"I just need my shoes." I walked past Jasper and got the purple pumps off the bed.

"Wow... Shannon... You look amazing." He held out his hand as I spoke. I smiled and placed my hand in his. He kissed it and bowed, making me giggle. He then put my hand through his arm.

"Have fun." Alice said, smiling.

We walked out of the door and into the hotel corridor.

"First time in a hotel, huh?" Jasper asked me.


"Don't say you're nervous." He teased.

"Not nervous." I rolled my eyes but I did feel a little bit nervous.

"You're lying." He said, softly.

"No I'm not." I shook my head but he smiled and pulled me close.

"A promise I can make to you is... I will never ever let anyone hurt you." A flash of guilt ran through me but before Jasper could ask why, we were in a room surrounded by humans. I flinched at the overwhelming smell.

The room was filled with families and couples eating dinner. We had to wait to be seated. The waitress led us to a table for two.

"Somewhere more private?" Jasper requested, slipping a hundred dollar bill into her hand. She nodded and walked us over to the booths. Some of them were filled with families but most of them were empty.

"Drinks, sir?" She asked him.

"Two Cokes." He replied. She nodded and left us alone.

We sat down opposite each other. His hand was stretched across the polished wooden table towards mine. He didn't quite touch me though.


"This was a bad idea. I'm sorry... I didn't think..." I looked at my adoptive father and shook my head.

"No. No it wasn't." Jasper looked at me with pained eyes.

"I love you Shannon. I'm sorry that it's not enough to help you..."

"It's more than enough." Jasper squeezed my hand then let go as the waitress came back with two glasses of coke.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked, placing the drinks down and taking a notebook and pen out of her apron.

"One cheeseburger meal and one tomato soup." Jasper replied.

"Is that all?" Jasper nodded and she left again.

"You don't eat." I looked at him, confused.

"But you do."

"Yes but I don't even LIKE tomato soup." Jasper smiled.

"Appearances honey."

"YOU'RE having the soup?" I asked in disbelief. He smiled and winked.

"We Cullens have to take risks to stay in one place."

"Yes but why soup?"

"Because... It's easily flavored," He pushed a glass of Coke to me. "Drink." I picked up the glass and drank, surprised by my thirst.

I put the empty glass back down and looked over at Jasper.

"What did you mean... Flavored?" He pushed his full glass towards me, avoiding my eyes.

"We have a way. And I'm sorry honey but I can't tell you it."

"Oh... Why not?"

"Because then you and Nessie will want it and will stop you from being who you actually are."

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