a lot of tears and snot." Laila

  took the tissue and sniffed: "Director Ang Lee is so good. Let's deal with the plot." Even if it wasn't her first time watching it, she would still be saddened by the ending. "Why should I come here? Aren't you looking for abuse?"

  Roy couldn't stop laughing at her words. The person being abused was clearly him, right? Let him, a straight man, watch the relationship between two men. When he saw the intimate scene, he was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to put his hands.

  "Okay, let's not watch movies like this next time. What else do you want to see? "King Kong" and "Munich Massacre"?" He coaxed her softly.

  "Yeah." Laila nodded with a nasal tone.

  Seeing her like that made Roy's heart soften into a puddle. He reached out and held her in his arms: "Then let's go watch other movies to change our mood. Just "King Kong", "Munich" "Tragedy" sounds a bit depressing."

  Laila nodded again, then turned to Nolan: "Christopher, are you going to see "King Kong"?"

  Nolan was about to speak when he saw the man next to her using " If you dare to agree, I will tie you up and throw you into the river." He glared at him, so he refused wisely: "I won't go. I came here to see Heath Ledger. Performance."

  Then Laila remembered: "What do you think?"

  "Very good." Nolan gave a fair evaluation, but then added: "If Roy is not cast, I might look for him. But now that we have the best, there is no need for anyone else."

  Even if this guy still had some discernment, Roy was tickled by the "best" in his words and decided to forgive him for his behavior as a light bulb just now. .

  Saying goodbye to the light of the big cosmic lightbulb, Roy took Laila, whose eyes were still red, to buy tickets for "King Kong".

  Looking at the movie ticket in her hand, Laila couldn't help but think of a joke that had been circulated on the Internet, that is, after watching The Legend of the Condor Heroes, she knew that age was not a problem. After watching Brokeback Mountain, I know that gender is not a problem, after watching King Kong, I know that race is not a problem, after watching A Chinese Ghost Story, I know that life and death are not a problem... I wonder if

  this passage left such a deep impression on her mind that she took it Holding the movie ticket for "King Kong", I suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She just took her boyfriend to see a movie where homosexuality is not an issue, and now she takes him to see a movie where race is not an issue. Is she trying to trick herself into being single again?
  "Roy, everything in the movie is fake, you know that!" She solemnly held his hand and reminded him in a solemn tone.

  Roy was stunned by what she said: "Huh?" She had just burst into tears watching a movie, was she qualified to say such a thing?

  "You knew the movie was all fake, why did you cry like this?" He pointed at her eyes and asked funny.

  "I didn't mean that!" Laila covered her face, really wanting to cry because of her stupidity. She didn't know why she suddenly said that she doubted Roy's relationship with men and beasts... Her imagination must have reached the sky. Hopefully he didn't really understand what she meant.

  "Okay, I know what you mean, I won't take it seriously." Thinking of the movie just now and her sudden serious tone, he seemed to suddenly understand something. Isn't she worried that she will like a man too?
  "The only thing I love most in this world is you." What a great opportunity to confess his love, Roy naturally would not waste it. He grabbed her hand, held his and kissed it before leading her back to the cinema.

  Laila is complete. It's so nice to have a boyfriend who always knows when to say some sweet words to make your girlfriend happy!

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