Chapter 591 - 600

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Chapter 591 Thank you very much.

  Alyssa glanced at the laptop several times, then gritted her teeth and got out of the car and walked towards the abandoned factory.

  It was not very dark at this time, and there was still some orange light shining in from outside. The more she walked, the more frightened she became, feeling as if she had arrived at the production site of a horror movie. If a brutal murderer with a chainsaw suddenly appeared from a dark place at this time, she might not be surprised.

  "Roy, are you there?" she called out timidly. If she didn't make any noise, she was really afraid that she would be suffocated by the quiet atmosphere here.

  A dark shadow flashed.

  As Alyssa exclaimed, she recognized Roy's figure appearing not far away.

  "Roy! God, it's so good to see you!" Her tears couldn't stop coming out. She was really scared to death just now!

  "Stand there and don't come near me." Roy said coldly.

  Alyssa's figure suffocated and she stopped where she was in embarrassment. Fortunately, compared with just now, her fear had dissipated a lot when she saw him. It's funny to say that the biggest danger should come from him. In the silence and darkness just now, Roy, an "acquaintance", made her feel a sense of security.

  "Okay, I won't go there." She swallowed and looked around. She didn't know if it was because it was too dark and scary here, but she always felt like she was being stared at. It was as if there were a pair of eyes hidden in the darkness, waiting to tear her skin apart at any time, drag her into the dark space, and then eat her...

  It was all the manager's fault. If he hadn't said so at that time, he would have given up the meeting place. It will be fine if the other party decides. If it were her, she would definitely choose a safer place, like a coffee shop.

  But she forgot, how could Roy go with her to places where people come and go at this time? She didn't even know that just when she walked in, her agent also called to inform several paparazzi that had been arranged.

  When he heard that Roy had chosen the location himself, he had already crossed out the options of reporters and paparazzi. The agent felt that if it were him, he would definitely choose some closed place where outsiders cannot enter to meet. But after hearing Roy's voice really coming from the laptop, he realized that he had actually set the meeting place at a place where anyone could come if they wanted to.

  For him, this was a huge advantage. Those paparazzi have never entered any difficult place. A place that looks dangerous like this is simply safe for them.

  Go in quietly and take a few photos quietly... No, it doesn't matter even if you don't quietly, what will happen if you are discovered? The photo is in their hands. If it could be explained as a misunderstanding last time, then what is the date in an empty abandoned factory like this? If Roy's reputation is ruined, he will have no choice but to cooperate with them.

  After making a few calls to the paparazzi he was well connected with and getting assurances that they would come over as soon as possible, the agent patted his thigh proudly. What about big stars? What's the point of being spotted by a big director? Aren't you going to be his stepping stone?
  At this time, Alyssa was also working hard for her future.

  "Roy, thank you for being willing to meet me. You may not know how important this is to me! Thank you, thank you very much!" Thank you for putting the ladder to becoming a big star in front of me!

  Roy was standing with his back to the light, so he couldn't see his expression clearly, but judging from his voice just now, his mood shouldn't be so bad that he wanted to kill someone, which made Alyssa feel a little relieved. Go down some.

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