Chapter 481 - 490

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Chapter 481 The Power of Two Movie Tickets (3)

  That night, the interview in the movie theater was aired by a movie-related program on NBC. It is a very popular program that usually focuses on the latest movies and related information. Today, their on-location interview team was interviewing the people who came out after the movie, so that the audience could learn more about the movie.

  The reason why we did not adopt the live broadcast format that is most popular with the audience is mainly because we are afraid that some viewers will "spoiler" in public. If that happens, not only will the film producers have to protest to them, but the audience will also spray them to death. Not many people are willing to spend money to watch a story that already knows the ending. Even if they watch it, they will only lose a lot of fun.

  Generally, those who like to watch movies are young people, and middle-aged people also account for a large proportion. The entertainment gossip in the program is also the favorite of many housewives, so this program is still very popular with everyone.

  But no one expected that they, who were sitting in front of the TV watching the program as usual, would actually see Laila's appearance on the TV.

  In order to create a "surprise", the program team did not let Laila and Lila appear at the beginning. Instead, they first showed a few interviews with ordinary passers-by, asking some questions about "what movies they watched" and "what do they think about the movies?" Little questions like "How do you feel?"

  Then, without the audience noticing, they saw the host on the TV running towards a couple holding hands. After the host stopped them, the audience showed expressions of disbelief just like the host.

  "It's Roy, and Laila!" The audience was excited and quickly picked up the phone to notify friends and acquaintances.

  The TV station's ratings skyrocketed at this moment.

  The on-location host's surprise was quite real, so the audience could tell that this was not an arranged interview, but an "accidental encounter."

  At the entrance of a movie theater, I met two people who just walked out of it. What does this mean?
  This is how they were caught on a date!

  I don't know how many spectators who saw this scene screamed with excitement.

  This is so fun!
  With the popularity of "Pirates of the Caribbean", one of them has become the hottest star in the world, and the other has become the most watched talented director. Their romance is as exciting as a phone call. In addition, few people can take pictures of them together, so how can they not make the audience excited when they suddenly appear?

  On the TV, the "armed" two people seemed a little helpless. They probably didn't expect that they would be discovered dressed like this, and they were an interview team. Looking at their expressions, the audience felt a sense of triumphant joy. I told you to hide, but you've been caught now, right?

  The happy audience watched with schadenfreude as the two were asked questions by the host. They originally wanted to hear more gossip about them, but unexpectedly they were asked a lot of questions about the movie.

  Please! After finally catching the two of them, how could they just ask such irrelevant questions? Ask them where they go on dates? What do you do on a date? Also, what love words do you usually say when you get along? How could you just ask about the movie?

  Fortunately, this is not a live program, otherwise the host on the TV would have been shaken to pieces by being resented by so many people.

  But then, the audience who were complaining about the host's inability to ask questions began to be attracted by the answers on the TV. When the host asked the two what they thought of "Pearl Harbor", many people who had watched the movie felt relieved when they saw Roy Nathun's sarcastic remarks.

  They all went to forums or FB to write - "Roy is so right. It was a movie that you will regret after watching it. I really don't know what was going through my mind at that time to make me suffer in the cinema." Three hours of crime! Not worth paying attention to at all!"

  Someone else wrote: "If you want to break up with your girlfriend, then take her to see Pearl Harbor. I guarantee you will be dumped before the movie is over."

  Roy One sentence caused a wave of criticism of "Pearl Harbor" on the Internet. I don't know if those people have actually watched it or just joined in the fun. In short, they all tied the movie to the pillar of shame. You whip, I spit, one by one I spurn it with bitterness and hatred.

  The interview on TV was not over yet. Laila said that the reason why she did not choose her own movie to watch was because she tried her best in everything.

  This sentence also attracted a lot of echoes on the Internet. Unlike the one-sided criticism of "Pearl Harbor", her "Pirates of the Caribbean" was more praised. The audience's eyes are sharp, and you will understand after watching the movie whether it is done with care or not.

  Judging from the box office, there are many more people who have watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" than "Pearl Harbor," which means there are many people who can vouch for the former on the Internet. When these people express their own words of appreciation, more people will have a good impression of the movie.

  This is the result of word-of-mouth. If so many people are saying it is good, aren't you curious about how good it is? Don't you want to go into a movie theater and see what is so good that everyone is praising it?

  The "Fast and Furious" that Laila and Roy threw next became the latest topic of discussion. Some people who have watched it said that what they said was right. It was a movie that would make you feel very excited after watching it. After watching the movie, my heart seemed to be beating fiercely, and even my blood seemed to be boiling.

  As a result, almost as soon as the interview was played, the popularity of "Fast and Furious" on the Internet instantly increased a lot. Many people want to see how good this movie is and how interesting it is to the leading directors in Hollywood.

  The day before, Louise was still confused about Laila's statement that "two tickets mixed up the box office". When she came to the company the next day, she was shocked by the reports that appeared one after another. Only then did she realize that there were really so many things that two tickets could do.

  First of all, "Pearl Harbor" was criticized. It can be imagined that the box office will not be much better in the future. Then there was "Pirates of the Caribbean" which got a lot of attention due to the date between Leila and Roy. Many people who had not seen it yet but heard that it was good couldn't help but choose it as their first choice for dates and family gatherings. .

  In the end, they were hit on the head by the happy pie "Fast and Furious". They never expected that a movie following the trend would be favored by director Moran. With her reputation, it would be impossible for their film not to be well-received. Being able to get such an opportunity for publicity and promotion "for free" on TV made the film producer smile almost crookedly.

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