8. The wife's pet

Start from the beginning

"What about the female lead? Didn't you guys like her?"

Evelyn became quiet for a few seconds before speaking again.

"She's okay..."

"Then that's the end of the discussion."

Zadhea lifted her tea cup to drink a sip, showing her disinterestedness regarding that topic.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Evelyn was aggrieved.

Zadhea put her tea cup down and looked at her emotionally. Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke, "You don't know anything."

"Then tell me what it is. Otherwise, how can I understand you!?"

Evelyn tried hard to control the anger bubbled in her heart. She really hated her best friend shutting herself from her. She hated it so much. Why couldn't she just open her stupid mouth for once? Did she think of her as a mind-reader? Ugh!

"My mom was severely sick and hospitalized... She only had me..." Zadhea couldn't speak anymore. She started crying uncontrollably.

Evelyn went to her side and hugged her without saying anything. She slowly patted her back till she calmed down.

"Please Theresa..." Zadhea looked at her friend pleadingly. "Help me to go back. I wanna see my mom. I miss her too much."

"Oh-kay..." Evelyn sighed. "I'll try my best to help you. You must be happy, bestie."

At this moment, a servant interrupted them. Bending his body forward, he said, "Princess Zadhea, the queen asked you to open your gifts."

Zadhea wiped her eyes. "No need. Just bring me the letters only. As for other gifts, ask her to donor them to charity directly."

When the servant left, Evelyn couldn't help but snapped at Zadhea. "Are you kidding me? Why did you do that? At least take your future father-in-law's gift. He presented you one of the most expensive diamond necklaces in the world. When Mimosa found out about it, she became so greedy that she got even more determined to be the future wife of Prince Heidith. But you... You didn't even open it!"

"I don't need these things," Zadhea simply replied. "I'm not marrying his son. I think we should return the gift."

"Nah," Evelyn opposed. "He'll be upset. So don't do that. He gave it as a birthday present not as a betrothal gift. So it won't be a problem."

"Hmm. If you say so..."

Zadhea spent the rest of day writing letters of gratitude for the guests who gave her cards and presents.


King Foneth was stunned when he finished reading the thank you letter he received from his future daughter-in-law when they were still in the middle of the ocean, heading for their country.

A part of the letter:

"Thank you again for giving me that gift, your Highness. I felt like I need to let you know my decision regarding that necklace. It's so expensive after all. I decided to give it to charity. I especially mentioned them about your present. They asked me to let you know about their gratitude. Honestly, I think this way, the necklace will find its true value..."

When Heidith saw his father's dumbfounded expression, he became curious and poked his nose into it. Actually, it was rare to see him like that. So don't blame him for being a busybody.

(Prince Heidith: It's about my future wife. That means it's my business as well, humph!)

Heidith read the letter over the king's shoulder and became stupefied as well.

"Dad, why do you think she did that?" He couldn't help asking.

"Maybe she wanted to impress us by showing that she is a good, kind-hearted girl?" The king honestly stated what was in his mind.

Or else, why would she do that? It was one of the most expensive diamond necklaces in the whole wide world! It costs hundreds of thousands. A sane person would never give it away for charity.

"I don't think so." Said the prince. "If she wants to impress us, she can find countless ways to do that. Why the need to use the necklace? If she is a greedy person, she will never even think about abandoning the necklace. I think she's simply not interested in heavy jewelleries. Mom said that some women like simple accessories. Anyways, the necklace belongs to her. Whether to keep it or not is entirely her decision. We can't judge her for that."

Nevertheless, he didn't understand what she meant by necklace finding its true value. What kind of nonsense was that?

But of course, he wouldn't mention it in front of others.

The king chuckled when he heard about his beloved.

"Definitely not your mom, though. She likes everything big."

Luckily, his son was still a child.

The prince smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Seems like your future wife is different. Good for you, son." The king teased him.

"Dad..." The prince became aggrieved.

"Oh, by the way... why didn't I realize it before? You just took your future wife's side, didn't you?" The king continued teasing while scratching his chin.


"Yeah. He took her side at the banquet too." Derek shamelessly butt in.


"Oh, really? Already a wife's pet I see."

Prince Heidith didn't know what to do with these people anymore. Thus he remained silent.

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