Chapter 171 - 180

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Chapter 171 Movie Release

  She never considered herself to be kind, and even thought that kindness was something only a coward could show. If Roy couldn't bring her any benefits, why would she bring him to Hollywood? She cultivated him and gave him opportunities for the benefit he would bring to her in the future. Where did the word kindness come from?

  Perhaps in the eyes of every mother, children are always the purest and kindest, right?

  It's a pity that the little Laila that Janet knew has long since disappeared with the disappearance of her life. Now what lives in this body is just a soul with a black heart, a thief who stole the happiness that belonged to her.

  Seemingly sensing her absence, Janet patted her back vigorously: "What are you waiting for? Go to the red carpet. Do you want your fans to stand there until the end of the world?" "Yes."

  Laila She smiled habitually, and when the driver parked the car in front of the red carpet, she and her mother got out of the car.

  "It's Laila!"

  "Director! Director!"

  The fans gathered on both sides were excited. They gathered here not only to see those beautiful stars, but also to see Laila with their own eyes. It's really hard to know anything about her. The only time I could see her clearly was in the FOX live room, when she and Cooper appeared on the same stage because of a bet.

  I don't know how many people fell in love with her appearance at that time. Her elegance, her wisdom, and her occasional stubbornness have all become the reasons why fans like her, and she has become the last lady in the United States.

  Why the last one? Look at those young ladies who appear on the entertainment pages all day long. They are either involved in scandals or gossip. Which one can achieve a career at such a young age like Laila and not have the arrogant temper of a young lady at all?

  Today, Janet prepared a sapphire blue long dress for Laila, with a cute little round neck, embellished with silver chains around the waist, and gorgeous embroidery below the skirt, making this dress with a mature color appear Not so calm and old-fashioned, more highlighting Laila's own youth without appearing too cheerful. The skirt, which was perfectly tailored to fit her figure, also showed off her slightly slender figure, giving her waist a slender beauty.

  In fact, according to Janet's idea, she prefers that her daughter can wear more beautiful colors, such as bright red or pink, or golden orange. In her opinion, young girls should wear youthful colors. Otherwise, would they wait until they are older to wear them and then be called old monsters from behind?

  But Laila is not interested in those bright colors. Just look at the clothes that have never been worn in the closet. No matter how many pieces you make, no matter what the scene is, she says she won't wear them. Just don't wear it. That's why Janet can only use the colors she is willing to wear to make changes, trying to make those calm colors more lively.

  Usually at this time, Janet would miss her obedient "childhood" very much. Of course, she would prefer that her daughter in front of her could have a healthy body like a normal one.

  Listening to the fans around her shouting Laila's name, she quietly held her daughter's hand, feeling nothing but pride.

  Laila didn't know that her mother was complaining about her outfit, and now her attention was entirely focused on the movie fans around her. She knows how important fans are to movies, so she has always been very kind to her fans and followers. When the movie fans surrounding the outer circle were crying and shouting, hoping that she would look over, she would cooperate and look over to give them an elegant wave. At this time, the cheers from movie fans are the strongest.

  This time there were even more fans than last time, and there were at least nearly 1,000 people in attendance. Fortunately for the media who came to interview them, this time they no longer had to crowd together with movie fans. Phoenix Company finally remembered their existence and left them an exclusive space in the most suitable location for photography.

  However, although the space is available, it is still obviously insufficient for the huge team of reporters. A reporter who occupied the best position was said to have been waiting there several hours in advance.

  Facts also proved that he made a very correct choice. Just look at the reporters who followed. They couldn't even squeeze into the reporter's territory. They were pushed away by fans and moviegoers so that they couldn't even see their shadow.

  Laila and Janet walked into the theater and saw the actors standing in their seats chatting. Seeing them coming in, they all came over to say hello to her.

  Roy is probably the most embarrassed among them. Until now, he still doesn't know if Laila has calmed down, and he still doesn't dare to come within three feet of her. It's a pity that the two of them are very close to each other, with Louise between them. Before Louise came in, they were so close that they could see each other's eyelashes clearly.

  Sitting in her seat, Laila felt Roy peeking at her, and said calmly: "What? You don't recognize me after not seeing me for a few days?" "

  Ah? No!" Roy didn't expect that she would suddenly turn to him. Speaking, she trembled with fright and quickly denied: "I was just looking at who was sitting over there!" "

  Really?" Laila didn't say whether she believed it or not, twitching her lips and looking at the big screen, Tuliu Roy guessed whether she believed it or not.

  As fans and the media who had obtained tickets entered the venue, the lights in the cinema gradually dimmed, and the much-anticipated movie finally kicked off amidst excitement.

  Death Comes begins with a very attractive plot. A group of students get on a plane, waiting for an exotic trip. After the male protagonist noticed various strange phenomena, he felt uneasy in his heart. Under this uneasiness, the plane took off, and soon it turned into a brilliant spark in the sky.

  The male protagonist clearly felt that his skin was burned by the flames produced by the explosion, and the feeling of suffocation made him feel as if he was dead. He suddenly woke up and realized that it was just a dream, a real dream that frightened him.

  But is it really a dream?
  Various omens similar to those in his dream appeared in his sight, and his uneasiness gradually increased. Even when the people around him noticed his strangeness and came to comfort him, they could not calm him down. Finally, in the chaos, he forced himself off the plane, along with his friends and several other people affected by the chaos.

  When everyone thought that the young man was looking for trouble, the plane took off and then... exploded in the air just as the young man said.

  People in the waiting room couldn't believe their eyes. The fireworks in the sky were so dazzling, reminding them that this was not a dazzle or an illusion, but a real thing.

  They didn't dare to think about what would have happened if they had not left the plane just now. They only knew that being able to stand here safely was entirely due to that young man. He saved all of them! But why did he know that such a tragedy was going to happen? devil? monster? Or some other incredible situation?

Reborn Hollywood socialiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora