chapter 418

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Jeremy had been talking to one of the doctors to whom he had given Elsa's medical report.

When the doctor said he had gone through Elsa’s entire report and had a good idea of what her tumor looked like, Jeremy asked, “Doctor, could you please give me every symptom my wife has, and will experience while dealing with this tumor?”

Jeremy still remembered what Lui had told him about Elsa dying inside. He wondered if it had something to do with her mental health.

“Well, Mr. Callahan... Her symptoms and effects for this brain tumor include a headache or pressure in the head that is worse in the morning. Headaches that will happen more often and seem more severe as the five years she has left slowly come to an end. Headaches that are sometimes described as tension headaches or migraines.

“She will or has already experienced nausea or vomiting, dizziness, or a sense that the world is spinning, also called vertigo. She will experience a change in sensation, vision, smell, and/or hearing without losing consciousness.

“Another possible result of this brain tumor, which I pray does not happen, is partial or complete loss of vision caused by a tumor in the occipital lobe or temporal lobe of the cerebrum.”

“Wait, brain tumors can cause blindness?” Jeremy asked.

“Yes, they can.”

Jeremy’s heart was in pain. He sighed shakily. “Oh god!”

“But they can also cause vision changes instead of blindness.” the Doctor said.

“What does vision changes mean?”

“Vision changes, including loss of part of the vision or double vision, can also be from a tumor in the temporal lobe, occipital lobe, or brain stem, which is where her brain tumor is.”

Jeremy sighed not knowing what to answer.

The doctor continued, “Brain tumors can cause eye problems, such as blurry vision, seeing double, or losing sight on the sides of your vision.”

Jeremy could only pray that Elsa does not experience that. Ever!

“Any other symptoms, Doctor?”

“The Brain tumor may cause a loss of awareness or a partial or total loss of consciousness.”

Jeremy remembered Elsa fainting a lot in the past. So, she had experienced that.

“It can cause changes in judgment. Something you thought they would never do, you find them doing it. Also, they can cause personality changes.”

When Jeremy heard that, his eyes went wide. “What does that mean?” he breathed.

“Brain tumors can affect someone’s personality and have them develop multiple personalities. I’m actually surprised you haven’t told me your wife has shown personality or behavior changes.”

Jeremy immediately remembered that night when Elsa had extreme mood swings around him years ago. Was it mood swings or did Jeremy notice Elsa switch from one personality to another?

As Jeremy was debating internally, he asked, “What are these personalities?”

“They are something the patients create for a reason. And most of the time when they switch personalities, they develop memory problems.”

“So Elsa could have, or might already have, a multiple personality disorder?”

“Yes, Mr. Callahan. Try to remember the Elsa you knew before, and the Elsa now. Does she have the same personality? Or has she changed?”

Jeremy sat down and started comparing. Jeremy had noticed Elsa stopped watching Pikachu. That was not something Elsa would ever miss. She treasured Pikachu so much. But now, she didn’t even seem to care for it anymore.

Even her phone case was no longer Pikachu.

Jeremy noticed her change in clothes. She used to be very bubbly with her colors. She wore pink, blue, purple, yellow... Now she wore black almost all the time. Her style was more mature, bold, and intimidating. It only consisted of dark colors.

Elsa used to blush a lot. But she no longer blushed at compliments, smiled at the littlest things, or giggled with a charming voice.

Elsa was always afraid of confrontation. She avoided it a lot and just ran away from it. Now she put people in their place very often. She was fearless and very assertive.

Jeremy remembered that glow in Elsa’s eyes from before. Comparing the look in Elsa’s eyes from before and today, her gaze had changed a lot.

Even the way she spoke had changed.

Jeremy wondered why he had not picked this up sooner. He had been too happy to have her again that he didn’t pay much attention to how differently she acted around him.

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